How are all you doing out there, surviving the apocalypse?

I always knew the apocalypse would come and life would adapt and move on. I kid on the apocalypse thing but how is everyone handling the Corvid19 outbreak?

I can’t say my life has changes much. I’m already an agoraphobe who works part time (mostly, and now exclusively from home). I live with 3 roommates and isolate myself that I occasionally go days without seeing them.

However for all of you extroverted people out there how are you coping with being huddled up at home?

To keep this on topic this question is 2 pronged.

Prong 1: What are you doing in World of Warcraft during the pandemic?*

Prong 2: What are you doing IRL/how are you handling yourself during the pandemic?* (optional).

With this EXP buff up Its time to level some alts! Maybe unlock all the heritage armor in this next month.


My imaginary girlfriend stopped talking to me, imaginary son thinks I’m a loser, and imaginary daughter might be manic-depressant; it’s fantastic!


not sure when you last left your room, but it was declared a pandemic almost 2 weeks ago.

careful… your imaginary dog might steal your imaginary car.
it sounds like you’re on the way to writing a country song.


You know many of us gamers are more practiced at being anti social then rest of world…we may survive better then rest of them out there.


Well I’m going to work as normal thus far nothing has changed where I am


My family is miserable. I am a little off-put as I have way more free time than I normally do, but I am at the least weathering it well. Ask me about my sanity in a month’s time. Right now it feels a little like my old days in College. “I live in the land of eternal night. The day comes, and I sleep. The night comes and I welcome it.”

I guess I’m the Count. So here’s a song in that vein.

( There’s a much better version out there, but I don’t want to get in trouble. :wink: )


Yeah I get that.

Synonyms in my sick and tired head. ( I just have a cold). I get that they’re different scale but I’d hope you’d forgive a sicky.

I’ve been watching television shows from my childhood a lot lately. Ah, childhood nostalgia. Some are pretty decent even as adults… others not so much.


i just got finsihed getting camped for about…
40 ish mins.
kinda want a nuke to kick start this party already


I was drunk the my mom got out of prison


Hey there, at least your internet peeps also think you’re a loser but that’s mainly because you’re a Night Elf. You’re kinda cool for a Night Elf… just still not cool enough to break out of being a loser.

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Nothing has changed for me really. Still working, my youngest already goes to an online school. I worry day and night,have horrible anxiety and insomnia. Though had those issues long before this whole mess. Currently thinking of leveling some dks for heritage armor this weekend.


Just got a temporary lay off from work, stressed about getting unemployment (web page not working! grr). Lots of unessential businesses are either closed or changing the way they’re doing business. For me, that means possibly no more weekly comic store trips, one of my largest bits of being social. Dungeon Master is looking at online options for our weekly game. Going to be helping some elderly neighbors later with grocery shopping and other errands.

Doing my best to stay positive and keep busy. I’ll finally get around to unlocking flying and new allied races (got to 120 then started playing classic). Got a couple games outside of my usual choices for the PS4, Dark Souls and Bloodborne. Heard about them, never played, gonna be interesting.


:frowning: We lost one of greatest Country Music singers yesterday…Kenny Rogers.


Good luck. It’s an incredibly stressful time.

I’m sorry, Sierra. I really understand, though.

For the first few weeks I was so positive, but I’m feeling very scared now.

It’s hard to do anything, I baked most of today, and froze food. It’s impossible to get the essentials here atm, and I want my kids to have food they can heat up and eat.


Yea… media isn’t helping. If you look at the numbers alone in isolation of context it doesn’t seem bad but add in all the frenzy of how quickly it’s spreading (which is still about the same as the flu?) and now 4 players on the NJ Nets, etc. etc. etc. I’ve started taking precautions I never thought I would like stripping down and throwing all my clothes straight into the washer as soon as I come home.

That being said, not to be insensitive but the lock down has been nice for me. I’ve essentially gotten an extended paternity leave so being able to be at home to help my wife with our son was really needed for both of us.


Congratulations on your bub!

I’m still working, I work at my son’s school, and so many parents are sending their kids to school sick.


Willing to embrace the inevitable…
Just kidding, I have more than enough food in stock as well as crops planted.

With the edition of being a skilled cook, the only thing I have to worry about would be entertaining myself before relocating to a new home.

Also what I’ve seen so far appears to be a Toilet Paper Shortage.

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For real, I barely got out of bed yesterday. I had to force myself to get up and make the kids dinner.

Luckily I already buy in bulk,( went shopping right before this whole thing blew up)so I should be good for a couple more weeks. So haven’t experienced the stress of running out of things yet. Not looking forward to that at all. I hope things work out there and you get what you need!


That’s crazy… I work for my local school district and we’ve completely shut down. Well, all of California is shut down.