How about letting Death Knights in WOW obtain Frostmourne somehow?

It’s a sword drop from Naxxaramas I think from Gothik the harvestor. It’s a 1 hander but looks very much like it could be a frostmourne imitation.

Just give folks the one out of Azmurloth.

I just did the quest (or my Death Knight did who I will refer to as “I”). It’s an artifact weapon. I got sent off to Ice Crown. I was told by the Lich King to gather shards from Frostmourne (it wasn’t clear which Lich King was talking to me).

Then, as I recall, once I got all the shards Nar’Zule appeared, he talked about his Death Knight Arthas, and told me to take the sword which was now sticking into something that looked like a rock.

After which, I had the sword.

I got back to the Death Knight Base which was now in the Broken Isles and Darion Mograine told me that I was now the Death Lord (or something like that). The rest of them seem to think of me as the boss and I sent them out on various missions.

Sounds like a big trip.

It seems that all the Death Knight quests are very ambitious. I also like the Hunter Artifact mission where we go with Vereesa to look for her mother’s bow.

Unreal fumble by the powers that be. Arthas sold tickets.

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I hate to agree with a human, but in this case we deserve “Frostmourne” for transmog.


Any xpac post wrath is bolvar as LK. He has orange eyes vs blue.

We never saw arthas LK prior to wrath in old world. Just nax and scourge in general

And all class artifact quest lines are involved as these are lore important weapons mostly. Even if lore was made up that xpac.

Every player character became boss of their classes in legion. Pallies were the new highlord etc.

Every time I think Blizzard can’t be more disappointing, they prove me wrong.

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It was a set.
The blade killed and remade. The helm controlled.
And if you played WC3, you got to see the power of the blade first hand.

Clearly it is. Why would devs waste their time on this when they could:

Frostmourne was Lich King Arthas’ weapon. The shards of Frostmourne were used to create the Blades of the Fallen Prince, which was your weapon, as the Deathlord.

We don’t need a bunch of Arthas clones running around, just as we didn’t need a bunch of Illidan clones running around with the Warglaives of Azzinoth, or any of the other clones with “signature” weapons out there.

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it was made as a set, but the power reside within the helm, that why there was still a lich king after the sword was destroyed

Truth be told, Shadowmourne is stronger than frostmourne, and we are able to wield it

That a dumb excuse, why would devs waste their time on any cutomization or questline related to classes and races?

You would be one of the people who would say 'why make a green-fire quest fire for warlocks, when you can make a toy?"

It just not the same and there is plenty of reasons to “waste time”

But we got it anyway, but with arthas is going to far?

Just don’t use it yourself


On the contrary, alternate timeline windows into past nostalgia have been a big theme of late.

(I have no strong opinions on doing this or not, but I would not be surprised in the slightest if it happens)

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I gave that as an option, because that’s the only way I can see Frostmorne as it was, being reintroduced.

And it’s still a bit iffy.

That’s not how that works. They work in tandem.
The sword harvests souls, grows in power. The helm gives control of the undead.

Sindragosa is a prime example of this. You literally see arthas raise her from the dead with the sword.
A fragment of her soul is still bound to the sword, breath of sindy ability which we got from blades of the fallen prince. Frostmourne reforged.

There is so much lore I can go over and we can dig through… but they work together.
The helm also doesn’t grow in power. The sword does. Every soul it takes make it stronger.

Because the helm controls the undead… But the LK lost a lot of his power when frostmourne was busted.

And on that same note, bolvar is still the lich king after the helm was shattered.

Class questlines make sense.
Reinventing the wheel, aka reforging frostmourne, doesn’t make sense.

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No, that is literally how it works

Again, with the sword destroyed A lich king still existed, A lich king still controlled the scourge a Lich king still created more undead and other death knights

Frostmourne was just a powerful runeblade that devoured souls.

No, thats literally not how it happened, the souls trapped within frostmourne who screw Arthas enough time for us to finish him off

Again, what you are saying is not truth, the power of the lich king is in the helm of domination, period.

Nope, Bolvar is highlord of the ebon blade and he is no longer a Lich king, because it all was in the helm

Such high amount of copium

there is countless of lore bits tories and quetlines that doesn’t make sense, like man’ari, AKA DEMONS, joining draenei, or elves getting their undead versions, but they made it anyway, just to give people those customizations

so yeah, you are not making sense here, they can 100% do a questline and add the transmog option

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It was.
Both the sword and helm were items of domination that worked together.

Most of arthas’ powers CAME from the sword and the souls it absorbed. Including his own.

I mean the retcon of bolvar makes that somewhat true.
What made the lich king (originally) was the fusing of nerzhuls soul with whomever put the helm on, aka arthas.

Pot calling the kettle much?

Why though?
Frostmourne was made in SL by the runecarver via jailer’s command.
Runecarver is free, jailer is dead.
The fragments were remade into a different blade(s) already. So it would have to be recrafted from scratch. But I guess we can rip nerzhul from another timeline to remake it lol.

Explained if you do the quest.

Explained if you do the quest.

They also somewhat explained how a lightforged spacegoat became a lock, if you did the lock quest.

So… in reality, you don’t make sense and don’t read the quests when you do them.

Just because they are a set of itens doesn’t mean you need both of they share a symbiotic power. Frostmourne is just a runeblade, it is important by its impact to the lore but its not the source of power of the lich king

The Lich king power is entirely on the helm of domination, just like when ner’zhul was bond to it, when arthas put on his head and later when bolvar wore it, they were the lich when they used the helm, with or without frostmourne.

Arthas as a death knight power came from absorbing souls yeah, obviouslly the sword will empower its user, doesn’t mean comes from the sword

You are forgetting how nerzhul rage war on northrend without using the sword, increasing his as power when he got more and more souls

No? the Lich king was its own entity back in the RTS, Ner’zhul fused with Arthas so he could have a body and resist the Legion control, but he didn’t predict Arthas would just kill/consume ner’zhul and be the sole entity

Why? you are asking why they would waste time on stuff that, as you think, doesn’t make sense, and i showed you, how they waste time on stuff doesn’t make sense

Why they added undead elves as option for blood elves and night elves? why they add demon options for draenei?

When you answer the question above, stop, think about for a few seconds, and you will know why they could add frostmourne as tranmog, without me telling you anything.

Same way, the explanation of why DKs get frostmourne as transmog option will be explained when you do the quest they make :laughing:

Like how can you put two and two together and come up with five

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No. It’s a different one, with the same name.
Just like sports teams, bands etc. that are pretty much unrecognizable from any of their specific formations at a certain point in time.

If those are all the parts of the old ship, yes, it would be the original ship, but it’s impossible because time degrades things.

You could restore those parts and have a restored replica of the original though.

It’s not really a paradox IMO.

Sylvanas betrayed her rangers, so they went back to their respective factions.
Explained in the questline.

Eredar were freed from sargeras. Manari met with the broken on argus. Manari helped velen recover an artifact to show some loyalty. Blah blah blah.

Prophet Velen says: But forgiveness is not easily given. Too many have suffered.
Arzal’kal says: I do not expect forgiveness. I cannot be forgiven. Not in a thousand lifetimes.
Arzal’kal says: But if this twisted soul can still do any good, I will see it done.
Prophet Velen says: Others have proven stronger than their darkness. The orcs, death knights, and Illidari. Perhaps there is a path forward.
Prophet Velen says: There is much I would like to discuss with you, Arzal’kal, and others who believe as you do.
Arzal’kal says: Please, just… Arzaal. If I may return, I would have it be with the name I had when I left.
Prophet Velen says: Very well. Come, Arzaal.

The difference being… you can’t reforge frostmourne period because that was already done lol.

Same reason you think coming up with a story about frostmourne being recreated for tmog vs them making a toy that would blanket all legendaries and sell for $$$ on the store.

They are more likely to rerelease corrupted ashbringer than introduce frostmourne for tmog.