How are all you doing out there, surviving the apocalypse?

Leveling a Highmountain to get their armor. My “main” druid was usually a resto / balance one. So I figured this new one can handle Feral / Guardian

I’ll be honest I’m pretty much a neet so this isn’t a big shift to my “schedule”. My Mom however is a RN so at her hospital they’re no longer allowing visitors for patients. Most of the time if people are getting tested they’re sent right back home instead of having them linger in the hospital. According to her they have one confirmed case but they’re recovering.

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I’ve gotten the nerve to do dungeons. I have a few RPers I hang with who helped me gain confidence and I’ve found I’m not terribly abysmal at tanking, though I admit it needs work.

Gassy needs a profession. Yes, 75 levels (as of this post) and Gassy never chose a profession. This must change.
I’ve gotten more into Classic and been levelling a few alts there.

I’m working at home. I work in I.T. so that’s pretty easy to do, though I will come in to physically examine a printer or laptop if it cannot connect to our SAP system. I WoW during my lunch break, something I was never able to do when in the office.

Working at home is harder than I thought. Too many distractions, and the Battlenet and Steam icons are on my desktop screen ;).

I’m practicing social distancing, ordering groceries and my coffee using my tablet app instead of paying with cash (some businesss are requesting we do this), making sure my Mom is okay (she’s elderly) by calling and helping out around her apartment. I keep in touch with friends and family members either through Discord (if they are gamers) or Facebook.

I hope everyone in the WoW community is coping and wish them good health.

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I want to get out a little but my roommate has become a germaphobe and agoraphobic, they’re very high strung with anxiety issues and they are plain freaking out over this virus. I needed to get something from the store but they lost their S when I said I was gong to go to the store so I ended up staying put. Then to top it off my main computer crashed last night so I’m back on my old one that has overheating issues.

I’m just feeling so done with everything right now honestly. So, so done.

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As a Gen xer latchkey kid I was made for this. I have books I have crochet projects i have projects in the house I can do. I also have a new-to-me thanks to facebook smart tv for streaming all my channels it’s in the living room I plan to hook up my nintendo 64 to it and play me some old games.


our governor shut down the schools here when the first one in ND was diagnosed now that we have over 20 cases I’m sure they’re going to be closed until the end of the year, and teachers will be teaching online classes.

Right now - not much. I have to go to work. Kids and wife all get to stay home, though.

But they’re shutting down elective surgeries starting Monday - so we’ll see how that goes.

First off, it’s not the apocalypse. It’s Coronageddon. Yes, I coined that phrase and I want a nickel anytime anyone says it.

My life has been turned completely upside down by Coronageddon. Homeschooling at the same time as I’m supposed to be turning out a full days work telecommuting is a total nightmare. I can’t wait for this to be over and I’m praying for a vaccine at this point. And I don’t pray.


Trying to avoid coworkers who simply refuse to social distance because they fully believe the pandemic is all media hype and not that bad.

Joke’s on the Coronavirus. I’ve been practicing social distancing for years now!


I’m a pro. I was already avoiding people long before I heard about any virus. :rofl:


Let’s see I just made a steak for lunch. Finished up a 50 hour work week yesterday. I foresee Maryland shutting down tomorrow night or Monday morning.

The Wuhan coronavirus is not the apocalypse. It’s the reaction to it. New York has been declared a disaster area, the National Guard and US Army are being deployed, and the federal government has claimed broad and immense emergency powers.

My Zin’anthid stocks are flying off the shelves though, so at least I can distract myself from it all. :slight_smile:


wow he is dumb, no offense.


Wish my hospital did this. We put patients awaiting test results in isolated rooms, meanwhile running out of masks for us workers.

We’re doing great. This may sound strange but life is actually better in social isolation. My wife and I are able to work from home, and neither of us are in danger of being laid off (unless our organizations go under). Not driving to work is saving us a lot of time, and not eating out, buying gas, or paying a babysitter is saving us a lot of money. We’re both introverts so we don’t miss seeing people. So yeah, doin’ good!


I am sad to report that I am now doing TERRIBLE. My digital copy of Animal Crossing won’t download and I need to figure out why (I’ve currently pinpointed it to a problem with my microSD card and now I have to figure out what’s corrupt or if the card is bad).

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I have a sore throat…….haven’t left the house once but my family just keeeeeeeps going out and doing things. Now I’m possibly sick. Gotta say I am kinda pissed.

In WoW I’m leveling my Hunter, then considering whether I should work on my Druid, Priest or Mage next.

In life I just got an extra case of water and my copy of the Simon Necronomicon arrived the other day. Work hasn’t laid me off despite the store closing, but they’re insisting we apply for unemployment to supplement the half average payments they’ll be issuing via direct deposit into the foreseeable future.
Keeping my knives close and my gun closer for when the stir craze sets in and people get too bold for their breeches.


Wise decision.

Since I’m retired not much as changed other than we go pick up a pizza for Saturday night rather than go out to a restaurant. Still taking solo walks around the block to stay sane and healthy. In balancing between talking with each other, playing computer games and reading the days are passing quickly.

Here in the So. Cal. suburbs I’m still going out for weekly grocery shopping and folks are generally friendly though greatly over-buying stuff. After reading up on the effectiveness and problems with gloves and face masks won’t be using either unless I’m feeling ill as they won’t help and give a false sense of security. Can’t believe how many people I’ve seen improperly taking off gloves once they get to their cars.

We’re taking Coronageddon (Pulls out a nickle for Praxxis.) seriously and being prudent but refusing to give into a bunker mentality.