How are Epic Premades Fun?

Premade, what? I don’t do trial of style haha. He got that just by queueing solo.

That was a long time ago, but yes, people could queue in full raid groups. People complained.

It was restricted to only 5 man groups could click the queue button.

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Thank you, didn’t know that.

Those are the same thing tho


verb: complain; 3rd person present: complains; past tense: complained; past participle: complained; gerund or present participle: complaining

  1. express dissatisfaction or annoyance about something.

  2. state that one is suffering from (a pain or other symptom of illness).

3.(of a structure or mechanism) groan or creak under strain.
make a mournful sound.
“let the warbling flute complain”


Complain, grumble, growl, whine are terms for expressing dissatisfaction or discomfort. To complain is to protest against or lament a wrong: to complain about high prices.

What I think you ment was

Complaints means expressions of discontent, pain, or grief when used as a noun. Complains means expressing discomfort, pain, or unease when used as a verb.

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im not convinced its the same person

oh damn…the dictionary had to come out…i peek in and we are schooling him now …right on

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Well I mean that’s easy to do esp when half those people can’t ever put a decent tmog together ofc they are going to vote for the most ugly one over better looking tmogs .

Because #1 they are jealous

#2 they troll

But considering his hideous tmog I’m going with it was make me laugh theme which is the easiest one to win in 1st .

I’m hardly Impressed .

I had 98x in 1st place in s1 surpass my all time high score then I’ll be impressed til then nothing impressed me at all.

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Who’s not the same person :sob::skull:

Is that you John Wayne? Is this me?

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Right if he argues about the darn dictionary then I’m just done rotfl :joy::sob::sob::sob::skull::skull::skull::skull:

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well i wouldn’t blame you truly

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Yeah cuz at that point there’s no hope for survival :sob::sob::sob::skull::skull::skull::skull::skull::skull:

well this just proves I am wasting my time you prove me right while also saying I am wrong XD yikes

it’s literally they put their fingers in their ears and say lalalaalalala just to avoid truth

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lol you think you are right ? you said complain and complaining were two diff things i provided the dictionary definition saying they are the same thing . you were thinking of the word complaint which is different then complain or complaining in how you use them . good riddance you are still wrong dude .

please learn how to troll better . yikes

It literally says they are different XD

its the same thing from the dictionary itself

yes proving me right…

they really do they like to go back in circles

wtf are you even talking about… yall need help honestly lol