How about letting Death Knights in WOW obtain Frostmourne somehow?

For those who haven’t seen, there’s a new event going on in Diablo Immortal themed around the Lich King, which allows players to unlock Frostmourne as a transmog option.

That’s cool and all, but it seems kind of weird for World of Warcraft players to still be left twiddling our thumbs.

In Legion, Frost DK’s reforge the shards of Frostmourne into the “Blades of the Fallen Prince” 1handers. Which makes absolutely zero sense, but whatever. There’s been no real indication of the state of those blades after Legion ends, and given we met and rescued the guy who actually MADE Frostmourne in Shadowlands, it seemed like a pretty massive missed opportunity to do something with it.

So, I’m simply asking that you guys figure something out.

For my part, I would make it part of some “ultimate challenge for DK players”, kind of like Green-Fire was for Warlocks in MoP. Hell, maybe unlocking Frostmourne even unlocks some blue-fire visuals for some DK spells.

My thinking? Require players defeat all three of the Mage Tower bosses as a Death Knight, reach max renown with all of the Shadowlands covenants, and unlock some little short quest-chain. Something where Frostmourne is “reforged” more as a replica than possessing any real power, but as a sign of you surpassing even Arthas himself as a Death Knight, a trophy of sorts.

Of course, I would be super down for a proper quest-chain, or unlocking an actual Legendary form of Frostmourne. But I’m supposing that would be a big ask for something that would probably only fit one class (unless they provided “mirror weapons” for the other classes, like Broxigar’s axe for Warriors or an even more empowered Ashbringer?).


I’m leveling a Frost Death Knight in Legion and the Frost Artifact Weapon is Frostmourne. Since my Death Knight has it, your going to have to figure out how to take it from me.


As cool as that’d be, I’d doubt DKs would ever get something like that

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And that’s all you get. The lore for Frostmourne is done and gone and so are the swords.

I don’t know why this is so difficult that we need this same thread all the time.

Nor do I know why people take offense to factual information on the lore being given to them.


Look, some of us may have some slight drain bamage from sitting on the pile a little too long being being raised…


If my vote counts, I vote “no.”


Frostmourne is a paladin weapon.

Frostmourne has been destroyed, lore-wise, and reforged into the Frost DK’s dual blades of Legion.

It won’t come back, ever, unless some time-shenanigans are involved and we steal one from another timeline or some crap. Which, I very much doubt lol.

Also, there’s Shadowmourne, the axe.

There’s two similar weapons, but I doubt DKs will ever get the real thing, largely because, again, lore-wise it’s been destroyed and reforged already.

Same deal with the Lich King’s crown, it’s just gone.


I don’t see where it says that:

Whomsoever takes up this blade shall wield power eternal. Just as the blade rends flesh, so must power scar the spirit.


Then let me destroy the new artifact(s) and reforge it into Frostmourne.

Fact is, the dual 1handers were only created because Blizzard was hellbent on trying to make Frost into a DW’ing spec. It was also heavily rumored that Shadowmourne was created only because Warriors benefitted from Axe Specialization back in the day, so Frostmourne was thrown to the wayside because of that.

Frostmourne has been a carrot-on-a-stick for Death Knights quite literally since before they were released. It is as much a part of the class’s legacy as Ashbringer is to Paladins, or Doomhammer is to Shamans.

It’s clear that Blizzard knows players are still intensely interested in Frostmourne, because they keep teasing it and adding it to other games.

Why not actually let the core audience, DK’s who play WoW, actually have a chance to obtain it?


I would love a way to get either Frostmourne or a replica of it, bonus points if we also got a downsized 1h version (the blade of the artifact weapon looks nothing like Frostmourne so that doesn’t count as a downsized version).

Arguments like this are irrelevant considering every Paladin has Ashbringer, every Shaman has Doomhammer, etc.


Probably because Uther’s soul is inside it, along with other several lore characters.

It’s too unique of a weapon.

Should every DK have their own with their own personal Uther ghost, lol? Idk how I feel about that.

It’s not like Ashbringer, which is kinda ‘just a sword’, because Frostmourne has/had souls inside of it, prior to being shattered.

It’s a carrot on a stick for you.

I personally don’t like seeing millions of Doomhammers and Ashbringers. I hope they don’t do that to Frostmourne,

p.s. It’s really funny to me how you’re completely hellbent on no all race/class combos, you have made several threads about how this destroys the lore, but when it’s something you want, you want to do this with the lore:


Don’t think it’s happening any time soon.

Frost DKs and their zit-popping sibling Unholy are despised almost as much as Shamans.

You will never have anything nice because it’s in the cards for mages and warlocks to be thematically superior.

You’ll accept your low polygon ghoul and you’ll like it.


Every artifact weapon lost all power after legion because we used them to stop the damage from the giant sword in Silithus

Not really. Frostmourne is a mourne-blade that should’ve never existed in the mortal world. That’s the reason it held such power.

I doubt the guy who made it would ever create another and just give it to some random death knight, and let them go run off with it and potentially become another lich king


So do you want Frostmourne on something other than a Death Knight?

The artifacts are gone. They were all used to cleanse the sword in Silithus and are defunct.

LOL right?


You have blades made from the sword. Frostmourne is no more. This post is beating a dead horse.


nope i got mine stashed away you will never find it . :rofl: :rofl: :crazy_face:

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Two handed versions of the frost artifact would be nice at the very least.