How about letting Death Knights in WOW obtain Frostmourne somehow?

An imitation Frostmourne would work as a Transmog, perhaps acquired via the Trading Post.


And yet we have like 5 different versions of Gorehowl…


I’d be fine with them making some sort of illusion, toy, whatever that allowed players, or even just DKs to get the actual Frostmourne.

Yes, I am aware of the Frost DK artifact, but the Blades of the Fallen Prince are at best, pale imitations to the iconic weapon.

The fact that they keep bringing the Lich King and Frostmourne back in every way imaginable but WoW with the latest one being in Diablo Immortal if all things is just depressing.

Throw us a friggin bone here lol


No. Just go get Shadowmourne.

You mean the meaningless, non-magical axe that was never destroyed twice?


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I think that’s the point of the topic.

And we did go to AU Northrend: Time Rift.
Even killed the LK time anomaly there.

We could ALSO go to Warlands and get unique weapons from any GG Alliance leaders.

Getting the weapons is easy, and within the lore too.
Some people just don’t want to see Frostmournes everywhere, and that’s fine too as an opinion, not as something to enforce on others.


Why would anyone want Frostmourne? Isn’t it like a cursed sword if you reforge it then we go back to square one. And every death knight will be competing to become the new Lich King. And we will have a death knight civil war on who will get the sword on our hands. No let it remain destroyed.

I think we need to throw whatever is left of the evil wretched sword in a eternal sword hell. To never be remembered again.


Wasn’t Frostmourne made by whatshisface in Torghast? Can’t he just make a few dozen whenevs?


Gorehowl isn’t meaningless. It is the axe used by a Warchief of the Horde. Its a axe to display Horde power and authority as being a Warchief of the Horde. Gorehowl got many upgrades over the years but still the same Gorehowl.


In addition to Shadowmourne (which any DK worth his/her salt would already have) you can purchase the Ebon Warswords (bloodied, unholy, and Icy.) It is somewhat close to Frostmourne and is one of the three weapons I will use on my DKs.) And purchasable from Warmage Kath’leen in the Broken Shore,

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Comparatively, yes it is. It’s just a hunk of metal on a stick. Frostmourne is entirely different.

Trying to compare a weapon that was never destroyed, never powerful or magical to one that was all of things is just nonsensical at best.


Why would anyone want to be a death knight or a demon hunter?

both cursed with being undead or a demon

This is not even a point to be made wtf


Why not? It’s not like paladins get all sorts of Ashbringer variations to transmog. Dk’s imo should get a Frostmourne skin for transmog.


IS THIS TRUE? I had no idea lol.

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I don’t remember seeing that but Nar’Zhul himself told me to take the weapon.

It wasn’t destroyed, but it was definitely powerful and imbued with magic if you’re familiar with the history of it.

But I do agree it’s like comparing apples and oranges.

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Frostmourne no longer exists in Warcraft.

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That’s why I mentioned a toy :wink:
Win win and it wouldnt be class locked.

Yes. The unique, one of a kind axe that was taken off of a random Eredar lord, thrown away by Garrosh, corrupted by Garrosh, and pilfered from an alternate timeline, creating 4 different versions of the same axe existing at the same time within the same timeline.

Point being, lore doesn’t mean jack when it comes to transmog. Especially when you consider replicas can exist.


I remember fighting in a murloc war facing off a deathfin and gill’daniel.

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