How about letting Death Knights in WOW obtain Frostmourne somehow?

I wish we didn’t. Blizzard already admitted that giving players ashbringer in vanilla was a mistake lore wise then they did it again in legion lol. Now the weapon is canonically gone forever, and really so is frostmourne, that thing got shattered into pieces in Wrath and I was kind of shocked they let players get their hands on even the shards in legion.

I’m not fond of unique major lore objects being given to players. Same with doomhammer.

Good think in wow the lore is that other timelines exist

so we can jut grab frostmourne from one of then, so you are wrong, there is a multiverse to claim

That ship sailed long ago mate, pandoras box was opened, if you are not fond, don’t use it.

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There is literally no lore stopping any blacksmith from making hundreds of swords that look like frostmorne. Since DKs aren’t looking to take over the world, the power imbued in the original is meaningless. The shards are meaningless.

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That’s an idea. A crafted replica with the Frostmourne appearance. I don’t need the power tied to the actual mourneblade, just the appearance of the iconic weapon.

I’d still ideally like the devs to retcon the fost DK artifact weapon quest to reforge the artifact to a 2h weapon ideally (while allowing the toothpicks already created to be used by dw frost DKs). That would be a lot of work though on old content. It’s probably wishful thinking, but I can still dream.

There is a pretty massive difference in our achievements and easily time played as well.

Not really because there is still a huge difference in time invested between us.
What do I need to login and screenshot my time played for a bad forum troll?

Might want to offer the devs and story team what you are smoking.
Must be some really strong stuff.

Every DK puts runes on their sword anyway right?

So if they pick up a random basic greatsword or a sword that looks like frostmorne, there’s no practical difference.

Any blacksmith who wanted to make money in azeroth would obviously make weapons that look like famous ones, to the extent that they are able to.

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… you can’t be serious right now. A sword no one that’s still alive probably remembers what it looked like, made by Nathrezim from plans given by the Primus… and you’re all like, “MaKe A rEpLiCa!!!”

I’m just going to mute this thread. Logic has no place here.


Yea… unfortunately I think they are.

The excuse of ‘but time travel!’ and ‘but they retcon’d this!’ is wild.

But time travel! :crazy_face:

I’d like Frostmourne. I got it in Diablo Immortal. Didn’t take long at all to get.


This made me laugh more than it should… but is soo true DK among other classes really need an update on their spell/abilities/pets VFX badly! lol

My brother also calls Unholy zit-popping too and Frost spec, “The Snow Sprinkler” (Can’t say here what he calls or names he has for Blood spec as it could be offensive to some)… how their abilities look to him compare to other games he has played recently. :sweat_smile:

You make good points, I really can’t talk about the gameplay much as I am extremely casual but Demonology after losing its Dark Apotheosis and demon Lord Theme gameplay (The Meta for Locks) has never felt as fun (IMO)
And Affliction yeah… the most it has as visual stimulating was if you use the talent Soul Flame Talent that makes stuff blow up in shadow flame… I wish the burst would spread the dots to the mobs that are left… Anyway yeah I have to agree it has very little when it comes to visual… (IMO)
Destruction is exactly like you said… only thing I REALLY miss are my cosmetic Verdant Sphere for my Destro Warlock soul shards! I miss them soooo much! I’m surprise the Trading post or any scrying scrolls has brought them back!

I am happy truly that Blood Elf fans actually get to cosplay and have a whole hero spec to play as a real “Blood Mage”! But I still miss them on my lock dearly! :sob:

I think it would also help the Visual abilities had the VFX of leaving animation of ash or piles of bones etc like ESO does when you kill a Mob with certain elemental attacks… like DK toy ability to explode corpses… although I preferred if DK had the ability to detonate or interact with corpse like ESO Necromancers can.

Hopefully Hero Talents can help in that:
:crossed_fingers: :grimacing:

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I don’t use them. I’m just stating it’s not something I’m fond of.

Literally everyone saw frostmorne. Arthas popped into every zone in the game during wrath advertising his existence. Every faction leader was at the wrathgate. There are books and paintings all over with it.

You obviously don’t play WoW.


I’m thoroughly convinced that some people get a weird kick out of limiting the options of others even if it’s purely cosmetic.

Somehow we got the Scepter of Sargeras that was a powerful enough catalyst to tear open rifts that tore apart Draenor but we can’t have a reforged 2H frostmourne.

Anyone arguing lore significance in WoW of all games is trolling - this game has some of the most inconsistent and nonsensical story beats in the industry.

Pull the rip cord and give us Frostmourne.


Just means you had more time to play dear, i didn’t even played most of the expansions because reasons, didn’t played shadowlands, only a bit of BFA and DF only when remix came out :stuck_out_tongue:

Alo, that by no means give you more authority to talk about what is best for death knights, and even if you mained one doesn’t make your opinion more valid

Like i said, it is a lame fallacy of authority.

I think you need to educate yourself on wow lore, since apparently time played is not enough, cause the devs already have what im being smoking, is in the game already:

Alternate timelines (also referred to as alternate realities,alternate universes, or timeways) are alternate versions of the universe. There are an infinite number of separate alternate, possible timelines, creating the multiverse. Some are nearly identical, only differing in a few key events.

the same way they turned 1 sword into 2 the first time: magic.

Now just turn 2 into 1.


Aka more time played? The point being made?

That was never once said. Pro at twisting words.
You were the one being condescending when I said I was a dk main and don’t care.
Then I magically have to provide receipts :joy:
I provide receipts and now I have authority over you? Really? That’s what you are going with?

I guess thats one way to backtrack when you call someone out and get proven wrong “dear”.

That was poking fun at you. Because the dev team and story team would have to be pretty high to go AU so you can have frostmourne lol.
Clearly that went whoosh and you chose to go for yet another ‘gotcha’.

Why? They lost their power at the end of legion.
And by who?

Plans are lost. Sword is depowered. They didn’t make frostmourne. They made two brands new blades.
I doubt you’ll convince the primus to make another. Because even at its weakest, for tmog sakes, it would still have domination runes that would yet again make it the most powerful mourne blade.

(Because it was up until shalamourne)

Perks of being a lore nerd. You can take these thinks and apply critical thinking to what CAN be done vs pulling a squirrel out of a hat.

Let me help you out here because this conversation is tired.

If you want to do it with respect to lore… DF gave you the PRIME example of how to do this (which tbh I was hoping you’d eventually pick up on this instead of the wod example).

Time rifts.
We literally have a DF world event every hour for timerifts. AND ONE OF THEM IS THE SCOURGE!
One could easily have a depowered frostmourne. A as a silly little gray item for tmog.

And before you go ‘but that’s what I was talking about!’ - No. You never once gave an example of this.
Trying to reforge the sword is a BAD angle for this. Trying to create/travel to an AU to steal it from is also bad.
Literally throw it into a wotlk timewalking event where a timerift opens. A boss npc comes out. Kill mob for tmog. Boom done. No silly AU travel. Kept it with DF theme AND lore friendly. No silly reforging a depowered blade (with what plans).

I mean, you kinda did when you tried to pull the “i main x class card” something completely irrelevant to the discussion

Why? we already got an entire expansion in an alternate timeline, we got allied races from the alternate timeline, we have a lot of content from different timelines that include dungeons featuring then to get transmog

LOL we have an entire feature called, literally time rift where we can grab transmog and mount from alternate timelines

but you think “nO wAy ThEy wiLl Do ThAt FoR fRosTmOuRnE”, ok buddy, you can keep thinking like that

I literally did, you can grab one from an alternate timeline, meaning they can build the story from that premise

There is an infinite amount of ways for this to work

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yep…paladins were handed the ultimate
paladin weapon/ashbringer in legion.

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