Hotfix for Dungeon XP

It just means we have not logged out of the forums and back in. As soon as we do it will update our character. I’m being a rebel and going to stay 120 until the forums eventually forces it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Fun detected.

Even with full groups it takes like 2-3 hours. Cutting 1 or 2 people would have increased that time.

Yes folks it takes 3 hours to get max level for 10 dollars/half a token. Leveling is a trivial mess.

They’re being paid with expansions and subs.

Git gud is all I can say. Use that money to hire people and get it done.

Could you all just focus on getting SL ready instead ?

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Yea I agree with this, let them do it, as long as the players are at-level with the instance. Get more xp for doing harder content. Why was this a problem?

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Anything that negatively impacts sellers/boosters/chinese is good in my eyes.
Good job, now ban multiboxers.

I kind of feel like a group going through a dungeon with higher difficulty should get more exp. :man_shrugging:

Edit: A group of players of similar level.

Lets see you work on a major title and see how perfect you do everything? Things like this can and has happened in every game. You can’t catch everything before release and sometimes things get over looked. If people like you only knew a 1/10th of what it takes.


Why do you need to be a game dev yourself or a professional to ask the question of a game company if they test things internally or not?

I mean, do you have to be a 5 star chef to ask the question if the chef tasted his own food before serving it to you? No. :man_shrugging:

People can ask any questions to anybody. I just don’t see the issue with Azjon’s comment your replying to.

People like him act like there aren’t going to be mistakes especially when it comes to software development. When something does happen then they act like Blizzard is stupid and they should have noticed the first time around. Things like this happen no matter who or what it is.

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So irony. I post this and the next time I come to the forums I get a message saying “you have been logged out”. Dang you blizzard lol

Neckbeards gonna neckbeard

Talk about the devs and their decisions all you want.

Don’t disparage the QA team. They make no money, they’re bottom of the totem pole, they work as long as any dev and get none of the benefits, respect, or exposure for the good work they do.

Leave QA the hell alone.

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Nobody’s disparaging them. If anything, isn’t asking if the game was tested internally (since Pre-patch has tons of bugs and other mess-ups) that shows we don’t think QA testers are worthless?

Really odd that you accused us of disparaging them (Asking if a game dev if they test something isn’t disparaging, it’s just simply asking a question. That’s like asking a waiter if the chef is cooking the food is disparaging the chefs.), but then go ahead and tell me that the QA testers are unpaid, not respected and “bottom of the totem”. I’m not really sure what kind of message your trying to get across here, so can you explain here?

That’s the reality of being a QA tester.

I know from experience. So again, when you say “was this even tested?” you’re accusing QA of not doing their jobs.

Don’t do that. They don’t deserve it.

At the end of the day someone knew that there were a ton of problems and decided to ship with instead of delay and fix.

That’s not QA. Don’t accuse them of not doing their jobs.

Well can you provide some proof of this reality? :man_shrugging:

I mean anybody can say/imply “oh this job is crappy” or “this is the reality of having this job” after describing pretty negative aspects of it.

The only thing that came to mind is 800 employees from Blizzard is let go awhile ago, but other then that, i can’t think of any reasons why you think their “bottom of the totem pole” as you say.

Anybody can say “I know from experience” too.

We wasn’t accusing the QA of anything, we was simply asking.

i honestly don’t understand why you think were disparaging and accusing them of not doing their jobs when we don’t even say anything remotely disparaging or accusatory. I mean is asking the question “did you cook this?” is now accusing of somebody not cooking it?

Asking “was this even tested” or “did you test this” is just asking if it was tested or not. It’s not accusing anybody of not testing it.

Don’t do what? Ask questions? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Why do you worry enough about this exactly? I mean, look, you do you, but to me you don’t strike me as the kind of person who would actually care about the QA testers to a point where asking questions is suddenly a slight against them when Blizzard hardly answers or listens to anybody here.

What do you mean they don’t deserve it? While nothing is above criticism (and praise), i can agree with you that they don’t deserve nastiness/disparage, they don’t deserve to lose their jobs either, they are people like you and i trying to keep food on the plate. That’s not my issue. My issue is you seem to think asking questions like that is accusing them of not doing their job and disparaging them in your mind, when that is just simply your subjective opinion. Vas, it’s okay to question people. It’s not an immediate bad or good thing.

This is what I originally responded to.

Try and keep up.

Yes, Blizzard “internally tests things”. It’s called “having a QA department”, and accusing blizz of NOT testing things means you’re insulting QA and accusing them of not doing their jobs.

I’ve been QA for 8 years at various companies including game companies. And don’t ask for proof. It’s effectively impossible, and you should know better.

QA are unsung heroes. Leave them alone.

The pre-patch smells of “there’s a ton of bug reports, and no way we can possible fix everything in time. Just make sure the game is playable and we’ll fix it all in time.”

That’s not a call QA makes.

So the game was tested. The problem lies elsewhere, and may not have a perfect solution at all given the overall complexity of a game like WoW.

If you would like, I can also go into how bugs are created and why the scale of WoW would make something like a level squish a total nightmare. It’s real comp-sci 101 stuff, but it’s also something people tend to either not know at all, or easily forget or overlook.

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The original post is misleading. What they actually did was remove all mob xp from lower levels in a party with a higher level, even if the levels are close, and even when they are not in an instance.

Yes, i see the response. Theirs nothing disparaging or accusatory in there.


That is just you thinking “asking a question means your insulting them”.

Well color me convinced of your 8 years of experience then. /s

Nothing screams creditable like “Oh i worked for 8 years, but i’m not gonna specify which company i have worked.”. :confused:

Your acting like they can’t handle even a slightest of criticism and even questions that aren’t even that. Your sitting here assuming that asking questions is insulting.

I mean, aren’t you kinda insulting them by insinuating that and telling us “leave them alone”?

Well it’s a good idea to Delay it then.

I know bugs can’t be 100% squashed, infact, that’s a thing for a video games since video games existed, that we can accept. But if it’s buggy to a point where it’s unplayable or looks pretty bad, delay it.

Well you aren’t gonna give proof on which companies you worked for to give your “i have worked for 8 years as a QA tester” some credibility, so i have my doubts on how you know bugs are created.

And i’m not saying that to sound like a butt, i seen WAY too many people claiming “oh i have worked in this for years” and “oh i have been a game dev” and when i asked them “what game they made, what’s the company’s name” and so on, that’s when they get defensive and refuse to answer the questions, leading me to believe they only say that as an attempt to get me to accept the things they say as facts, just because i don’t work the same job or field they are in. This isn’t against you personally, this is against a thing that people often do. I can say “oh i’m a game dev for 12 years” and just do the same things as i described, and you would remain unconvinced.