How a Dev Choice Alienated my Disability

I tried but I can’t read this, it hurts so bad but I hope everything works out for you otherwise.

I don’t know what L7 or T2 are, but feels painful as F!

I hope you are better now.

Pandaria called. They want their wall back.

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Maybe you can try binding some buttons you can reach with your thumb? I assume this is a bug, but with Blizzard hard at work fixing all the things they broke with this prepatch, it may be a little while before they fix it. I hope you find a solution that works for you in the meantime.

So after reading I went in game to see what I could do to help, I was able to set the keybind to work fine with mouse wheel. Go to your keybinds in the menu and check to see that it is set as I am able to target with the mouse wheel perfectly fine. I do hope you get it figured out

I love you.

Also OP you can always set your keybindings up a different way in the settings not to mention they have different addons that you can use. But in regards to the whole politics and covid thing it is WoW in a gen or trade chat did you expect any different.

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Have you ever uhhh you know, indented for a new paragraph? Not to be rude. This is nearly impossible to read. It’s overwhelming due to the lack of formatting.

Just be careful that you only program the Logi macros for “1 key press = 1 action”. Multi-action macros will get you perma-banned.

L7=a middle to lower back vertebrae, T2=upper back right before neck vertebrae

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Paragraphs man, paragraphs.

See the Shift key on the right?

Look at the key above it. The wide one.

Press that one every once in a while. Even if just at random.

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I will try that if I ever start a post again.

I’m not just saying it to be snarky. People will be much, much more inclined to read what you posted. Especially if you’ve written a lot, it clearly matters to you. :slight_smile:

Copied and pasted with paragraph breaks.

Before playing WoW I suffered neck and back injuries in a workplace accident. I broke my L7. My T2 also suffered damage, the T2 injury left me with nerve damage in my left arm and hand, mostly to the pinky side.

While down and out discovered WoW 12 years ago. When I was a learning new player I would rest 2 fingers on W and D keys for the WASD style of character movement. Because of my injury I learned to play never using the Shift,Alt, or Tab keys.

Ive since played well over a decade using my keybind mouse wheel up as “Target Nearest Enemy” and my mouse wheel down as “Target Next Enemy”. So targeting with my mouse wheel and being a Clicker with curser over my default Blizzard actionbar. (yes, a Clicker!!! Im sorry).

This worked great for the next 12 years. Ever since Tuesdays 9.0 pre-launch patch, this way of playing is no longer playable. At first I wasnt even aware that when my curser was hovering over my actionbar and spell icons that the mouse wheel keybinds weren’t working, things just felt buggy.

Like other patch day issues I thought that it was probably an addon like everybody else was posting. I just did a simple Disable addons unchecking them ingame. When that didnt work I opened a ticket. Ticket response was fairly quick all things considered. The friendly response included a link to Blizzards UI reset instructions.

I followed those exact instructions. Yet when I got back in the game the mouse wheel still didnt activate while over the action bar and spell icons. Because of this still happening I didnt close the ticket instead clicking “Problem not resolved”. The follow up response said something along the lines of “It could be a in game bug and you should fill out a Report ingame bug” which I did. Or that is could be an intended change, and that CS couldn’t comment on Dev decisions.

Its was suggested to also post in the UI Macro Guide section of the forums , which I did. This post is in no way a complaint of how my ticket was handled by CS GMs. So now with the ingame bug reported and my post on the guide page I started my wait. Id search the forums for keywords Mouse, Mousewheel, Curser/pointer, action bar.

I saw many posts with responses regarding Atlasloot as being a main culprit for a lot of people and resolved by the easier earlier mentioned link instructions. 4 post stood out to me though, they had exact same or very similar problem as mine with only the mouse wheel over the spell icon. 1 of those 4 people discovered that the addon Bartender resolved the mouse wheel over spell icons issue for them.

I thought, OK, ill give that a try. After seeing i couldnt duplicate an exact default Blizzard UI and a lot of other lil quirky things that were creating more new problems due to 12 years of muscle memory, I disabled bartender and deleted it and headed back to the forums to wait again.

A lot of people were discussing how some addons kind of hide in the background. So I decided Ill uninstall twitch and completely delete Cache, WTF and Interface files. The problem still remained. Due to the frustration of targeting with my curser one mob at a time and then dragging curser back down to action bar, then back up to middle of the screen to hopefully click the right mob in a moving pack of 4-5 only to hurry and get back down to that bar.

It made me not want to play, so I figured Id have the extra time to completely uninstall WoW, WoW Classic and launcher entirely off my machine. 4 hours later I had Battle.Net downloaded and a new fresh start download of Wow retail ready. I started it up and crossed my fingers. All for nothing.

Mouse wheel, curse, spell icon problem remained the same. I was finally convince it wasn’t on my end for the 1st time, and figured it has to be a bug and I just need to be more patient. Now when the problem first poked up its ugly head, one of the 1st places i went to after updating drivers and scan and repair was to the patch notes.

But for the 1st few days the patch notes seemed outdated still saying 8.3 in the launcher link. Then on the 4th day I went back to the patch notes and they were updated and said 9.0. That is when I discovered this in the bottom User Interface section of notes.

“Hovering over the resource bar will now show the tooltip at the curser location” and “Added Keybind, Camera, Curser Control, and movement support for Gamepad controllers” Whatever these changes are I’m convinced are what are having an unintended impact on my play style.

I’m not here to bash Blizzard or Devs for these changes. I’m well aware the Devs go above and beyond when it comes to “inclusion” and aren’t trying to “exclude” me or others like me. But there is no way I can continue to play in its current state. I dont want to have to buy a multi button gaming mouse.

I bought 14 a model microsoft mouses/mice (idk) that i prefer. (6 in graveyard, 1 in use, 7 on deck). I prefer my current mouse. I also buy microsoft because i dont want to spend my money on sponsers of lets say “recent alleged issues”. Aside from Tomtom and a few situational addons (WBT,Tomcat), I like being bare bones.

It was 7 years before I even knew curse existed never mind modern day Twitch, and also in principle alone I don’t want to be forced adapt to a 3rd party addon (bartender) when blizzard defaults worked fine for 12 years at $14.99 a month. I don’t want to leave Azeroth, I love Azeroth.

This fantasy world has help me escape a lot of tough moments in real life. In some sense Azeroth is my life as well. I average 10-15 hours a day for a decade now. Remember the old load screen that said “don’t forget to spend time outside of Azeroth as well” lets just say I didn’t listen. I’m well over 1000 days /played across 13 toons that feel like part of me.

Mostly just 455-470s or todays equivelant. My main alone is past 800 /played alone. I’m not boasting, I’m just hoping that alone shows the love i have of this game over the years. I choose to play mostly alone because of my choice in targeting and clicking and don’t want it to effect anybody else’s gameplay.

I’ve never joined a Guild besides my own, yet never found a shortage of things to keep my Army of Alts busy, Mounts/Pets/Toys/Achvs/Profs. Not being able to target properly has left me standing around Boralus a lot more then I’m usually in town. After losing personal loved ones to Covid19, at a time when I need a Fantasy escape more then ever.

Its very painful to see a community argue publicly about presidential choice conflicts or if the virus is a hoax or not. It made me really start debating with myself if my time to leave Wow is looming. Its still up in the air, i dont know what to do.

Tomorrow will be my 7th day of checking/watching the forums for something, anything about whether this change is intended or not. If its a ingame unintended bug I’ll hang tight and be as patient as I can be. If these changes are staying I think that will be my final deciding factor. That brings me to what i know a lot of you may ask. YES, you CAN have my gold!!!.

If your from my Original Realm QD, I will make an announcement in Tradechat. I’ll then talk to Zidormi in Darkshore and head for my beloved home of Darnasus and then head east to Shadowglen where my 1st Wow identity was born. I’ll hand out 10k to each and every non boosted QD lvl 50 and 5k to SenJin connected realm members and 3k to the more recently merged realms members and to anybody that can also open trade window that isn’t a boosted toon until my many millions are depleted.

I’ll also be giving away 1 of every TCG caged pet and many high end other cageables for answering silly questions like “what the nicest thing you ever did for a low lvl stranger” or “what do you miss the most about Old Blizz”. Then ill mount up and head for the ceiling cap, have a few whispers and dismount and be off to the only true shadowlands that only I can announce its launch date.

Then I’ll hop on my only Horde toon and stand next to Orgrimmar AH on SenJin and give away 500g to anybody that /spits on me until her measly 200k is gone. There is also one brighter side to my dilemma, with all this extra Wow downtime.

I wrote a song to my Mom, she absolutely loved it. She made me promise that i would sing it at her funeral, which I did. Its titled “My Warcraft Gnome”. Its a song about a single mother doing her best to raise 3 bratty kids. If I end up having to leave,

I just want to leave not bitter and on a good note. I don’t even want a refund on my Shadowlands Package, KEEP IT!!! Grammar police and Punctuation Swat Team, Have at it, I probably deserve it. I helped Build Universities I didn’t attend them.

Thanks for reading.



If this is your take I don’t believe you read it. Maybe it was my lack of spacing out my paragraphs properly. I’ll use some of my down time and use goggle today and educate myself a little better on formatting and other short comings of my writing skills

No need.

Just copy/paste what Valkahnakai did into your original post.

That said, the mousewheel thing seems addressable. I wouldn’t bail due to that alone, especially with as much time as you’ve invested. And at this current point in the game.


Thank you for your post Ursaleena.

I think they have most some ui management stuff around.

At this moment in time while assistive technology and addons are being sorted out my recommendation would be to just wait at the moment.

Although for me I don’t have any physical issues my general visual issues has caused problems for me so I’ve been a big fan of ‘TheKephas’ guides in youtube.

It might be worth taking a break from the game until that can be sorted out. Warm wishes

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There’s always going to be the Blizz shills who explain away anything that is current broken or even blame other players - even if Blizz admits it is broken!

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I just got on a character, and yes, the keybinds for the mouse wheel will not work when hovering over the spells. But if you just move the mouse barely above the spell icons, it will work fine. Not sure why they disabled the wheel when moused over the icons. Best to you, OP.

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L7 is the last Lumbar (neck) vertebra,located where the neck & back meet. T2 is the second thoracic vertebra (located between the shoulder blades). Damage in this area would make the hands & arms not function properly & cause a lot of pain.