How about letting Death Knights in WOW obtain Frostmourne somehow?


Literally try harder.
Are you even reading what you type or what I type?

That’s a lot of effort for irrelevant tmog.

I like how you NOW have that example after I gave it to you…


You didn’t. I did. You kept going for the ‘alternate world’ angle. Which is silly.
Or reforging, which is even more farfetched.

You aren’t even trying to comprehend at all. Or you are just trolling.

They could also just label it a replica, that way players get the appearance without there being any real lore implications.


Yep. Anyone can make a sword look like anything. The power doesn’t matter either, as DKs have been much stronger with other weapons without powers.


sir/ma’am, why are you being deliberately obtuse?

First off:

Let’s everyone just calm down. We all have thoughts on Frostmourne, one way or the other. It’s cool we can all get riled up about something we’re passionate about, but let’s keep it friendly, yeah? No need for any of us to get weighed down by in-fighting or bullying.

As for my stance;

If we were able to reforge the shards of Frostmourne once (which were already free of souls, other than perhaps a small fragment of Arthas) from a 2hander into dual 1handers, then there’s really no reason we couldn’t do the reverse. Since the Legion artifacts are supposedly de-powered anyways, it really would effectively just be a “replica”.

Obviously, it’s Blizzard’s call. If they wanted to make it a full-blown Legendary, I could imagine a lot of players being super excited to try and earn it. But I’m also fine with the “replica” route as well.

I would also personally really dig being able to get larger, 2hand versions of the Legion artifact appearances (since there are some cool designs there), just scale the size up and stretch the hilt. But it’s not the end of the world either way, those designs were clearly intended to be 1handers, I would just dig more options.

Either way, I would also mention that there are technically two different models of Frostmourne at this point. There was the one originally shown in WotLK, but there was also an updated model used super briefly during the Frost artifact quest in Legion, which is way higher quality. I would honestly dig both versions being available, just for variety’s sake.

As a stand-alone Legendary, though, I could see them being able to do some cool stuff. Like maybe it just looks like a metal sword initially (like in the WC3 cinematic where Arthas returns to Lordaeron), but it gains a faint frosty effect in combat, and eventually gets the full blue-fire effect we see in the WotLK cinematic whenever it finally “procs” whatever its effect is. Or just have those as different stages of the “crafting” process.

Again, if you go that route, you’d obviously need to give competing weapons to other classes. And people may be a bit tired of 2hand Strength Legendaries for the time being (I personally thought the new Axe was super lame, but healers and tanks are long overdue for their own Legendary items).


Oh trust me this people exist I met them in different games over the years… And they do get a kick out having something to lord over… Whales do something similar for the same reason even thoughts their lordship is more gamebreaking than a lore breaking cosmetic.

Not sure if others experience this… but I got a lot of heat for saying Old Mage Tower appearances should be available for others to get, even though I actually got mine in my DH. One even said I should be lording in over others instead of voicing for others to have… :confused:
Sucks being them I guess because DF and the Trading Post brought some real quality looking appearances that look way better than my Old Mage Tower cosmetics! The artifacts use to have special animations or NPC commenting on it (limited to Legion area content sadly), like when you defeated enemies turning them into Ash (Ashbringer) or make them green with flies (Apocalipse), but it seems those were eventually turn off or are a rare occurrence if you use an ability in the Talent tree that use to be in the Artifact Weapon or Some weapons still talk to you but barely… So they are not that great anymore as their uniqueness left as Legion ended very few stuff about them remained evergreen from what I seen.

Silly I know but those people exist in the game… I’m not saying others against it have the same mentality mind you… but yeah just wanted to let you know that YES some actully get a kick out of lordering pixels at others, as unhinge as silly as that sounds! :joy:


Obtuse is completely ignoring everything and making up your own fanfiction because you cannot accept what someone is saying or the fact the lore doesn’t make sense.


And if you are going to call someone obtuse. At least TRY to counter, refute. SOMETHING.
Literally ‘ur dumb!’ and no other context, reasoning or anything.

And I literally gave y’all the keys to the city. A sound way it COULD be done, works with lore. Works with current content. Actually fits into what the general theme is instead of just tossing something out there just because you want it.

The big issue is how do you make it fit thematically?

We are kind of far off from scourge themed things right now. Trying to reforge the blades back into frostmourne also doesn’t really work, since the primus was the one with the plans. Doubt he’d give those over willingly lol.
Traveling to an AU to steal them from another arthas also doesn’t really work. Mostly because of the ‘but why’ point. It’s such a random event.

And the thought of legendaries is cool, but that turns into a ‘been there, done that’ sort of thing. If they went this angle, it would probably be getting the primus to assist them in making a ‘sister’ blade of frostmourne to help out with the events of TWW. THEN getting a reskinned version for tmog.

Idk. I still feel the best option to make this work for getting frostmourne for tmog is timerifts. The lore is there. It fits thematically.
We got to see it with the diablo event for cosmetics.
They could easily work it into ALL of the different timewalking weeks for cosmetics from each xpac that were previously unobtainable.
It would also create a long term world event for each timewalking week.

This you:

You are pulling the “i main x class so i have more credibility to talk”

you don’t

Lmao, now you are trying to steal other people ideas? cause everyone pitch a way for this to work alternate timeline is just one of the bits that can work and its not 'silly" just because you don’t like it.

Yeah, maybe for you it is.

But anything is better than the dumb of idea of “frotmourne toy”

That too, its baffling that people DONT want it, and keep complaining for blizzard to not do it, like bro, if you don’t like, don’t use it

Those will be the first one to use a transmog if it come to be

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Context matters.

It’s literally one of the worst options. The fact you can’t recognize that AND continue to ignore my other points says it all.

You have zero intentions on discussing this. All you want to do is pointlessly argue.
You also refuse to expand on ANY of your ideas other then run to an AU and steal it from arthas or ‘reforge’. You quite literally won’t put any effort into the thought and just want to bash my idea of a toy.

Read below. That’s how you formulate thoughts and ideas.

talking down to others about “formulating thoughts and ideas” or “lack or critical thinking” whilst not giving any real arguments is sure entertaining to read. thank you for keeping the thread alive.

You got the shards of it sprinkled like a cupcake in two blades for frost back in legion.

Frostmourne lore wise no longer exists so giving you it is impossible.

This comment literally backed up my point.

You aren’t expanding on your idea. You aren’t even debating the topic. You are arguing to arguing.

Like you two aren’t even trying at this point.

the idea has been greatly expanded over the entire thread, if you bothered to read it.

Are you even trying at this point? Did you ever try?

Ive been “trying” the entire thread and including how to make it work thematically.

I’ve also quoted myself for full context countless times. Something you haven’t done.

And here you are again, not discussing the topic and pointlessly arguing.

The context that no one actually is "crying after 14 years", but making a valid request

What you doing is appeal to ridicule fallacy

The worst option, that you suggest yourself is by making a toy

It was already reforged once, and we created one similar weapon ourselves(shadowmourne) we don’t need the Primus, but if we did we could either ask for him and give, or if he don’t, we take it by force

And don’t tell me we can’t, because we did just that with our dragon mount

There is premise and possibility to reforge a second time to look like it did previous, you can’t wrap your head around it because you lack imagination.

There is no need to expand then because 1.they are self explanatory and 2. im not a dev, im not paid for writing the lore, neither im implementing it, im giving a suggestion, a thought, about how they can make it, it i up to blizzard to dit

  1. I did expand the idea of going to another timeline, like when i said we could go where the scourge won, and we face off that Lich king

Canonically this is wrong, there is an infinite amount of frostmournes in alternate timelines

And we can just reforge the toothpicks to look like it did previously, so it is possible

Cause lore doesnt matter when u see a million paladins weild the ashbringer.

Its just a fun mog to have. It looks cool

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You don’t read much do you.
That stance changed after I put a little more effort into it.
Something you refuse to do at all and just want to mindlessly debate semantics.

Because it doesn’t make sense lore-wise.
And you say I lack imagination when you can’t get past “reforging” and move onto something that works better with the story.

It’s like talking to a wall.

Shesh. Again, you said I lack imagination when you can’t even explain your idea.

  1. It’s not. We aren’t mind readers.

  2. And? You can’t expand on it in case someone DOES read it? Oh wait… It’s self explanatory I forgot. No need to expand. No need to make it make sense. No need to make it work thematically so someone might want to use it

  3. And I asked “why?” To which you can’t expand on. Why are you traveling to another AU to beat up the LK again? This is what I mean when I say “make it work thematically”. It’s just a random event, why are we doing it?

Where as… I said make a timewalking timerift where the scourge invades, similar to the diablo event. Boom. It works. Why? Timerifts are a world event. It creates a new thing to do during timewalking. You can expand it to the other timewalking eras to include other mogs and items.

Or ya know. We can keep going back and forth not discussing anything at all and just pointlessly arguing.

You are backpedaling now that you said it was better to be a toy option?

Well i at least you admit that was bad, its a start

That is not a problem, because it would make sense if they write that storyline

It could be just as a memento to be a transmog option, or the quest to build another legendary like shadowmourne

Infinite possibilities, but if you keep putting your fingers in your ear and saying “it doesn’t make sense lore-wise” you will never understand simple things

It didn’t made sense that the man’ari demons re-join the draenei, but they did anyway

Im not talking to children who can’t understand a basic conversation

your face when countless of people here, me included, already mentioned grabbing from alternate timelines is an option and it is lore friendly: :scream: