Hotfix for Dungeon XP

And the moment I do you just say “okay, now prove it”. Should I just send you my resume? Maybe my linkedin profile? I’m not doxing myself for your gratification, so you can just drop it.

Lots of people have been QA at some point. It’s not some kind of rare skill-set.

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Yea, that’s a normal response to ask. If you make a claim, and if somebody asks you to prove it, that is normal to do.

I didn’t say anything about your resume. Where have i said “send in your resume”?

Nobody said that either.

It’s not for my “gratification”, it’s for proving your credibility. You can twist this being for “my gratification”, but if your trying to convince me that you are the authority on this matter by saying " i worked in this for 8 years", it’s to give your statement more credibility. It’s common sense.

I mean, should i say “i worked as a game dev for 15 years, i’m not gonna prove it to you, i don’t need to, just listen and believe” and expect you to take that seriously and take everything i have said as a fact? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Good for them. :+1:

Yeah, you’re arguing in bad faith now.

We’re done.


I can see why you don’t want to prove it to me, because your just projecting. Shockingly, telling me “I’m not gonna prove it” only serves to prove you aren’t a QA tester then. Yet i’m the one with bad faith. Says the person who thinks asking people to back up what their saying is a bad question and clearly want them to just listen and believe.

Well ciao. :wave:

To somebody else who is reading: If you are gonna tell somebody you worked in this job, and if somebody asks you to prove it, only refusing to prove it for your credibility is gonna hurt your position and make it look like you don’t have that job. It’s the same thing if you make a claim and if somebody asks you to prove it.

Fun detected. Fun destroyed.

At least you guys are getting the important stuff fixed asap. Its not like SL was supposed to be out already or anything,. Nope, better kill anything fun with the game. Good job blizz!

Yes the gull of them to revamp the whole leveling experience just for you to by pass it. THE NERVE

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