How and why

I’m not sure how that’s entitlement?

I would work for it? I’d put in my time and effort for it, if it were an option.

If you say it’s a 2700 rated award, then I would push for that…

I don’t see how entitlement is a factor? Could you expand on that?

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you think you deserve something that the rules tell you that you dont

I’m still lost on that?

I don’t deserve it. I just know the model exists. (In the game files)

I want to work for it, I just want Blizzard to give me a way to work for it.

These models exist, they were just never used. What is an acceptable way to gain these particular models?

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Wtf is this guy on LOL

It’s not like PvP is any different, so there’s no reason to make it unobtainable. put it behind 1k marks of honor for example. I’m extremely annoyed by not being able to get any of the old PvP mounts despite doing a ton of Epic Battlegrounds.

Talking about old Glad mounts btw

Yeah, I’m saying that if they’re brought back in any capacity it just opens the flood gates to “okay but 2700 is high, what about 2100 in 2s?” and then “what if they just let us buy it for marks of honor?”.

It doesn’t end, and most of the people asking for stuff to be brought back never would’ve qualified for it in the first place.

Just have cool rewards in the present and future.


Now that I think about it, reading that last sentence I’m starting to believe that Blizz really let an EU troll on CC.

I simply refuse to believe that someone actually thinks that old Glad mounts should be purchasable with Marks

Oh, it’s a common sentiment among collectors. Heck, if they made old glads available for 1k marks of honor it’d just be nonstop complaints about having to do bgs for the marks, lol

This basically happened when they were going to return the elite sets. In the thread Holinka made asking for feedback, he said that they would probably still require 2200 in the current season to earn a token for an old set. The same people that were praising the sets returning started talking about needing to reduce that requirement even further before it was even decided that they’d return or not.

Also the thread page capped at 500 pages within like 2hrs and Holinka went back on twitter and said they weren’t going to do it anymore. I can’t imagine anything different would go down if they actually asked for feedback about returning glad mounts. If anything the outcry would probably be even bigger.

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It’d also open the flood gates to reimplementing basically any other removed thing, also with reduced requirements, so probably just a can of worms they didn’t want to open.

Every time one of these things gets mentioned there’s dozens of “okay but what about the mage tower appearances?” or “hey can I finally get cms on my alts? I did 9/9 gold on my bm hunter in mop but want the mage set!!”, etc.

I thought that something like this could’ve been cool, though. Something like win 150 games above 2100-2400 on a character to earn a single token that can be used to buy an old elite set, limit to one token per char per season.

Maybe for the best that nothing like this happens, but if it ever were to I’d prefer something along those lines.

Oh wow, I said the same thing about Gladiator Drake Recolors!!!

The drakes are weird because it kind of muddles things. Like, I thought that maybe they use recolors for repeat glads, or if you get all the glads in an expansion, maybe.

We’re going to have a single leftover dragon after next season.

Yeah, which was always my argument. Every Expansion, except maybe Legion, there were existing colors in the game files that were not used.

All I want to know is, hypothetically:

If it were to be done, what is an acceptable way to gain these particular models?

(There’s just so much hate for that question, lol)

Repeat gladiator during the same season, maybe.

Or getting gladiator in all the seasons of an expansion.


What you just said is the exact thing they were talking about with flood gates lol. Elite sets shouldn’t come back either, because then people will spew stuff like you just did. And it just continues.

Didn’t get it? Oh well

So add that to your OP?

They said X in the CC forum.

I disagree because Y.

Add more to the conversation. :smiley:

What about the players who have zero mounts and still don’t think it should come back?

Here’s a crazy idea. You missed out so you missed out. It’s just pixels am I right? Lol

Here’s another crazy idea. How about Blizzard keeps making cool new stuff and people play to earn that new stuff and not worry about old stuff they didn’t earn.

Keep playing the game and striving to do well and you’ll get rewarded for it. Not sure why you need other people’s rewards to enjoy it.

Anyways, anyone wanna help me get my first drake? Lol

I think theirs (and yours) voice matters just as much, I would just asked you to attach a “and here’s why…” reasoning to the end of it. :slight_smile:

My argument is:

Because liking a specific thing is different than hoping for something to be brought back of similar interest.

I really enjoy the aesthetics of the Plague Gladiator Proto Drake Mount, that is a very specific thing.

There is no guarantee that that mount will ever be used again in some fashion.

I don’t see how my Green Version devalues your Blue Version.

But you know, I get this hypocrisy comments like:

I don’t get to value mounts I own, but in the same breathe he devalues my mount. So I don’t get to tell the value, but he does. :slight_smile:

"You’re fried, old, washed up, your mount was easy to get, has no value, does not matter."

Okay, well why does it matter if it’s on the vendor?

“Because it opens up to MY glad mount that was hard to get, unlike your glad mount!”

Okay, well can we put unused colors of the mount on a vendor?

NO!!!, slippery slope to MY mount! END OF DISCUSSION.”

Alight, nice chat. :smiley:

Cause I don’t need it? There’s an insane amount of stuff already in the game for me to go and get still. I’m sure I don’t even have 10% of what’s still available. So why get so caught up in something that I didn’t earn?

If you can’t find something of interest in all that’s available I don’t know what to tell ya. Like I really want the shaman set so I’m playing my shaman set. Meanwhile the priest set sucks and so even if it’s op why play it?

Meanwhile someone could play priest as it’s absolutely busted right now and get a reward that a lifelong priest got playing it in a season where priest was bad and actually earned it.

Again. If you didn’t earn it, why should you get it? There’s always going to be new stuff, even if this season isn’t something you want, next season will. If not there’s still the 90% of old available stuff you can go get.

I mean you’re not being particularly two sided here either. On one hand you’re like “it’s just pixels who cares” but on the other hand “I really really want that specific one because pixels matter”?

I dunno man… Earned is earned. Blizzard will always be coming out with new stuff, you don’t NEED old stuff to play. Simple as those two facts.

Well, “earn” is the key part here. As people say, some glad mounts were “easier” to get than others, etc…

There’s a spectrum of:

Being gifted it in the mail for logging in -----> Earning 3k rating.

Where does a Recolored Mount (which is normally the requested item) fall on that spectrum?

Is there a middle ground the casual players and elite players can compromise on?

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Doesn’t matter. You didn’t earn it when it was earnable. So nothing you do now will change that. Not rocket science.

Make them new mounts for a new seasons set of rewards? Kinda like they did for a season of legion with armour sets.

As long as they don’t do it all the time. It’s an extremely lazy way to go about things on blizzards part.

Again, for the hundredth time, Blizzard will always be coming out with new stuff. It’s their job to come out with stuff that appeals to their players. Stop letting them be lazy and rehash old stuff.