How About Playable Races We Were Denied, Please?

  • Hozen
  • Jinyu
  • Gilblins
  • Saurok
  • Sethrak
  • Vrykul
  • Naga
  • Saberon
  • Ogres

Those are the worst Allied Races all in a single post i’ve read yet, nice.


Core races should not be forgotten. Down with the Allied Race ideology. Bring back core races.

Why can’t I play as a Fel Reaver yet?


Sure, until they went and gave the Horde a brand new one.


Your list is missing hozen, but otherwise we’re good.

We’re not going to get “weird” races.

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Drop the Quests for the prior races, then I’ll talk about adding in new races.

Honestly after the expansion they’re shown in all requirements should be dropped.

Further AR’s should never be tied to rep. Only story.

Reps are dropped but not the achievements which is a lot of questing. For someone like me, who stopped playing back in WoD just to return for Shadowlands (2 expacs later), all the questing/achievement tracking is abysmal.

I’m still working on the Nightborne after unlocking the main prerequisite by doing the prior (not 1 but 2 different) prerequisites. My “favorite” (sarcasm) part was clearing out the 10 World Quests. That was “fun” (sarcasm).

I don’t think the Void Elves nor Lightforged Draenei were this bad.

I’m (almost) done, despite only being halfway done with the main prerequisite. A lot of Quests.

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Yeah, that’s why I think having a story based unlock is fine in the expansion but once we’ve moved into the next expac they should just be unlocked.

And never rep based again. Ever. At. All.


It would be nice if the Horde got a cosmic race so we can actually have a meaningful connection to cosmic story lines.

Lightbound Orcs break free from the false dogma of the Lightbound Draenei and come to aid their brethren?

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I will say this, I’m glad I got justice for the Nightborne. I’ve been pretty livid about their mistreatment. So, doing the war was pretty cool/rewarding, but I still say remove the requirement but definitely leave in the quests/achievements, for those questers/achievement hunters, out there.

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Core Races
High Arrakoa

Allied Races

Frost / Iron Dwarves - Dwarf / Dark Iron
Kaldorei Worgen - Worgen (Toggle to Night Elf model)
San’layn - Void Elf

Core Races

Allied Races
Dire Trolls

Forest / Blood Trolls - Trolls
Dark Rangers - Forsaken (Toggle to Blood Elf model)
Yuangol / Taunka - Tauren

We have so many requested races that have existed in canon on Azeroth that making up new stuff before bringing in major requests, and bastardizing requests that were made, was just annoying.

Horde is missing a few of it’s major players since the RTS games and a very obvious one from BFA, and Alliance is in desperate need of non-humanoids, races that bring friction to their politics, and some sort of morale booster, hence some of the more monstrous options.

If we ever do get a desperately needed old world update, they really need to just sit down and flesh out the world building with the races, and slowly introduce stuff like the above lists to make the world feel more fleshed out, and build up faction tension again properly without resorting to genocide.

naga and dragons pls


Honestly I don’t think any quest chain or event or what have you should be removed… nor should rewards. Keep them unique and hard to get at first sure, but once folk have achieved that and its no longer important for anything. Let everyone else have a chance to get it still.

Suramar is one of the best quest chains imo.

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NGL, the fact we didn’t get Centaurs, Gnolls, Razorfen, etc has been mind boggling to me. Could’ve had Kolkar in Wrath or something. idk man I just sit here and get reminded of it every so often.

Ogres? Sure they should be playable.

But that’s really the only one that should be out of that list.

Not all NPC races should be playable.