How and why

As I look back on the many Glad mounts I’ve acquired over the years, I find it hard to relate to this comment. I’m not sure entirely why that is either. I am proud of many things in my life – my Gladiator mount collection just doesn’t really hold up anymore. It did when I was younger but it’s possible I’ve outgrown that a bit, I suppose.

I will say, I still think it’s silly that people feel entitled to things they did not earn. And for that reason, I am not in favor of bringing back old Glad mounts.


I just liked a bloomsday post.


It’s almost as if people’s perception of me changes drastically depending solely on whether or not I agree with them. :grin:

Thank you for the like Sucio. I think most of us agree on this topic.

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Do you think I’ll have an easier time making friends if I reroll to a Troll Priest?

Fun fact, my first character ever made was a Troll Priest because I liked the raptor model on the inside of the WoW game box.

I don’t think your character’s race has anything to do with how many friends you have. It’s more so about who you are as the person behind the character.

Oh, that’s neat – Bloomsday is my first character. This character is a recreation of my original character, Bloomsday, who was sent to the twisting nethers long ago. :cry:

I even stopped playing my original Bloomsday character at level 11, funnily enough.

Right in the feels.

Oh, my dearest Rez, that’s not a shot against your out of game character. For instance, perhaps you are not putting yourself out there to even let people know the person behind the WoW avatar. It’s just something to think about, especially if you’re interested in becoming friends with others over an internet video game.

This has gotten way beyond the scope of the OP, so this will be my final words on the matter. Thanks for the conversation.


You are talking like this is totally out of the realm of comprehension. They gave druids an alternate mage tower skin, so this is not too far different from that. They might come for your precious little mount models soon too lil buddy


It wouldn’t be the first time, and unarmored gladiator mounts from some pve source are fine.

Forgot how much of a dumbass rez is thanks for the necro


From my point of view, he’s the only one arguing with logic and decorum here. And I’m probably demonstrably smarter than all of you since I scored top % 0.5 in every standardized test I took in my entire life, so what I say holds more weight (simple maths). What intellectual arena have you ever excelled in your life to have the credentials to call someone a “dumbass” on the internet? My guess is none.

Not trying to be an a-hole but some of yall going around calling other players “dumbasses” and “kids” (when some kids are definitely smarter than you), acting all high and mighty just because you are good at the game need to be put in their place from time to time.

I see.


man i had a scathing response all typed up and ready to go to that idiot first post he made and then i looked at the date and realized it’d be wasted

no one asked

Let me guess, each time you scored that high, Obama himself came in and shook your hand. (After a thunderous round of applause ofc)

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Yeah we all got the “your child is gifted” results from their 3rd grade assessments. You’re not smart and thinking you are based off these types of tests proves it. Welcome to the Rez club.