Hot take on cross faction

That’s an interesting theory worth consideration for sure.

Cross faction epic BGs would be a bit strange for Ashran, AV and IOC since they are very faction based maps. Perhaps, just use cross faction for 10 and 15 man maps and leave epics alone.

Epic BGs have been having shorter queue times than nonepics quite often in DF and that never or happened very rarely in previous expansions IIRC.

Also: I played in the original beta for vanilla, do I count as oldschool?

Which is interesting, because the original launch trailer was sold on player versus player combat. Don’t see any dragons in this vid.

The dude has a 215% win percentage in Rated Eye of the Storm. Mad respect. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

ye true he’s a gamer :100:

Cross faction already exists and has existed for some time. It’s called merc.

U don’t count as old school if u played beta but not actual game until recently. Also if u were “old school” u would know that there wasn’t bgs or hks for months from launch. Also I’m sure the company did promote the game at launch as a pvp thing which strengthens my point that they went pve for two decades as the main focus and pvp has always been an afterthought. This has been a pve game with some pvp things in it. They basically left it to the player base to make pvp better. And would tweak things here and there after enough complaints. Just like this cross faction thing. I don’t really care either way if it happens. I’ll still pvp. But I rather it be a faction vs faction thing. Or even a ffa game where only guild members can’t be killed.

Thank u for the respect on it. About time someone admits to being a fan.

And why did u start posting on this toon instead of zoomi who u been posting on?

Facts, u can look up all my accomplishments and see that. More of a gamer for this game than u ever will be so there’s that.

in order to have cross faction play not be a total disaster, blizz needs to enable premades to queue as a raid and then have the queue system try best effort to match premade with premade within a reasonable time.

an alternative solution would be to allow cross faction groups to queue, but put that party on the faction of the party leader. this would allow cross faction play while still forcing premades to use syncing to try and get multiple groups into the same game. the issue with this is that some groups will still drop to get all 8 groups into one game. hence the jump in logic to queueing as a raid.

Guess that makes me old school then, considering I did all of that before WSG was put into the game.

Did all of what? Beta isn’t game.

Why would I play beta for Vanilla and then not play it when it went live? And the “all that” was the fighting in the Barrens, Ashenvale and the TM/SS back and forth fights which the current brawl is based on.

Then u are old school.

since GG just folded SAS is without a challenger, have you considered getting into epics and starting your own community? new playstyles means new challenges, do you think you have what it takes?

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Bored on the toilet here added up your bg total for this toon against just og’s total and u are around a 1000 short of how many just og has done. As for joker I would hope he has done 25k bgs with that amount hks. But I’m still wondering why he is lacking in the achieves with that many played. Sounds like user error lmao.

I like this tbh inemia. He throws out rbg challenges to ebgers so let’s see if he’ can accept a challenge to do a community ebg.

I don’t really enjoy epics

I feel like the servers get laggy when it’s 40v40 and you can’t really “pvp”

Individual skill gets kinda drowned out as well

I just like pocket healing the biggest zuggy I can

Joker is prob the best arms warrior that q’s randoms. I got the top dog =)! “Living the dream” if you will

Also: there’s a lot of drama in epics that seems really annoying to put up with. Most random bgers like eachother lol


Why would it be a total disaster if you can’t queue as a premade raid?

To optimize balance and queue times, it’s best if the matchmaking system decides which faction the party plays for.

Queues won’t get shorter if players get to select which team they’re on, i.e. the dominant faction.

I doubt Blizzard will design their cross-faction system to accommodate premade raids. If anything, this will be another opportunity to add more countermeasures against cheaters.


Fight any crime today Molecule Man?


I woke up today with the cutest bun ever. Like the PERFECT bun.

Told Delro, he asked for a pic

Dude actually said

“It’s really good but I thought you meant food” when I showed him



(have a good night I shoulda been in bed 30 min ago :sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping:)


I destroy universes.

