How are Epic Premades Fun?

I didn’t ignore that first part of the sentence infact I quoted the whole thing . Infact that’s why I think you are entitled attitude because of that very sentence.

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HODL as they said for the bitcoin…

Where, do premade go to play Epic BG’s at? They play in Non Rated because there are no Epic BG’s to play in rated pvp…

This is blizzards doing… Non rated is a practice field for Premade to test out things and a majority of them play in non rated bg’s of something when rated queue are real slow…

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Vast majority of these premades would not do rated epics if they existed anyways, there simply isn’t the player count, also most aren’t good at PvP, so actual rated players would own them.


This couldnt be anymore false

If most aren’t good at PvP, why are they supposedly such an unstoppable force? What are they doing differently that the 40 people on the other side apparently can’t compete?

No…if someone doesn’t want to do epics now, they wouldn’t start doing them just because they became rated.

I like seeing my killfeed full of titles like “Grand Marshal”, “Commander”, “Knight”, or seeing dudes I’ve killed with “Arena Master”, “Duelist”, “Rival” etc.

For my part they are right. I don’t come into pvp wanting to learn every single rotation or make the game like work. Some love the fact they have to dive into a class get perfect talent structure and perfect amount of this or that and perfect rotations and perfect builds with perfect gear, I don’t that’s not my cup of tea. I want to come in have friends to play with and have fun in PvP. I do ok in 1v1 or rated but i’m not that person wanting to run a class down into a job for myself. So rated gets a little stressful for me as most of the other team loves to crunch every little number into the ground.

Stacking healers

Queue times would be insane, forming RBGs is already hard enough. There would only be like 5 teams queueing (if that) would get pretty boring pretty quick i can imagine.

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From experience, they don’t even know who in the community is queuing. They aren’t organizing groups around specific roles.

Just the call is made that queues are happening in:


They aren’t stacking the deck against you.

It could be that most of the healers who play epics, don’t really like the solo experience, herding cats is fun for only so long.


Whether they purposely plan to have lots of healers, or just happen to have many in the community the result is the same, they have an advantage over pugs.


So, they aren’t stacking anything? They just have more healers. So people can’t compete.

That answers your original question

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Oh well. Not my issue. Almost all of my healers are not in the various communities. So I’m actively contributing to non premade player games in that respect.

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id be crazy enough to do it

Amazingly enough a real premade only needs 10 people and a party of 5 can breeze through a non rated Epvp and even if I alone have leader I can win a non rated Epvp just by saying I’m a premade leader let’s win, those simple words do something in the minds of lessor informed players. EPVP = Epic player vs player BG’s for short.

its fun if you are stomping ,not so much if you are one getting stomped.

Blizzard is also familiar with the degenerate behavior of these premade raids.

With so few teams, there would undoubtedly be coordination to help their members gear up or gain rating.

I’m pretty sure they know who else is queuing. After all, these are premade raids of “friends.” It would be kinda odd if they don’t even know which of their “friends” are queuing.

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Degenerate behavior, LOL a bit melodramatic to say the least.

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There can be 1000 members in a community.

Some communities have spill over communities for alts and what not.

Sometimes there is more than 100 online at any one time.

Some players are doing other things when queuing is happening.

My point is that there is no organisation beforehand.

There is no one making sure certain groups or roles are queuing.

The call is made, people queue, or not.

Perhaps you should join some, see how they work, instead of assuming how they work. Technically you don’t have to queue with them, if it makes you feel so bad. But you could lurk, and find out that you are unjustified in some of your beliefs.

And I’d happily call any player who wants to win, either on my team, or theirs, a friend. Regardless of if we’re btags or know each others names.

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