How are Epic Premades Fun?

there is a thread called “yep another one” you could try that thread to continue your campaign of omg i’m getting beat and i can’t take it anymore…oh wait you started that thread

where did i say that? oh wait I didn’t XD move along bud

Absolute robot behavior.

trolling is boring and childish please grow up :slight_smile:

I’m just jigling your handle, you need some help is all.

*im sorry this edit is jank, but it didnt let me spell jig-gle

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why do i need help?

Ever had something that just won’t flush? Or rather, it makes a whining sound after it’s done draining all the waste.

just get to the point bud

Dot i told you speak to the level of the person you are talking to sheesh

For real man please grow up it will be doing the world a favor

Remember to tip your repair man.

I don’t speak pidgin, or whatever simplified excuse for communication they’re attempting.

next time i make a post that is of good nature and has nothing to do with premades don’t bring your whinning to my thread…nuff said

oooo now your tuff guy hahaha you have yet to prove what i am “whining” about as well so either show up or shut up bud

At anyrate i spoke my peace…i doubt you will understand it but i tried

They refuse to communicate. Communication is cheating.


I really enjoyed seeing you in that IOC- I’m sorry I was rocking 5 stacks of death wish, but I had damage to do.

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all you kids run in a pack to it’s funny if one can’t “win” they call on there cronies to come troll XD pathetic honestly but anyways have the days you deserve kiddos :slight_smile:

it’s like a one way street with this one…they speak like niagra falls and so loud they can’t hear anyone else that speaks back.

at my age i love being called a kid thank you for that

Some people consider the opposite of talking to be shutting up, some believe the opposite of talking to be listening. I’m firmly of the belief that Sissyfits is apart of the former camp, so I’m also of the mind that they have a similar predicament in talking with rather than talking at.

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