How are all you doing out there, surviving the apocalypse?

That buff is sick and i think its awesome for blizzard to do that knowning people are most likely home alot during this pandemic People can say whatever they want about blizzard but they didn’t have to do this at all imho very nice of them!


I’m still working, so nothing much has changed here other than I can’t find eggs. Lol

No. My mistake, I should’ve clarified. You can use something like a scarf or shirt over your nose or mouth. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a mask.

Nonessential travel is banned so stuff like going to the grocery store or pharmacy is allowed.

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At a hotel

We have over 200 rooms and next week we are down to like 10% occupancy

Now I just gotta work out how to not get myself laid off

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doing fine going to work 5 days a week riding in a truck with 5 people for several hours a day. coming home drinking a beer outside the stoor with the same people I used to go to bars with.
check the DCD site and compare the numbers with the common Flu… more people have died this year from the flu than the WooHan virus.( just like the Spanish flu and many other diseases its named for where it started…) if your healthy and do not have an imuno diffeciendy problem quit panicking and don’t go visit your friends and family who DO have immunodifecciency problems) and life will be fine


My hubby is still working, as are our kids thankfully. For now. We are slowly stocked up, and we decided to drive around yesterday and selfie pics in front of our kids homes,. safe visits. They didn’t know till i put them on FB. We live in a small mountain town in Colo. So we have our wood, oil lamps…stuff in freezer. So far, so good. Hope you all are taking care of you too! Hugs…Granny. :slight_smile:

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do you have problems during the normal flu season? if not don’t panic just take standard flu precautions and you SHOULD be fine. the only difference practically with the Woo Han and the normal FLu is how long the Woo Han can last outside the body. but standard soap kills it unlike the FLu. go to the CDC website or the WHO site. to get the virus facts not other places that are spreading fear mongering for ratings, votes, or financial gain.


Oh gosh yeah, that industry is taking a beating. Good luck to you.

Ha oh yeah

I had to do an audit of the place and all the numbers are coming up red

Part of me wishes I could see my bosses face when he reads my emails


It spreads more rapidly than the flu. It’s pre-symptomatically contagious. It hospitalizes at a far greater rate than the flu, puts people in the hospital for far longer than flu, and those hospitalized for it are far more likely to progress to requiring critical care than for the flu.

Its consequences and disruptions are about more than the number of people it kills, or that it’s most deadly to the sick and elderly.


Yep the guy that work the shift before me here at my job work gloves but then he wore the gloves out to have a cigarette and I told him that’s how you get the virus is from hand-to-mouth.

Then he said I’m not that paranoid but yeah he’s quitting tomorrow because he doesn’t want to get the virus oh and he also is one of those that looks his finger before he touches the money it’s annoying meanwhile I am wearing gloves and I use hand sanitizer on my gloves periodically between customers I feel like. From Mad TV where I have gloves on under my gloves LOL I wouldn’t be so worried if it was just me at home but I have my baby granddaughter to look out for


Deep cleaning those rooms wash everything even the walls, its what they did at the hotel where I worked when it was slow should keep you working.

This is like a slow moving 9/11. Not a one time shock. Not being taken as seriously too. Some people around here are treating their PTO as a vacation, having parties and get-togethers. ‘Best-est’ country in the world.

we’re not offended.

we’re terrified.

at this point, it feels like a exercise in population control.

we’re the fish in the barrel, and the gun is aimed directly at us.

“The wearing of Face Masks is not to keep YOU from getting sick. The Virus has a beginning period where you don’t have symptoms, but you are still contagious. The Masks are to keep YOU from coughing on OTHERS, just in case YOU are sick and don’t know it yet. Use them.”

“Here we are being very careful. Spending the time playing WoW. Hubby is home for at least a month, so we are spending the time together.”


people don’t have a problem with freely coughing on other people.
the last time i went out, i had 3 different people cough directly in my face.
i wear a mask because i’m immunocompromised, and can’t trust the people who are treating this like a joke.
…and i’m short.
those droplets which someone just coughed into the air, are going to settle on me.

i have a zone set up where i disinfect everything i bring into the house.
…and i need to go to the shops… i’ve spent the last 5 hours just being horribly sad, because something as stupid as a trip to the store can kill me… at any time of the year.

I’m pretty sure I’m a gonner at this point.

I even walk into my craft room, and think “what’s the point, i’m going to be dead in a few weeks”… and just walk away feeling sad.

Yesterday I turned 49.
I kind of wanted to reach 50… but that doesn’t seem like a reality anymore.

I went to the grocery store and the cheese and sandwich meat section was completely restocked, so life is good right now.


“That is, indeed, the problem. We should ALL be careful of others, as well as ourselves.”

I cut down a tree today.

That’s about the most I’ve accomplished.

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Many do not age well lol