How a Dev Choice Alienated my Disability

I’ll be 50 in Dec, never to late to learn

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Have you checked the keybinds tab in your settings to insure they haven’t been reset to default? If not, that’s the first thing that needs to be done.

If that isn’t the issue, file an amendment to your bug report clearly stating you’ve tried all suggestions and it seems to be an issue on their end that effects your disability. Hopefully they will address the problem.


No, I hadn’t. But I did just look up what indented means. Sorry for overwhelming you

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Use paragraphs.

I didn’t read it all, but you can use a controller now, I believe.

I have the Tartarus gamepad which has a scroll wheel that I also have set to tab/shift+tab. I haven’t noticed any new problems with scrolling through targets, but maybe that’s because I’m not a clicker. I was one before I got that gamepad, and it might actually work for you because you can just ignore the pinky buttons. I use one of the pinky buttons as a modifier to switch between action bars, but you can just use the thumb button instead.

So it might not be a “fix,” but it might be better because it might ween you off clicking. I use bartender to change all the action bars into cubes so that the button on the screen match the buttons on the gamepad. Now I don’t have to memorize my buttons. What I see is what I press.

I then got AdiButton Auras which places all my buffs/debuffs right on the ability button. Now that I’m not looking around all over the place, my DPS has skyrocketed.


This is not the first time I have seen this sort of feedback about accessibility issues. Unfortunately you posted so much other information about what you tried that the core gets lost.

Blizzard has an Accessibility team that wants input from folks who are impacted by changes, or who want to share their needs. They can’t walk over to the Dev team and make them change it for you, but they can, and do, collect that feedback for the Devs. It often eventually results in changes.

Here is the article on it

They may not reply, but use the email address there. I strongly advise you to skip the huge wall of text and focus on the core issues.

  1. You have mobility issues with your hands so you used [insert the first quote I used from you]
  2. You tried all the display and addon troubleshooting methods which did not work. Do NOT go into detail about what you tried unless they ask.
  3. You have isolated [insert second quote] as the likely cause of the change.
  4. Your needs - what do you need done. This can be as simple as asking for the change to be reverted.

Keep it short, simple, and organized. That won’t solve it for you in the short term, but it gets the feedback to the proper team.


Op, please don’t quit! There’s lots to do before any hat throwing is needed.

I’ve got a pack of suggestions, many of which are probably terrible for you, but you never know.

Firstly, does the mouse you use have any binding software that goes with it? If so, use that software or something like AutoHotKey (one-to-one only!) to make the mouse scroll wheel up/down send some other button to the game. Then, bind those new button to the target switching.

Another thing to try would be to use a targeting macro or two, sitting on an otherwise unused button bar slot, with that button bound to the scroll wheel. That should replicate the functionality I think you were describing.

Next up is an add-on called Opie. It makes a fly out interface at the mouse cursor when you press a key bind. You press, move the mouse toward the desired action, then release the key to act. If you bind it to scroll click, you could use it wherever your cursor is, without interrupting the wheel up/down targeting. This one would need more setup, and muscle memory would need re-learning, but may gain you efficiency going forward.

Now for expensive stuff…

Left handed key pads are a gamers godsend. Depending on your level of digit function, you may find one of these drastically adds to your experience. Razer makes a nice one, but their pads tend to die quicker then I’d like.

My favorite is a really weird looking one called Azeron. You set your hand on it in a relaxed position, then each finger has a tap, pull, and flick button. You barely twitch your fingers to get the action. It’s best if your thumb is active, as it has an analog thumb stick (which can do wasd if you want) as well as a directional hat. It’s bizarre, expensive, and absolutely worth it.

Next, mice. I know you said you didn’t want a different mouse, so feel free to ignore this bit. Mmo mice are awesome. They smooth out game functions so much, I can’t imagine playing without one. They are, however, expensive. I tend to wear them out in about two years. The newer Razer naga have side plates that switch out if you don’t want that glut of buttons when you’re just browsing.

Finally, is another oddball gadget. The Tobi eye tracker is a little camera type thing that mounts under your monitor and watches your eyeballs. It isn’t quite precise enough to actually replace a mouse, given the human jitters around a lot. It does, however, offer a “mouse warp.” You look at a spot on the screen and flick the mouse just a bit towards that spot. It moves the mouse right where you were looking. It makes mouse movement insanely fast and satisfying.

I hope some or all of that was helpful, but if nothing else, we’re pulling for you!


This smells like the kind of issue that will get fixed or for which a workaround will be found. Hang in there.


12th year of loyalty. 12th day of persisting problem of bug/intended/unintended change with no resolution in sight. November 12th my new Playstation ships. I didn’t want to leave but watching my game time fade away while others enjoy new class changes feels horrible. Goodbye Azeroth /cry


I’ve been playing for over a decade myself using the scroll wheel to cycle though targets the same as you. While I don’t have anything impeding me from playing a different way, muscle memory and stubbornness are a hell of a thing to fight.

If you do use a Microsoft mouse, you might be able to use the Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard software (free) and bind the scroll up/down to two unused buttons. Then just change the the bindings in game to match those. I personally have a logitech mouse, and their software doesn’t allow the scroll function to be changed.

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Ty for the suggestion, downloaded the mouse keyboard app. If it was a left or right click it would let me. But the only options customizable for the wheel are its speed and how many lines it scrolls and seems unsupported for changing to a key. I was told this by 2 people before. Yet when you suggested it I gave a try out of desperation only to find out the 2 people were correct. Thanks for trying though. No dice /cry

Can’t you just put a “targetenemy” macro on a button on your action bar, so you don’t have to move up and down with the cursor? Or just add it to each spell.

I was thinking she could go into Keybinds and bind the target nearest and target next to the Mousewheel Up and Down?

I have spells macroed to MWU and MWD, but I do use Bartender.

I’m also curious why OP could not replicate a Blizzard UI with Bartender? You can even keep the damned Artwork if you want. I think you lose the scrolling between bars that Blizz’s default UI allows, but as a clicker Bartender might offer some UI scale and customization options that might suit the clicker-style a bit more than default UI.

I believe that’s what he did originally, but now it’s not working apparently and that’s the problem.

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Have same issue, whatever is binded to mousewheel doesn’t works when your coursor hovers over any actionbar slot.

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I just tried to set my keybind for targeting to my mouse wheel, and the settings are allowing me to do so. It doesn’t appear that this function has been disabled.

Now try it while curser is hovering over a spell icon

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You should print this out and send it to Blizz via snail mail; they’re more likely to read it that way. Be sure to format it into paragraphs first.

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as for mouse app, I suggest you to try “x-mouse button controll”, been using it for years, allows you to rebind any mouse button to whatever you want


Already did. Sent accessabilty@blizzard my report to my A.D.A representive.