How About Playable Races We Were Denied, Please?

  • Ogres

  • Gnolls

  • Centaurs

  • (Cursed) Arakkoa

  • Murlocs

  • Ethereals

–You get the idea. Lots of possibilities, plenty of ways to work in plausibility into the lore with its ever-shifting nature; they share Azeroth to an extent (and beyond) as do the Horde and Alliance, and should the factions fail, they’ll need to find a means to coerce more numbers for whatever “threat” comes next. What about Mercenaries (add onto that ‘aid either side’ like Pandaren for self-serving purposes), as we already have that for PvP? What I’d like is an official up-to-date bluepost from Blizzard to address or hint as to the possibilities or even grant that kind of polish (among other aspects that have been asked for and denied for years), though what I’m expecting below is backlash from the community and no bluepost from the company at all. I definitely expect this to fall into an echo and die there, I wholly do. This is all more like ‘hopeful vomit’ on my part, but it’s a show of faith towards the company’s leadership. If there is a sign of change, I’d definitely want to be someone who hoped for actual quality that benefits everyone across the game rather than flash a rainbow pin at a 'con.


sorry but this is all you’re going to get lol. we rarely get blue posts anymore and they’re never going to make one to tell us about a new allied race

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Naga was on the table too at one point. They were playing with the idea them and Ogres and one other one I can’t recall. But they all got the Axe. Ogres was because of Tauren were already a “Big” race and didn’t want to add another one to the horde


True story. They typically save those kinds of things for big PR events

I still have a name reserved for the Sethrak we deserve.


I want cursed and non cursed, tbh

Also, Mantid and Broken need to be added to your list. I don’t care if the lore behind why Mantid would never work, I still want them as a playable race.

It would be neat if a new playable race wasn’t some version of an already playable race for once.

Gnomes - Mechagnomes
Humans - Kul Tiran
Dwarves - Dark Iron Dwarves
Draenii - Lightforged Draenii
Trolls - Zandalari
Orcs - Mag’har
Tauren - Highmountain

All basically just glorified reskins of existing playable races.

There are so many races that they could make playable, but they instead decide to go the easy route and give us variations of existing playable races.


I mean… why? What does this add to the game? Just more imbalanced racial abilties?

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I want a whole lot of AR.

Copy of current model or not.

Wildhammer and Revantusk
High elves and Ogres
Frostborn and Taunka
Jinyu and Hozen
Half elves and mok’nathal
Ankoan and Kelfin
Sethrak and Saurok
Arrakoa and Saberon
Furbolg and Alteraci humans
Vrykul and San’layn
Ethereals and Tortollan
Gnolls and Quillboar

My list can go on and on.

Always AR not useless customization.


That was the point of Allied Races: to be small variations of existing races so that they could pump out a large number of them instead of just one new race.

So many of the current playable races lack lore. I’d rather they get some more love before more races are added. Not enough Vulpera lore, and Worgen lore was shelved after the Gilneas starting zone. Would also like to see more of what Ji Firepaw and Aysa are up to. And the Tauren vs Dwarf rivalry desperately needs to be revisited.


Saberon Bards or else I quit


Fel Orcs and Ogres.

The HORDE doesn’t need anymore Elves.

  • Hozen
  • Jinyu
  • Gilblins
  • Saurok
  • Sethrak
  • Vrykul
  • Naga
  • Saberon
  • Ogres

Those are the worst Allied Races all in a single post i’ve read yet, nice.


Core races should not be forgotten. Down with the Allied Race ideology. Bring back core races.

Why can’t I play as a Fel Reaver yet?


Sure, until they went and gave the Horde a brand new one.


Your list is missing hozen, but otherwise we’re good.