Hot take on cross faction

yeah no one cares about your opinion and no one believes you PvP at all. Bored of this now see ya!


I just looked up your pvp achievements. Come back to me when you are over 90% until then pipe down

Would do wonders for the community as a whole, I love facing my friends in pvp

Friendly competition is what this game needs!


I have horde and alliance characters. Frustrating I can’t queue casual BGs with my buds on some of my classes. It’s just a stupid inconvenience at this point. In the story they’re basically allied.

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Is there really a problem with queue times anymore? I mean I guess that could be a reason to do it. But beyond getting to get in bgs more often it takes away from the history of what the game was about imo

100% agreed. It also sucks facing the same guys beating them over and over.

Rotate the teams holy moly =/

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One reason why I really want merged faction BGs is to eliminate these one-sided prime times. There is nothing more annoying than sitting down to play your character and having to deal with the opposing wave of premades that happens to roll at that time. Especially in lower brackets. At least give me a chance to play on their side 50% of the times.


They just made lightforged warlocks. Lightforged were made to combat fel. In DF they’ve just completely forgotten about the Shadowlands like it never existed. Lore is a joke at this point. Who tf cares. Send it.

I highly recommend ignoring OG

You’re just going to give yourself a headache trying to respond to him =(

He just tried to argue with #2 honor level NA that he doesn’t pvp


:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


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Isn’t there already mercenary mode? Just take it one step further and have it be the same pool. Never seen a good argument for not doing that. Would make it way easier to avoid 3 healers vs none in games.

Just give cross faction bgs, we can cross faction rated I don’t see the problem.

Honestly would be the shakeup the game needs

  • Better balance: :white_check_mark:
  • Less frustration for the casual solo player (no more sync Q): :white_check_mark:
  • Access to meet tons of new people and grow the community: :white_check_mark:
  • Being able to fight your friends in bgs is FUN: :white_check_mark:

I’m not even fully saying the lore to be fair. I’m saying I have a personal interest in a faction vs faction mentality. It’s going to sound silly but it derives from real life for me. You don’t do dirt for the enemy side. I like to play an imaginary game with that same mentality. It makes it fun for me to have enemies. Heck I’ve told the dense forum community this for years. They just couldn’t understand that me coming to these forums in the first place years ago was nothing more than to make a name and be it hated or liked. I’ve done one hell of a job with it also. I’ve become a household name in one way or another. The game lacked the old days of knowing your rivals and kos people. So I did their job for them but n a personal level. And I’m very good at it if anyone can’t see that on these forums.

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Make a name for yourself on your level 10 DK? lol who are you? This got weird. Definitely couldn’t pull a single good reason to keep it the same from any of that. I think it would be fun seeing your friend on the other side randomly and whooping them/getting whooped lol I love when it happens in shuffle

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It’s his 4th or 5th forum account

He just gets banned and makes a new one

That’s his main

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Pally I’m going to knock your little card house down right now. See u came at me with feelings and I stated facts. U only focus on one thing that made u and joker look superior to me in this thread. And unfortunately for u didn’t pay attention to your posts and slipped up. U claim I don’t pvp yet I have more done than u both minus hks. So u used that as ammo. But then in same thread claim I gy farm. Which looking at your guys lack of pvp accomplishments beyond having more hks would seem like u gy farm for hks. Mic drop.

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This dude has real Swole energy. This game is really a haven for some weird people lol

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I agree and it seems I must be the king of you weirdos tbh.

Baffling to me that so many of u claim I’m the only one with this ego thing yet I destroy your attempts at trashing me with facts and u go searching for some random thing to comeback at me. U can look me up and see all I’ve done on this game. Yes I give u permission to be jealous. And yes I might go touch some grass. I’ll tell u how it feels as u catch up to me.

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I think they can’t add cross-faction teams right now because the system never had to dynamically assign players to one faction/side.

That choice (team red or team blue) was always left in the players’ hands.

Changing the system so it can decide which side the player should go to is too difficult to implement.

I’ll do it.

Give me the job coach.

I’ll just sit there with a foam finger and point


I actually have a theory Holycow