How are all you doing out there, surviving the apocalypse?

What do you do for work? Stay safe!

What ones?

Other than a shortage of TP and ramen noodles… it hasn’t really affected me. Yet. And today all the eggs were gone.

Watching random YouTube documentaries such as zen Japanese gardens, mystery/supernatural, crime, and some Vice news.

Not logging as much on WoW other than do random Bgs. I’ve given up past rank 9 on cloak as quests asks me for 6 papers!!! -Cringe-

Taking the dog for walks to cope with cabin fever along with girlfriend; we both got let go temporarily due to COVID-19.

Just got the obsession with re-cleaning my home often & getting rid of unwanted stuff; we’re sort of minimalist

You can get heritage armor with a DK? I thought you had to level 20-110 to get it.

My job just told us not to come back until April 20th this morning.

Just being more careful watching people more closely…thankfully I have a fridge, bathroom and microwave, in my truck

Dont have to go out too much…but still makeing my delivers of food, TP for people’s bunghole, and last load was ventilators to 2 hospitals…


Wuhan virus is just a drill compared to what an airborne HIV would bring about.

Na, it’s the monkey that you have to worry about, didn’t you see the Documentary outbreak
With Morgan Freeman, Dustin Hoffman, and Kevin spacey…


Also just a drill compared to some mutant rabies strain that starts a zombie apocalypse.

Kill the hypotheticals and stick to reality.


My cat is very confused about how quiet the city outside is and keeps coming up and pawing me with a worried face.

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1 : in wow, leveling a couple of ally races now that we have this huge xp boost. Also farming old content for mounts.
2: in real life… not much different than any other time other than washing a lot more, and making less trips out to the grocery store as possible. Taking more vitamins. My wife and I are both disabled for one reason or another so we don’t do much away from home anyway.

Here in the Bay Area… huddling in place on a 2G internet connection since I don’t have service and ran out of data. Oh well… luckily, my household went shopping before things started getting serious. Plenty of food, paper towels, and toilet paper. Not that we’re all locked inside… My NEET life continues almost normally.

I am very busy failing miserably at ‘On Ruby Wings’.

Shelting in place. Getting antsy being coped up.

Hey that just means your human im worried for my own family as well.Oh and of course myself as well i have a weak immune system this virus won’t be kind to me if i get it.


I’m having similar issues because I live with my elderly parents to help them and still have to go to a job where most of the people don’t think the pandemic is that big of a deal. I haven’t slept good in a couple weeks and spend most days at work on the verge of a panic attack.


Well I just found out that an unknown coworker where I work tested positive, so I’m wondering if I’m going to get a call saying I need self quarantine here for two weeks.

I have been place Stay-At-Home Order In NY. The governor said it could go on for months.

Yep,you can level dks for it. :slight_smile:

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I feel ya both my grand parents are in there 70s by now.