Hotfixes - Updated October 5

I guess I opened my auction mail about 2 minutes too early. Missing about 20k gold.

Logged out and applied the patch, logged back in. This is still not filtering 1/3 collected pets when selecting “Uncollected Only”.

Edit: it filters correctly only when selecting specific pet classes not the battle pets overall tab.
Edit2: It’s the Companions Pets tab doing it. Probably because they are the item to learn the pets vs the pet in a cage that isn’t filtering by currently collected.


Seriously where are the items i posted or the thousands of gold I made that never mailed to me but was sold and taken from me?#


im still out 2 days of lots of gold from auctions , this is not fixed.


I think this part is a bad move. The Alliance can’t unlock a Vulpera without completing the achievements, which can only be done on a Horde toon, the Horde should face the same thing as to what the Alliance has to deal with.

Exactly. I have 3 accounts, all of which made sizeable sales, that have yet to receive any gold from anything that was sold after approximately 11am yesterday. So, care to explain / update on this issue Blizzard. It is not fixed at all.

EDIT : However, i did just stumble across this post from Blizzard.

So, thats that. Thanks.


No comment on the fact that the WM bonus was removed from assault daily quests? Pretty big change.

Kaivax how do I run more visions of n’zoth I ran out of coalescing visions and am out of quests to gain more coalescing visions. My last run was lost because the server crashed last night and now I cannot run any more visions. How do I run more visions after that?

Where are the blizzard devs to answer questions about these problems. Why is there nobody doing anything. How am I expected to find reason to play the game like this. It’s so freaking depressing.


You know, for some people the Auction House is 50% of the game (if not more). Now that Buzzard inc. has successfully destroyed the ability for players to make a steady income (something they’ve been working at for several years now, for some “unknown” reason) when they do manage to sell their wares they’e managed to lose the few meager sheckles that the player/CUSTOMERS have managed to acquire?

Great work guys! I guess the next logical step is to actually steal it out of your bag. I also love that since 2009 the problems incurred with every single expansion and their subsequent updates (something that was well document in now unreachable, or non-existent, forums which have been obliterated by Buzzard shortly prior to the BfA expansion) have only increased in their ability to frustrate more players to leave the game.

Just to be fair, in the past the problems are generally and mostly corrected, though not always in a timely fashion (it can take months in some cases), but losing people’s gold is a new low and level of incompetence that I never even considered, much less experienced. I guess its time to quit again. This time for good.

Thanks for ruining the game, Buzzard inc.


Just to add my thoughts:

Maybe they’re doing this to make it easier for horde mains to jump over and try alliance?


Possibly, but don’t think that is going to work… Just look at the faction change sales… Everyone wants to be a fox.

I was just offering that up more as a possible reason but I don’t think we’ll ever know why. I’m more inline with your way of thinking though: seems odd to have disparity between the two.

I dunno, as a Horde main, one thing that does seem to bother me though, and this is only my opinion, but it feels like there is that Horde Favouritism in terms of Allied Races, as it just looks like the devs are pushing people to play Horde.

I could be entirely wrong myself, and I don’t really believe in this Horde or Alliance Favouritism. But it just does feel like it is that way.


I’m mostly an alliance main - but truly more a “paladin” main, though I did play my DK from end of legion until about late fall 2018.

I don’t know if there is an overt bias or not. I just enjoy the game, but I’m not really high-end enough to have it affect me - yet at least!

I do agree with your viewpoint. Why make it easier to get one AR for a faction swap versus just both having similar benefits?

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No it doesn’t. Several pets that I already own still show up in the form of the item that teaches you the pet as opposed to the caged version.

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Just did this, still had to kill 4. Spawn rates are a bit better in eternal blossoms, definitely not the fast rate of uldum. I has 3 spawn almost on top of me in uldum. Flew for a long time in eternal blossoms looking for the 4 rares to kill.

Better than the hour of flying and finding nothing yesterday late afternoon


Can’t wait for Blizzard to go through these “non received auction payments” and people realize that Blizzard have a log and “no you didn’t sell millions of gold worth of stuff so quit ya sookin”

ty for fixing the unearthed artifacts…was having a headache flying around in uldum with zero artifacts yesterday.

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I just came back to the game after 6 years. Days like this are times when I remember why I quit. it seemed like every new patch that came out would cause days of heartache. Not saying other games are perfect, and a lot of those games aren’t around anymore, and the ones that are hanging on are dying, but a lot of those games always had or have smooth patch periods. trying to not be soured, but who’s bright idea was it to shut down servers on a Saturday morning when have the country is stuck inside due to snow?