How addicted to the GD forum are you?

I had so much fun with Cogshanks :rofl: :rofl:


That name does sound familiar.

grabs cane and starts shaking it

Back in mah day, we didn’t have no fancy permitted lounge threads or none of that there nonsense

We’d just find us a dead thread and take that over as some kinda hot spot for the chitter chatter!

And obvious troll threads were prime forum real estate lol

I don’t understand addiction because I have never needed anything that wasn’t for survival. I’m not saying I haven’t done my share of stupid. Some would say more than my share, but I never needed it. So, if you want me to compare the forums to breathing, I guess then, I’m not addicted.

The Story Forums of old were a special place! We even had Scrolls of Lore which was a third party website and where the most toxic of the toxicity lived.

I honestly can’t remember much of the forum drama from the old forums.

Let me tell you a story of a forum called… the Off Topic.

It was a dark time and I loved it.

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I’m not addicted, I can leave any time I want

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OMG I remember that now. :rofl:

Just something to look at on my breaks- where even the most outrageous drama is merely a tempest in a teacup.

I may or may not have caused some of that. I have chunks of 3-30 days where I missed being able to post. Sorry! Though this post is not an admission or denial or anything.

The glorious wasteland! Remember Susan Express? lol

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Teacup or teapot?

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And the corpses on the ground spelling out websites

Ah. Memories.


“buys more game time and gold tokens”

I had this problem three days ago, but now it’s fixed and I didn’t even try hard to fix it. Weird!

Bots just don’t have that kind of commitment anymore

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I take a look every day after I get tired of arguing with the fanatics on “Yahoo Comments”. Sort of like walking a while to cool down after a hard three mile run.

Bait was also believable. The forum market really tarnished the quality / flavor of bait over the years.

Nowadays its like we’re just ignoring the bland bait and going straight for the hook