Hot take on cross faction

On the topic of merc mode that is essentially an alliance only feature. Horde barely ever have the option because their is so many alliance player. I have all 13 classes on horde maxed with Most of them 437-448ilvl. Because of the imbalance of merc availability I’m starting to relevel some classes on alliance side. Honestly I’m glad I did been playing since the real vanilla and wow their alliance specific quest zones are amazing. Plus now I can merc mode any time of day.

There is really no need as epic queues on both factions have been shorter than they have been since before BFA . I remember waiting 12-14 mins for a game in prime time , now it’s 4-5 mins on both sides.


Well, your opinion is bad and you should feel bad.

Let’s look at the facts

  • Mixed Faction BGs would decrease queue times drastically. (Instead of 100 Alliance trying to queue against 60 Horde, it’s 160 players trying to get in a game together)
  • Mixed Faction BGs would bring much-needed balance to the PvP scene. (No more, Horde/Alliance always wins!)
  • Mixed Faction BGs would strengthen the premades facing other premades algorithms. (Instead of 12 Alliance Premades trying to queue against 8 Horde Premades, it’s 20 Premades trying to fight each other)

As for the Epic Premades communities? How cool would it be if you tried to get 40 people in the same BG just to have a 20vs20 against your own teammates? Some of the most fun i’ve had in BGs is when I know people on the other side.

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Well that escalated quickly

I made sure to smash all the cold pizza in my fridge this morning. Just in case of course :sunglasses:

I’d love to whoop bob in a bg

smack that dang smile off his face!!!

They do have PvP areas in Sanctuary.


Bob has been playing WoW with us recently ^.^

Well, that explains a lot of things.

In his absence, a new form of Lilith’s corruption has spread throughout Sanctuary, creating Malignant Monsters that roam the land overtaken with this infectious turmoil, minds lost and killing at random. Only he can fight back and harness the power of this twisted corruption to uncover the source of the Malignance and put it to an end.

maybe i’m not paying attention but I haven’t noticed a huge number of epic syncs in my ebgs?

I use my Horde Glider stockpile on this Character and I get whispers all the time. I guess some people can’t wrap their head around a KT flying through AV on a Horde Glider.

In the 10 or so epics i’ve done this xpac

6 or 7 have been sync

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Weird. I must not be paying attention or I’m horde.

99/100 times i see this argument, its because people are thinking of the pug way of playing, not the premade way of playing, they are completely different. pugs zerg and avoid pvp, premades clash in massive teamfights for dominance.

thats part of the deal, skilled healers can keep people alive through that. and skilled players can even manipulate the lag and use it to their advantage.

absolutely not. individual skill is sort of a foundation upon which you build epic bg skills and knowledge. take AV, lets say you need to recall to clear your base and backcap towers, do you think you and Joker can do that with just the two of you? if just the two of you can clear your base, then the rest of your team can stay at the front. if this is a close premade vs premade game, that difference of having more at the front can change the outcome of the game.

nothing wrong with that, i’ve been pocketing on my augvoker as well, epics just require you to figure out how to integrate that tactically.

sure, epic pvp means epic drama, but that is also what makes games more intense. if you are playing against some random group of nobodies, it is meaningless, but if you are playing against a rival group that has been trash talking you, well now you have to win, this game has significant meaning.

also that word rival has its actual meaning in epics, not just a fake title.

most high end pvpers like each other in general, there is mutual respect in what it takes to achieve certain levels of skill and play.

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40v40 is boring to me

premade or not

That’s the thing

30 good dps should just insta wipe a team. The healer role is borderline irrelevant with that many dps.

5 people aimed shot the same person and it’s literally instant death

3 warlocks mayhem and every dps in mayhem is dead

I’ve heard you guys think oca does good damage. I was pocket healing Dno like a month ago and he quadruppled OCA’s damage. He was single handedly wiping that premade.

Every epic bg I’ve been in is just a lagfest of people spamming aoe

The drama you guys get into is really nasty and leads to people quitting the game. We just give handshakes in random bgs

Frank V Joker is one of the most legendary rivalries in all bgs

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Yea i want it. Change eots to the rbg version as well. No reason to not do this given your swapping sides in rated content.

Actually just give me solo que rbgs and ill be happy xD

^ This is not ok.

Probably depends when you queue up and which premade raid communities are playing at the same time. Maybe there are more Horde communities too.

So do premades. I guess it’s ok when the premades decide to zerg the boss?

Like try to cause lag for others?

this game came out almost 20 years ago.

the world is much different now.

this is definitely more of an “instant gratification” era these days

i wish this game was a lot easier for new players to get into PVP

i talk to so many homies at work about wow… but none of them wanna play because…

  • in order to pvp they gotta first lvl to 10
  • then from lvl 10-70 its all garbage FOTM twink hunters 1-shotting everything in sight
  • once they get to level 70 they gotta grind out honor gear/ conq gear/ tier/ embelishments etc/ enchants etc

its like they dont even want new players to try the game

in b4 some1 says “just party sync” yeah like that fixes the hunters 1-shotting my friend from 60 yards away

i just wish this game could be played by all at a fair level.

like why does some geek with 20 years of experience really need a gear advantage in a random bg also?

its just so weird.

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All im saying is, if the game is devolving to attempting to lag the opponent out of the game

I’m good LOL

I’d imagine this would end up like solo q arena

Murdering the other brackets and be dead after a season

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