How are Epic Premades Fun?

I get their issue and have tried to find common ground but it’s their way or the highway…Yap Yap Yap it goes on and on like a never-ending river


Seems to me like the only one who has been nonstop complaining is you


I laughed way harder then I should have

where? please provide evidence.

lol it is though with this one…just a non stop i want it my way right now…like a child that didn’t get a toy in the store…kicking and screaming

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The more you know :joy:

All anyone has to do is look at your replies the evidence is all there .

You know how a toddler has a tantrum in phases? When you get past the first “NO” it just becomes saying NO harder and more aggressively.


I asked you to provide evidence you made a claim please back it up.

Sounds like me training my puppy not to chew on stuff

It’s lit all your replies when we look at your activity lul

do you get the feeling we might be dealing with the angry german kid from youtube…NEIN NEIN NEIN

You made the claim provide the evidence

I bet that dudes runs an Audi factory or something. Rather I think it’s just someone who can’t tell themselves NO the same way they can tell others NO, and that’s unfortunate… for them, I mean.

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You see there’s this button that pops up when you click your picture that says activity . Then Bam ! All the evidence is there I can look through every reply you’ve ever posted on your toon !

It’s quite magical comedy at that :face_with_hand_over_mouth::coffee::coffee::doughnut::doughnut::cookie::cookie::chocolate_bar::candy::lollipop::cupcake::cake::cake::cake::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn:

Nein Nein Nein …they chuck the keyboard at the wall

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This will be a 1000 post thread of nothing if people keep responding to Thaedreu


YOU made the claim YOU need to provide the evidence how is it on me to prove YOUR claim?

Move over, Thae, this is OUR boulder pile now.


we be feedin da trolls mon

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