How about letting Death Knights in WOW obtain Frostmourne somehow?

was about to say this and that op must not read up on any of the lore (or is trolling)

hell, the sword gets broken after you fight the lich king. how the hell you expect to be able to have said wep? only way death knights got it its caz its now 2 smaller swords

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That’s not how that works.
Yet again… For the hundredth time.
Blade no worky worky.
Blade was reforged already.
Original crafter won’t recraft.
Original crafter won’t willingly hand over plans.

You need a better reason than “OH TMOG”. There has to be a story reason. Just like traveling to an AU to steal it from another LK. THERE IS NO REASON FOR THIS.

It has nothing to do with imagination. It has everything to do with puzzle pieces fitting together. You are trying to square peg, round hole this to make it work.

One guy had a good idea about recrafting for a legendary. THAT’S a logical reason. We recraft a VERSION for the battle with the void and get the primus to make a sister blade, and we get tmog out of it. Wow crazy. A story that makes sense.

Asked and answered. Just because YOU refuse to acknowledge the lore blizzard provided doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

Going to =/= lore friendly.
Coming to us via timerift = lore friendly. And you believe in the first option, where as I am the latter.

Anyways. I’m done with this circular argument. You refuse to debate the topic without being condescending. Feel free to type up a few paragraphs and have the last word. I’m not reading it.
K. Thanks. Get muted. BYEEEEEE :v:

I feel like half of these comments are trolling.
They poop out half baked thoughts of reforging and if you point out the fallacy… holy hell.

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Yet again… For the hundredth time.

Doesn’t matter

Doesn’t matter, could be reforged again

You don’t know that, and he is no needed as we already forged Shadowmourne

You don’t know that, and it is no needed we can take by force

The reason is more customization for players

That was the reason they made man’ari demons and undead elves, there was no reason to add other than player customization

The inlore reason is created after the idea is going to be implemented, and there i many possibilities.

The reason is literally giving player more customization

You want a lore reason of why a death knight, searching for power, would go into a world where the scourge won to beat their Lich king down, save the survivors of this world and grab his sword? hummmmm i can’t think of ONE reason for it :rofl:

It didn’t exist before, just like you are whining about “t-t-the sword was reforge and doesn’t work!1!”" like that is an immutable status

Yeah, because we going to other timelines is not friendly, never happened before :sob:

pot meet kettle

And it ends with a classic pigeon chess, they never change

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Thats the forums for ya. Used to be ok posts, now its mostly trolls

I could realy go off on a rant, but thats a whole differnt kettle of fish so i wont

It’s wild.

Debates turn into non productive circular nonsense. No matter how many times you try to turn the wheel, they are just a magnet to the nonsense.
And they ignore you pointing out how non productive it is… like oof.
It’s also hilarious how bad people NEED the last word.

I don’t get it.

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I want more info on this regarding Xal’atath and the dagger. I mean I remember, but I am just saying there better be a damn good reason that Xal’atath wasn’t destroyed at that moment.

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even worce is when your in a easy to see “poop posting” (cant say the s word caz thats a ban. hope poop is allowed, lol) post and people are just goofing around. you go a little to dark with a joke (even if others like your post) and you will get banned. happened to me a few times. so what im my humour is very dark at times. if others are doing it why only ban 1-2 people…

and when you get banned it used to not say why. even now when it dose it can be so vague you can miss why. like my “s word” part. got me hit a few times till i got a non bot to explain that word is not allowed. why isnt it allowed? hell if i know. its a real word. yes if cut up the first parts bad, but same could be said about that one type of mushroom, lol

its why i dont post to much here. there other places that are a bit better, lol

but back to the topic. no OP, you cant get the sword, death knights got it and as they would say " You can have this when you pry it from my cold, dead hands. And even then, good luck! Because I will have glued it to my cold, dead hands!"

I dunno, I don’t think it would be particularly difficult to come up with a reason from the Primus to help us reforge Frostmourne. I’ve even suggested before that, since it’s been implied that there are still some Scourge commanders left attempting to unify what’s left of the Scourge, it could fit that we forge a “replica” in order to strike fear into them, at least until a better solution arrives (and they catch wind that this new “replica” lacks the power of the original form).

A time-rift or something could technically work, sure. It’s obviously how we got a version of Gorehowl with the WoD model. I still feel like it’s something that should be unique to only Death Knights, though; it’s even more iconic to the class than Ashbringer was to Paladins.

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Never gonna happen. Just get the Arsenal: Armaments of the Ebon Blade use the Icy Ebon Warsword and be happy with that. It’s close enough.

Oh… and while you’re at it… go get Shadowmourne.

Just like classic and demon hunters will never gonna happen

How well that aged

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We already got sargeras’s sword as replicas both in 2h and 1h just give us a replica.

While their at it, corrupted ash bringer with three different versions, blood, unholy and frost, red, green, blue respectively

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Wait, did we?

Through the trading post yeah

bloody hell this trading post, you always miss the good stuff

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Just gonna say, it’s still a bummer to see Frostmourne used in multiple Diablo games, but still inaccessible to DK’s in WoW.

Would just be a major moment, particularly if we could get both the WotLK and Legion models to choose from (the Legion one obviously looks better, but there’s a charm to the WotLK one as well).

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Frost paladins are OP

Frostmourne has appeared in Diablo Immortal, Diablo 4, and just revealed it will be appearing in Overwatch.

It’s absolutely ridiculous that DK’s cannot obtain it (or its appearance) in WoW.


agreed lets add it to everything but wow lol

No, it’s a hunter weapon. Or so my grandkids say.