Hotfix for Dungeon XP

Seems all you guys post these days is hotfixes for things you’ve messed up.


This doesn’t seem like something they messed up so much as something they didn’t expect to happen.

People 2 manning dungeons to level wasn’t on the chart of scenarios of things people would attempt, so they didn’t check what kind of experience came from it.

Fun? In my WoW? Not today!

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There’s no legacy buff in Mythic Antorus at least… So you are lying…

I literally just posted a screenshot from Tomb. Unless you believe in Unicorns, there’s no way Destro can pull 3.1k DPS spamming Drain life.

So no, I’m not lying.

And not ever!

Yes, I can help but imagine they whole “boosting low levels through dungeons” was a strong carry-over from classic players. For that reason, I’m actually glad they did this, and wouldn’t mind it being done in Classic to promote low-level dungeon groups actually forming.

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Power leveling was always a thing in Vanilla.

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Mythic Hounds of Sargeras just nuked my pet in like 20 sec (I was even actively healing it), that never happened before prepatch and I almost died as well. I barely do any DPS to them. This is on full BiS mythic Ny’alotha geared hunter.

Legacy scaling is indeed up…but absolutely messed up.

First image is myself with no corruption soloing Mythic goroth while never dropping below 50% hp on patch 8.3, second is on prepatch with exact same gear. You can’t even argue its due to corruption or that Ion’s post on twitter is being honest. C’mon, its a blatant lie no matter how you put it.


Sounds like someone was having a little too much fun

so were world buffs, but it doesn’t change the fact that certain tendancies have changed and perhaps should be reigned in.

I will always support power leveling.

It is funny how they messed up that aspect of the game when there is not practically nothing to do.


Ok, you made me walk over there. It’s definately enabled in Mythic Antorus.

My melee hits are hitting for 3k a pop, my Festering Strike is hitting for close to 6k :

By contrast, in a Mythic+, my Festering strike hits for 800 :

I’m doing a bit more than 7 times my normal DPS. You have the Old content Buff in Antorus. Next time, check your actual Damage meters. If you can’t kill Mythic Antorus bosses, that’s not even abnormal : it was a crapshoot even with Corruption whether I could solo them. Hounds would kill me if I didn’t manage a perfect opener because I would run out of health before they died.

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You need to read posts instead of selectively cherry picking, because as i proved above, legacy buff might be up but its tuned wrong. We are still nowhere near the level 120 damage we were doing at 8.3 without corruption.

cringe change no one wanted

Yes I do more DPS in Antorus, but it’s not about DPS. It’s about not being able to even survive against Mythic Antorus bosses after prepatch… The damage you take isn’t same percentages it was before 9.0…

Yeah, you lost a lot of HP.

7 times your normal DPS is not “tuned wrong”. It’s fine, you’re not level 60 yet. The multiplier will increase further as you level.

You shouldn’t be, Antorus mobs have much less health then they had.

I couldn’t survive against them without corruption prior either.

I think you guys forgot how hard Mythic Anthorus still was pre-Corruption.