How about letting Death Knights in WOW obtain Frostmourne somehow?

It’s moreso that Frostmourne is responsible for there being a Lich King in the first place.

As soon as Arthas touched that sword, it was game over for him. And the folks with him.

Imo, the pieces of it DKs got in Legion was basically a consolation prize by Blizzard.

The time to have such a weapon is gone.

If we didn’t reforge it by the very dude who made it in Shadowlands, well, it’s just a done deal lol. That chapter is over with. We aren’t going back there.

Also, wasn’t it like a Nathrezim weapon or something beforehand?

It’s just kinda complicated, more so than with any other weapon.

Even Blizzard seems to think it’s not “just a sword” and thus won’t let players have it.

I’m agree with you, Frostmourne is not a symbol of our might but of our imprisonment!

Yes it does and if you take your Death Knight to Legion you can pick up Frostmourne as an artifact weapon.

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Nothing wrong with letting players mog a weapon.
I’d rather just let anyone who can use a two hander mog it, but i’m sure there’d be push back.

BDK is the only way to go! (But don’t tell that to my fiance, she plays Frost) :rofl: :rofl:

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So all of those souls being freed from Frostmourne when Tirion shattered it are fake?

No, it doesn’t.

We took fragments of Frostmourne and reforged them into new swords.

Frostmourne does not exist.

If you crash a car, take a piece of it and make a necklace, you no longer have a car. You have a necklace.


Well, that’s my point, kinda.

If the weapon were to exist, prior to it shattering, it’s got the ghosts of several important lore characters like Uther, and that’d be weird to have many of those in the hands of players.

It was already strange enough having several Ashbringers, and I’m not sure Blizzard is gonna do that sort of stuff again.

It’s kinda anti-MMO, because it breaks immersion, having tons of players with copies of a famous lore weapon.

In a single-player game, go right ahead lol.

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Lol… it’s totally explained in the quest.

Personally I wouldn’t want to unlock Frostmourne. I’d want to do everything you listed, but unlock some kind of ‘build your own’ runeblade transmog.

We are Death Knights, not Arthas, nor the Lich King - Blizzard has been very specific to steer Death Knights away from the Lich King in TWW.

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Idk what you’re talking about OP…DK did get Frostmourne…just in two pieces they reforged as two one hand swords. How can they honestly give you all a weapon you already got? No it’s not the two hander but idk why that matters…you still got the weapon itself and it was decided the two one handers were better…much better (props to anyone who gets my reference)

Because you said so? Got Ion on speed dial, do you?

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None of those that i mention is a toy, why this would be one?

like i said, is not rocket science: Use torghast and the forge to remake the sword or use one from an alternative timeline and its done

No, the lich king already existed as Ner’zhul, and continued to exist long after the sword wa broken

Its the helm that have the power, not the sword, Frostmourne is jut another runeblade.

Thats bs, like i said, we were able to get Grom’s axe and lothar’s sword, DH got their illidan weapon transmog, there is no such thing a gone.

It rly isn’t, at all

Like i said, make a scenario where you got a world where the scourge won, you defeat Arthas and get his sword as price

Throw the helm of domination as transmog as well, because its just that a damn transmog, is not canon.

Seriously, its baffling how people can advocate against stuff that would just add more cool stuff into the game. What is worse is the cynical people talking about “well you already get back in legion”, like buzz off


Ok this post confused me as Frostmourne is also a Trinket for Time Rift reward , that collects the dead souls around you to give you a temporary bubble and a stam buff.
My other blood DK has this , but my only complaint is , its explorer level.
You can see my confusion with the Op, I had no idea it was a sword.
I have a 2 h sword that I mogg from Northrend drop long time ago , that has inlaid runes and a frost appearance, I will write its name down and get back to you

What about a cosmetic item called “notmourne” that the description says, “Even though this sword looks familiar, you feel as though it’s not what you think it is.”


LOL that’s perfect. :rofl:


lol I mean we have other cosmetic knock off items. Wouldn’t surprise me if some goblin made one out of wood, painted it, and tried to sell it XD

Oh wait wait wait since it’s made of wood “Knotmourne”

“Even though this sword looks familiar, you feel as though it’s knot what you think it is.”

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Well oddly enough that brings up the question of the “Ship of Theseus”. The basic idea is that if you have a ship for many years, such as the USS Constitution or the HMS Victory, and parts are replaced one by one until hardly any original parts remain, is it still the same ship?

And it gets even more complex if you ask, if you had saved the old worn out parts and then at some point put them all back together right next to the ship that had its parts replaced, which one would be the original ship?

The debate has been going on for over 2,000 years. It is a classic paradox.

I still like my idea of Knotmourne.

Ok my go -to DK mog sword is The Greatsword of the Ebon blade , and I put an appearance on that for frosty looking blade.
You should have got this sword at the Scarlet enclave in Plaguelands from a quest for a battle scenario, but If you don’t have it for some reason, Quartermaster Ozog in the Enclave sells it for mogging for 53 whole copper.

Make it a transmog and unlock all other unique weapons as transmogs. Then make it clear that theyre all just replicas of the famous weapons. Everyone is happy, ok people who want things to be class locked because the class fantasy is entirely dependent on the weapon they use or the people who won’t accept anything less than having the one and only frostmourn would probably rage about how its caused the game to die.