How about letting Death Knights in WOW obtain Frostmourne somehow?

Fingers crossed I suppose that something in their 20th Anniversary for WoW will allow this to happen. They made a big deal about bringing new skins to Overwatch, and seemed to indicate other games would be celebrating it as well.

It probably wouldn’t have the same effect to most players, but I would 100% jump into TWW if I was able to unlock Frostmourne as a transmog option (though it really needs to be DK-only).

Frostmourne starved. Arthas tried to tell us that it hungered, but we didn’t listen.


This thread is still going on? Just let it die already!

Listen man; Blizzard keeps teasing Frostmourne in all their other games.

It’s long overdue to actually appear in WoW as an attainable reward for transmog. I maintain it really needs to be Death Knight-ONLY, though. Diablo Immortal had a promo that gave ever class a “Frostmourne-lookalike weapon”, which was fine for that game because DK’s don’t exist in Diablo, but for WoW, it would be super crappy.

I know that the marketing machine would probably find it enticing to say “well only X number of players are DK’s, Frostmourne for everyone!”, but I just worry that would take the wind out of its sails and how “special” it really is as part of the Class. The same way that Ashbringer is so tightly associated with the Paladin, or Doomhammer for Shamans.


While I do disagree and thing that Frostmourne should not be added (there is already a sword that has a similar look.) You do make a very good point about Ashbringer and Doomhammer.

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Ashbringer and Doomhammer don’t usurp a person’s free will, though. There’s the key difference.

They were both powerful relics, wielded by legendary individuals, but were not bound to them. They’re iconic, just as Frostmourne is iconic, but Frostmourne has its own story. It was specifically created to be bound to the person that wields it, and when we broke it apart to create the shards that are wielded by the Death Knight champion that binding was broken and could never be repaired.

The reason they won’t bring back Frostmourne in this way is because it is an intrinsically iconic weapon that is associated directly with one person, and that person is dead.


Its all nice and dandy talk, but one, it doesn’t matter, because one new lore can be added

and second, we have the trading post now to introduce replicas

The moment they added a replica of sargeras Sword, who canonically is a giant weapon stabbing azeroth currently, all the defenses about how we can’t have it go right into the toilet


I love it when people say this with confidence.

If that was the case, why is Frostmourne not obtainable in the game right now? They could have done it at any time since Legion, even after the Artifacts were all drained of their powers when used on the Blade of Sargeras.

They won’t do that, though. Because, again, Frostmourne is a sword that was bound to the soul of its wielder. It was an iconic sword belonging to an iconic character, that is directly associated with said iconic character, that has been broken down into the artifacts that they were and can never be restored again.


Because im confident with the truth

If they made up lore how crazy genocidal demon red draenei get to join the normal dranei as customization, they can come up with a sidequest for us to get frostmourne, reforge it or create a new one.

Because they don’t want it at the moment, therefore, no new lore was created for it.

This, literally, is not true, since you know, we have the sword reforged as death knights

just like Doomhammer, gorehowl and ashbringer, again, not a vallid argument

Who said it cannot be restored again? you are saying, this was never stated anywhere

there are several ways of how we can get the appearance, i just told you they can just make a damn replica, since we got a replica of Sargeras sword, who is current a giant sword stabbing the world


As much as I want that sword I’d like presences back more. life’s kinda boring with out them


Couldn’t you just get the guy in Torghast to craft you a look-a-like?
Quest to take him the two 1handers and reforge them or something?
Has to be DK exclusive though.
Maybe for the 20 year anniversary?


Very much my thinking. It would be super easy to do, and you could have a cool little quest as well. We have the remnants of Frostmourne, we’re buddies with the guy who forged it, basically all the pieces are there.

It would genuinely get be super freaking hyped to get. I would definitely opt for the newer model that was used in Legion’s opening Frost artifact quest (much larger and more detailed), but would also be cool getting the OG version from WotLK.

Hell, if Blizzard ever does Artifacts again (even without the artifact power, just unlocking cosmetic transmogs), I feel like Frostmourne is ripe for exploring “variations” on its appearance, just like Ashbringer did. Like having a version more like the WC3 cinematic, where the blade looks especially sharp and almost rusted, more of a bronze hue than the blue/black colors we’ve seen in WoW. Or variations with and without blue-fire licking the blade.

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Lore doesn’t matter in this game for player agency. We now have every DK with their own personal 4 horsemen. Bad point


Alright then,

"Blizzard doesn’t feel like it/says “No”

Result is the same lol. They clearly don’t want players to have Frostmourne.

Lore-wise, it’s destroyed. That was done back in Legion.

It’s done and done.


With the 20th Anniversary stuff kicking off, this would honestly make for a pretty sick “hidden reward” to unlock somehow, if only for transmog.

As far as Frostmourne being destroyed, clearly not. If the “remains” of Frostmourne didn’t matter, then they wouldn’t have been so powerful to have been the Frost artifact. Fact is, Arthas is dead, the whole “Frostmourne is evil” thing really isn’t a deterrent (for a multitude of reasons), and if it gives players something exciting to work towards achieving, is that not a good thing for the state of the game?