How about letting Death Knights in WOW obtain Frostmourne somehow?

That is not the answer of the question

I asked you why blizzard waste time adding questilines to add undead elves and demons as players options

You give me an ingame explanation of why they re-joined the factions, something they came up AFTER deciding they would waste their time to add those options, and that is not what i asked.

so, again, why did they do that?

Says who? you can either use the toothpicks of the fallen prince and unite in one or, you can grab one from an alternate timeline, or just create a new one who look the same.

What the hell are you even trying to say here lol

Says who? you?

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The answer is obvious.
Player customization that could be worked in minimally lorewise.
Something that frostmourne can’t be done, also obvious.

Why would they do that?
The legion questlines still exist. They’d undo an artifact doing that.

Also how would YOU make it work lorewise? Nothing exists other than the blades of the fallen prince.
The alternate version is shadowmourne.

A toy is more simple and more profitable and makes more sense than reinventing the wheel.
How many times do I have to say that?

Says anyone with a brainstem.

Exactly, there you go

Now you have your answer about why they should add frostmourne as transmog, giving player customization

And adding frostmourne as transmog - because we can just reforge/create a new one/get from an alternate timeline - is more lore friendly than literally adding demons as playable option and make then be able to be paladins, shamans and priests

You are answering yourself here

what more is needed?

why it needs to exist something for then to create something? we have other runeblades stronger than frostmourne so you know, those are the other deathknight weapons

Showing it is possible to create more

There is no “reinventing the wheel” here, because that was already done before with Demon hunters and Illidan weapons, lmao

we can grab various weapons appearances in the game from alternative timelines and variations, there is no reason or need to be scummy and make a freaking toy

I think you mean a brainrot

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So the USS Constitution in Boston Harbor is not the USS Constitution?
The Boston Celtics didn’t win 18 championships, they only won one?
The New York Yankees didn’t win 20 championships, in fact they never won?

I think you’d have a hard time getting many people to believe that.

Now think like you are a blizz dev.

Ah yes… because that is more logical than redemption.
Just because YOU can’t comprehend doesn’t mean it is illogical.
Especially wanting to jump into an AU and yoink frostmourne from arthas for tmog.

True copium

Wrong. Warglaives were already a drop. All they did was enable tmog. Frostmourne was never a drop. AND it was shattered at the end of ICC.

Yes. Brainrot. Because thinking blizzard will never release frostmourne for tmog is brainrot. :joy:

Then why didn’t just make a toy to turn you into a manari or a undead elf? :laughing:

You are making no sense.

Yes, making a weapon, or grabbing from another timeline is easier than demons just deciding LOL REDEMPTION TIME, and be able to connect to the elements and the light.

We did jut that to yoink not just transmogs but an entire new allied race from another timeline

but getting frostmourne WOA WOA that is going to far

why they didn’t made a toy then, if it was already a drop? why waste time enabling a transmog?

Yeah, same way thinking blizzard will never release classic :rofl:

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More character creation options or a toy… hmmm…

Reason for going to the AU for anything other than frostmourne? I’ll wait.

But as far as your other example. The entire expansion of wod would like to speak to you.

Since you are beyond obtuse. Already in-game as a drop. Pointless to make a toy.

Let’s see… blizzard rereleasing one of the most requested versions of wow for a cashgrab… or… pulling frostmourne from some magical AU to stroke your ego.


Like you said, a toy would be sold and get money, instead of giving then for free as a CUSTOMIZATION

you know, what transmogs are, but they still chose CUSTOMIZATION for players, instead of a toy

See how your argument falls apart using your own logic?

Here you go:

If it was already in-game why they waste their time enabling the transmog?

You are the only one being obtuse refuting your own arguments

you mean pulling the most iconic weapon of this game to let players have it, like they did with other iconic weapons in Legion, since still is the most requested weapon to have

And you think that is not possible… like i said, same brainrot people said before “classic is never going to happen” or “they will never add demon hunter because warlocks already have meta”

Truly copium

Difference being… frostmourne was shattered and remade into another blade lol.

We are more likely to see corrupted ashbringer return or shalamayne tmog before frostmourne ever becomes a thing.
Logically, a tmog toy that encompasses all the legendary weapons like that would be the best and easiest option.

Enjoy your ‘copium’ buzzword. I’m bored of this circular argument.

There is no difference, you are jut pulling a lore bit, it is not a gotcha neither a reason to not have the weapon as transmog.

Is like saying “Lothar is dead and his sword is gone, there is no way to get that!” when there is countless of way to make it possible adding a cool storyline EXPLAINING WHY its happening

Exactly like they did with draenei demons and undead elves

Thats the dumbest and a waste of option, it will please no one but yourself lol, the community would go in a rampage

well good thing since you were wrong anyway

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you can get it in diablo immortal

You can’t be wrong in a hypothetical, except with you throwing around “copium”.

It was already done.

"It was wielded by Arthas both during his time as a death knight and as Lich King until it was destroyed by Tirion Fordring
During the third invasion of the Burning Legion, a death knight hero reforged the shards of the blade into the Blades of the Fallen Prince." -

Cope harder. :v:

I though you were bored?

You can be wrong when you say there is no way blizzard would add frostmourne as transmog, clearly wrong because there is the possibility.

you mean the toy to turn into some bosse… yay…

Except that i not the same thing as a tranmog option, sadly.

The only one coping is you, pretending alternate timelines don’t exist anymore, truly cooked

Nah. More so thinking blizz is going to create an AU just for frostmourne tmog.
But it’s cute when you try to put words in my mouth.
As a dk main myself, you are quite hilarious.

They created an AU just for us to get Grom’s axe and Lothar’s sword

But you think they would not do for frotmourne because ~reasons~


Hilarious is that you are trying to use the “i akcshually main a dk and i don’t want frostmourne” card, lmao

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The name, Boston Celtics, won 18 championships.
Each winning team was likely different from the previous winner: AKA not the same team.

Everything changes over time but that’s even more pronounced for non-living things, like companies, teams etc.

Do you think this is the same WoW as the one in 2004?
Or the same Blizzard, Microsoft etc?

Do you think the Disney of today is the same as the one headed by Walt Disney?

Everything that has a name lives on the legacy of the original, but it’s not the same.

The frost DK artifact weapon is reforged from pieces of Frostmourne, but this entire point misses what OP is asking for. He wants the actual weapon model available to DKs. As a wrath fanboy and dk enjoyer myself, I’d also love to have it.

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That was a pointless reply. I’m fully aware that I don’t have to use it if I don’t want to.

I don’t remember the quests, but how was Xalatath the shadow priest dagger still around after the events of Legion?

Because she was released from the dagger.

Edit to add: the dagger was lost after its power was drained, so she was released by dumb people in BfA. I have linked the pertinent details! :smiley: