How about letting Death Knights in WOW obtain Frostmourne somehow?

More like you don’t see me crying this hard I don’t have frostmourne after 14 years.
(I also recognize the reality of the lore and the odds of an AU happening)

I have it, what are you talking about? Tirion shattered that thing and I rebuilt it as 2 1H weapons.

Yea thats a misconception. All the weapons are still around, they just got depowered at the end of legion.
Kind of odd they’ve really only highlight the dagger though


The dagger is getting special attention because everyone is thirsty for the knaifu

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Knowing Blizzard, they’d reforge Frostmourne into a foam sword to go with the Arbutter’s stupid hat.

:joy: I can’t

But it would be cool to see doomhammer and others come back.

Shhhhh don’t give them any ideas.

As a generally happy Paladin, I’d rather it be named Frostcheer or Forstmight, y’know, play on frostbite that doesn’t sound so brooding and edgy.

I vote yes…
You know why? Because I am still happy to have the Ashbringer with me, well the one from Legion anyway, could not put my hands on the corrupted version, maybe one day I will.

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I don’t think anyone said they disappeared. They’re just defunct. That’s what I meant by “gone.” De-powered and stashed away collecting dust in some corner.

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people must have really short memories because mage sucked for many years until it finally got a bit of a rework at the END of DF. Mages were asking for the removal of Rune of Power for literally 10 years…

Yes, mage is good in TWW. Awesome rework. Finally someone that loves the class is behind their design.

When it comes to warlock, who have literally been meta every patch for the past 10 years: Demonology gets a facelift every expansion and it’s still garbage to play. Affliction has had the same trash gameplay for all eternity and the only times people play it is when it is overtuned, because it’s just not fun or visually stimulating. Destro looks great and has a solid design, but it’s usually the worse spec of the class in terms of balance numbers.

IMO, I totally think all DKs should have access to Frostmourne, and they should allow Frost spec to dual-wield from the early talents. It is annoying to have to invest so deep into 2h frost for it to just be mediocre at best.

But let’s not forget that Blood DK has been one of the best tanks since its inception and the absolute best spec in the game when it comes to solo content for the whole 15+ years it has existed.

I also think Blood DK has been done dirty in terms of visuals and theme. With all the cool red anima spells they did for the Venthyr in SL… they could really spice up the spec. Chain Harvest (shaman) and Impending Catastrophe (warlock) would have made excellent additions to the Blood DK kit, and they certainly should have kept the teleport at a choice node with the other (rather limited) DK mobility spells.

All that is true…

But… let’s stop throwing dirt over mages and warlocks to get it; it’s unnecessary vitriol.

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I could easily see a questline that took DKs back to the Shadowlands to see the Runecarver and fix the blade in a way that won’t corrupt the user.

They just haven’t wanted to do it.


You can have frostmourne but only if you buy the irl replica. Honestly I’d like the get the lich kings armor, not just a set that is sorta kinda like it

thats because you don’t main a dk, i even doubt you play one and you are oblivious to the wow lore to know different timelines and reforging can happen


How? The blade doesn’t exist anymore. It was already reforged into 2 separate swords.

My dk main I made back in wrath. ~7200 hours played alone. 33.5k acheivs solely done on her.

Thanks for playing!

And my remix main.
Thats why you don’t make assumptions.

Just means you have an alt buddy, i do too

And i have for remix as well

This one is alliance, but i have two other ones as well, but i think the point has being made

The lore is the sword broke, was reforged into twin blades, and then siphoned of all power by the end of legion. There’s nothing left to claim, nothing to chase. Let. It. Go.