How are all you doing out there, surviving the apocalypse?

hooray… they’ve finally announced schools will be closing next week (on tuesday, not monday) :roll_eyes:

too little too late, and more drastic measures are required to protect the community.

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“You should look into Elderberry. It is the BEST Immune Support that I have ever found. Get some, and take it, if you can. It WILL help.”

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Doing great so far… Maine has some cases, but we’re pretty well isolated up here, which is a blessing. And as a digital/internet marketing and web development entrepreneur, I work from home and am naturally self-isolated. Also helps being an introvert who is a homebody…

My best thoughts go out to all of you. Stay safe. Use common sense. And kudos to all of you who have to be “out there” for your jobs. Take extra care. This will pass. Eventually.


:roll_eyes: If that were true, why are doctors and nurses wearing masks when treating patients already infected with covid-19?

We hit 25k cases in the U.S. I think the pressure for people to wear masks in public will only increase from here. The only reason why we aren’t at the moment is expediency. We can’t get enough of them.

There is a serious imbalance between supply and demand. I listened to a press conf of the NY governor. The lack of supply in the U.S. apparently forcing NYS to buy overseas. He said N95 masks that were 80 cents are now selling for $4. So much for U.S. manufacturing.

“The Doctors aren’t just wearing surgical masks, they are also wearing full gear. That is different than just wearing a mask over your nose and mouth, so you don’t cough on any one. It CAN help.”

Just read an article that said the virus is about a micron wide and the best masks, i.e. N95, have mesh that is 3 microns wide, so it does indeed stop the virus.

Our medical folks needs these masks to help others. The rest of us should be staying at home for the short duration. The U.S. has a shortage of masks and was ill-equipped to deal with this pandemic.

Just sheer coincidence then that the countries in Asia that have apparently flattened their curve have most of their people who are walking in public wearing masks. Uh huh.

“My point EXACTLY. It CAN help.”

U.S. underwear manufacturers to the rescue. Sort of. But better than nothing.

Matt Hall, a spokesman for Hanes, said Trump administration officials called the company about a week ago to see if Hanes could start making face masks. Hanes and a group of other yarn and clothing companies agreed to make up to 6 million masks a week, he said.
But Hanes is not making the most-sought-after N-95 masks. “They are masks that would be helpful to prevent somebody from sneezing and coughing from spreading any kind of germs that they might have,” Mr. Hall said, adding that the Food and Drug Administration approved a prototype that can be used if N-95s were not available.

i did.
no blind studies have shown it to be of any benefit.
…and it seems to mess with cytokines… which doesn’t seem ideal with the way COVID-19 works.

If you feel it works for you, that’s great, but claiming something “will help”, when there is no factual basis to the claims… nope… not a fan of that.

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“It’s just to strengthen your immunity system. It’s not a cure all. It does help me to stay strong, along with Vitamin C, and D3.”

1: trying to level a brewmaster void elf , doing stuff on my main

2:just went to grab smokes , felt a need to wash my hand/keys and everything i touched after getting back home , hope i can stay in #1 more often .

i hope that didn’t come across as too mean.

i came in to give an update, and i’m upset right now, so it may have come off a bit harsh.

i spent 5 hours trying to get brave enough to go to the shop.
i checked all the limits on what we’re allowed to buy.
fresh fruit and veg = no limits.
…but i got to the register, and was told i wasn’t allowed to have more than 750g of potatoes.
i burst into tears because i’m under so much stress right now.
i never thought i’d cry over potatoes. :sob:

if there was something out there which could help my immune system, i’d hope one of my doctors would have been able to find the answer by now.


“I feel for you, really.”
/understanding hug

“I was just hoping I could help. I wish you good health, and hope to see you when this all blows over.”
/big healing, sisterly, comforting hug
/hopeful smile

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at least we’re allowed to give virtual hugs…
a real one would probably help my stress levels right now.

weird thing is, i’ve lived my life like this for 10 years or so… it’s just “normal” for me to shop big once a month to avoid contact with germy humans.
…but i’m not allowed to do that now, because it’s considered hoarding.
instead, i have to go out regularly, and put myself at risk.
i’m at the point where i think the next trip to the shop will just be chocolate, chips, and ice-cream… because there’s no limit on junk food!
if i’m gonna die, i wanna die happy!!


Braved the grocery store today, since I’m so much of a prepper that i’d probably starve in the next 3 days if everything shut down.

Never seen shelves so empty. No eggs, barely any milk, most of the canned goods and meat completely gone, absolutely no paper towels, paper plates/bowls, toilet paper, shelves were practically bare. Buying limits were posted on everything, max of 2 bread products or 2 pounds of ground beef or 2 cans of beans per customer. Signs posted everywhere to practice social distancing.

166$ spent on food, hardly feels like I got anything, and what I did get will probably not work into any edible recipes =/


I went to one today as well, no toilet paper but every thing else seemed ok.

Stop hoarding all the damn toilet paper you monsters! I have five rolls left,this craziness better be over by the time I need some. :unamused:

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we’ll quickly become resourceful.

you’d be amazed at the random mixes of ingredients which actually work.
…if you’re super hungry, a combo of pretty much anything will do.

on the downside, people have become rabid, and are willing to fight for food.
a friend even had her chickens stolen the other night.
i won’t lower myself to stealing and fighting… i’d rather just live off my fat stores :rofl:

I’m amazed that our President yelled at some poor newsman, for the “softball” question “What would you say to people who are scared?”

I swear, he seems more and more like some 12 year old “know it all” boy on the playground at recess. “I know, because my uncle was a doctor.”

So I get off work at the Big Box Hardware store at 5:30 Am, lamenting that I have to drive to the 24 hour (but now NOT) Wal-Mart and wait until 6 AM to buy beer; After waiting, looking at the Wow forums on my cruddy phone, I walk up to the door:

They changed it to 7 AM.

Luckily, the gas station near my apartment is still open 24 hours. So I got beer there, though I also wanted to get some groceries/supplies at Wal-Mart.

ONE HOUR LATER, REALLY Wal-Mart? REALLY? During a CRISIS? What is next, only being open to the public for an hour a day?

Boy, would you have the dogs sniffing your backside then… :wink:


my local store has just given up.

what used to be the toilet paper aisle, is now filled with easter eggs just so the place doesn’t look like there are miles of empty shelves.
i can’t wipe with chocolate… i don’t think? :thinking: