Hotfix for Dungeon XP

I would like to see it addressed also, but don’t think they will at all.

A pretty depressing thing if its not addressed. Since what’s even the point of leveling on a new expac if it takes just a major patch to make my toon a wimp who can’t solo what he could solo anymore¿? Moreover, stuff is taking sometimes as extreme as x5 longer compared to prepatch. Its def very noticeable how in many areas they made us much weaker.


This has so far not been my experience.
Many of my characters struggle to kill what they could before, including ones that had none or almost no corruption.
I died in Nazjatar doing one of those blue text target kill quests on a former 450ilvl alt, like Azanz the Slitherblade. Prior to 9.0.1 all my characters could solo those with ease.

They nerfed the Essences hard. Reaping Flames got hit really hard, even with the rank 3 double damage buff it’s not even close to what it was in 8.3


Well RIP to those level boosters :laughing:


Please make the title Lord/lady of War account wide. Thank you.

I don’t even know what this means.


Pretty much my post. Its seriously problematic, as it has been reported on PTR and Beta multiple times but the tuning has been off. First instance of legacy buff had us take more damage but also deal more in return, which made some faster killing sometimes but made us die quickly against hard hitting older bosses unless you equipped a leech set or something. Then a literal last second change pushed to PTR the monday before prepatch release nerfed our older content power drastically, so what went live and has not been fixed yet is that we both take more damage AND deal less damage than ever before, even without corruption accounted for.

Not a good thing after devs promised we would be able to still solo what was doable at 120 with no corruption.


Can we get this fixed in Classic as well?

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Yup. I attacked a blue quest elite mob that I have done many times before on my prot pally and it took me almost 15 mins to kill it. Haha

I also could solo some of the BFA normal dungeons but now its not really feasible.

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Sounds like someone found a way to get free beer.

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How about we unlock essences account wide without needing echos so people can actually play their alts for…ya know… fun!


The Old content buff was turned on in Legion raids, it’s easy mode now. I’m back to soloing exactly what I was soloing in 8.3.

My ilvl 60 Warlock alt solo’ed Tomb of Sargeras bosses.

This has been another sticking point for me.
I have alts that had, at best, void ritual from the cloak quest bracers who could melt these guys. Now they take forever to kill and often require CDs and self healing.

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On mythic? Im speaking about mythic legion raid stuff that was soloable before but its not anymore, even by people who could do it with zero corruption. Ditto for outer world content on BFA, especially isles and 8.3 rares.

My ilvl 60 Warlock (ilvl 380-390ish prior to pre-patch) never could solo Mythic Tomb bosses, why would she be able to now ?

They now have the old content buff enabled. Try again.

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On the topic of Dungeons, maybe we can introduce a “queue all expansions” feature to help levelers who want to level through the dungeon finder to have the quickest queue times possible.


Probably the thing involving a brewmaster statue or something.

I will in a bit, but last time I checked yesterday, mythic harj was kicking my butt while my dk was struggling against goroth mythic.

I don’t think Legacy buffs are active in Legion content until we are in SL level range. Unless they changed the system.

So basically, back where they promised, pre-Corruption.

No, they’re active. No way my Warlock can do 3.2k single target DPS by just spamming Drain life :