Hour + AV queue For Horde

It also makes absolutely no sense in Classic- why would the Horde give you the honour of high warlord if your accomplishment is you killed a hundred thousand other Horde?


This seems more reasonable, as long as it was tweaked correctly (not overly powerful etc). I’d have to think more on it to be certain, but I feel like compensating bonus XP for the amount of death timers received by being severely outnumbered would be fairly appropriate.

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Someone trolling this thread with so-called “merc mode.” It’s a bad idea. You can’t make sense of AV with it. In any case, the issue is not that alliance was premade’ing. The issue is that horde couldn’t do it too. It was a fair play issue that could have been resolved by removing the restriction. Blizz’s solution was bad.

Alli losing without premades is their fault for not adapting, etc.

Horde over population is their fault.

Same garbo in retail. More hordies = longer Qs.
also in retail, due to short Qs, Alli dont win fast, they afk and say “let em win so we can reQ”.

It was a solution Horde were making, and supporting- the nerve, Blizz gave Horde on the forums what they asked for and now they don’t want it. :laughing:

That is not the same thing though. Even the premades weren’t real premades. It was a different mix of people each game, never being sure who exactly will be in the game.

With a genuine premade the level of coordination and planning can take things to a whole other level.

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That’s not entirely true. Most Horde was fine with alliance premades. What many Horde players objected to (myself included) is that alliance could use third party software (like discord countdown bots) to game the system and form premades when Horde couldn’t (at most, you might get lucky and get 4 or 5 people into the same AV as Horde).

The rest of the horde objections (like to the pally bubble thing) was an aside to the premade issue. You don’t need to be in a premade to pull Warmasters using a pally bubble.

I hope you are bracing yourself for horde alliance collusion on discord to win trade

Because that’s likely gonna be a thing moving forward to maximize honor/hour. And yes. That qualifies as “gaming the system”

The horde and alliance should have been doing this from the start

There wasn’t a need to before because only one side could make a premade and horde were doing just fine farming the rest.

That’s gonna change

It goes beyond gaming the system, actually. People have been banned for this type of behavior.

During phase 2 and even now when ally get camped at fp’s and questing spots on over populated horde servers people say “reroll or quit” well a lot of alliance just stopped playing.

Well you can’t stop people from communicating on discord. And you can’t punish premades for “giving up” once the HpH starts to dive because a WSG is taking too long.

This isn’t different then a premade calling it and not rezzing so the other premade can finish the match.

That’s wow pvp. And you can’t stop it. Honor per hour rules the roost. It’s not “hey let’s have some fun in a competitive match!”

If that’s what you are hoping for. Good luck fella. That’s not wow pvp.

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It would be really interesting to see those number. I wish they would share stuff like that.

I wonder why there is such a large skew of Alliance players not PvPing versus Horde players though.

Apologies for being a “retail clown”, I feel terrible that I have offended you and your perception of reality. I do terribly hope you are not too distraught with angst and grief to hear more ideas because they are coming.

If you have the wherewithal to have a reasonable conversation I’m totally open to hearing your ideas as well; that is if you have anything more to add other then attempting to drown other peoples ideas with basic name calling. More to the point of what you had mentioned, I can see what you are saying, and empathize with your view point. My counter thoughts on that are:

  1. As a Retail Clown, I have yet to meet someone in the 15+ years I have played this game who chose to play a faction based on the quests. I have noticed people generally chose the faction they play on because they like the lore, the faction leaders, the look of the race they play, and where their friends are. I don’t see that changing much based on a faction transfer. That doesn’t mean what you mentioned doesn’t happen, but I personally have yet to see it.

However, I can see what you mean. No one wants people flip flopping all over the place because its not reasonable or how the game was designed or intended to be played. Maybe we could limit this to 1 character per account? Just a though. I’m mostly spit-balling here because some solution is better then no solution. Especially since we are currently working in-game with the no solution option and it clearly isn’t working either.

  1. The obvious and simple answer to the Shaman/Paladin question you pondered is there is no transfer of one to the other. If you choose a Shaman, you are stuck on the Horde, and if you chose a Paladin, you are stuck on the Alliance. These classes were intended to be faction specific and add variety to the game play and keep lore in tact, so I say it stays as is.

  2. I believe the WPvP scenario you are painting is perhaps, possibly by chance, related to your own experience on the server of your choosing to play on. Don’t get me wrong, I am sympathetic for you and others who are on a lopsided server because it removes a huge part of the fun of the game to be steam rolled by an endless enemy populous. However, it is not like that on all servers, contrary to the out-pours on these forums. My server appears to have a near 50/50 split. So it goes both ways.

In conclusion as a Retail Clown, I would like to note that I do recognize your point that classic is the superior game to retail, and that I do agree with you that I do not want it ruined in the same way retail suppose-ably has been, but I would like to find a solution to this problem as well as the ones you have experienced on a population skewed server. Maybe my idea isn’t the best solution, and that’s alright but unless you have more ideas and the ability to convey those instead of just attempting to pick apart everything you read here, I’d say you aren’t helping the problem at all, really.

Yours truly,
A supposed Retail Clown.

I’ll let you try real hard to figure out how related lore and quests are. You have defeated only yourself, young one.

Wrong, that comment was specifically about Shaman leveling straight up being easier (and faster) than Paladin leveling. Paladin leveling is notoriously slow, but end-game paladins are amazing. Leveling a Paladin is a rite of passage.

You’re trying to ruin the entire point and feel of being locked into a faction with your character. I think you’re trolling, but if not, it needs to be nipped in the bud seeing how Blizzard has caved to certain outcries thus far. Faction transfers have no place in Classic WoW - even a Classic WoW with changes. Classic is a game that derives heavily from the permanence of your character - faction et al.

My idea is this: Leave things as are. Eventually enough people will reroll or grow tired enough of waiting in queue for 1.5 hours just to have 30 minutes of PvP, then they’ll quit and the game will be better off for it, because the people that are left (on both sides) will be those who enjoy Classic for what it is - and always has been.

I really say this endearingly: I think retail is a better MMO for you, please stop playing Classic just because it is the most popular MMO at the moment.

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never a n issue it was pure jelousy because horde cannot be allowed to lose ever.

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I can’t even begin to imagine how much horde would whine if Horde vs Horde was implemented. Seeing horde arriving at stone hearth before you when you leave the starting cave in the north would be an eye opener for some.


Alliance can’t have their 40 man premades in AV for easy wins so they just don’t queue anymore. Fair games aren’t their fortĂ©.

Alliance need to have a premade vs pug to win, ever, according to this poster. Hilarious.

Yes ally and horde populations are even across all realms but that’s not the whole story. On pvp realms where people who like pvp roll, horde double or triple alliance. On pve realms where people less likely to pvp play the opposite is true. You dont see posts about it cause horde there can turn off pvp.