How addicted to the GD forum are you?

As they say, trolling is a art

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I forget drama that happens weeks later, let alone like a decade ago. lol

I had someone come back here and flip out on me over something from ten years ago in a druid thread and I’m like, “… I don’t know who you are…”


Scale of 1 to 10, probably 2.

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Just an FYI, that wasn’t me… :smiley:

But seriously, it wasn’t. My superpower was trolling.

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LOL even if it was, I don’t care. I don’t hold a grudge. I try to tell others that and they yell at me some more and I’m like, “… I’m just here, why you mad?”

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I wasn’t here for any of that and don’t know you- but I have seen a couple people bringing up that name. It comes across as spiteful, and only reflects poorly on them.


yeah you never do anything wrong, you’re just here.


Just quote from the movie Barbarella (1968), Pygar the angel said: “Angels have no memories” as he rescues Barbarella and The Great Tyrant.

Unrelated, the band Duran Duran got their name from the main villain from this film.

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she compared it to trans people being dead named so people are rightfully calling her out for how ridiculous that is

No. Lann did that. Not me. I didn’t even know what that term was until I had to go look up whatever Lann was accusing me of.

Much as I hated Jane Fonda, I loved the opening sequence of “Barbarella”. The uncut version of course.

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I haven’t laughed so hard in awhile.


I’d love to show the trailer…but “spicy”. Couldn’t stand her politics, this was the only movie she did I could tolerate. Rumor they are planning a remake.

I love Grace & Frankie. I don’t know anything about her politics, though.

It was bad, during the height of the Vietnam war, she went to Hanoi and took pictures of herself sitting on AA Guns that was being used to down American pilots and laughing with the NVA. That’s why she will be forever known as Hanoi Jane. Ask a Vietnam Vet about what they think of her… you’ll get an earfull.

I think there are pics of her striking a pose in front of the Hanoi Hilton.

She was hated.

I am going to post this anon because I am friends with quite a few regulars and aquantinces with others.

The forum is pretty much long gone, all the good people have left. The regulars are awful and cordinate drama and flags in discords some of the main ones sporting over 20k posts in this very thread. It’s disgusting really. Very tainted, the cliques are rough and push away new posters. Often calling them sockpuppets ( which is what I’m doing for obvious reasons) etc just because they dont have thousands of posts on the forums or have been active for years.

It’s just sad. Sorry to be dark but this place is awful. If you are truly addicted to GD… I truly feel for you in a sad way. Please take an inside look at yourself and try to replace that time with something else. I know it’s hard, I suffer from addiction issues myself so this is not funny to me.

This place is not a good place. Period.

Just wanted to share my thoughts.

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For someone who got really annoyed people were bullying them, you seem to have no issue in doing it yourself. Classic.



Wow. I had no idea. Thank you for sharing that.