Hot take on cross faction

Probably went something like “stormtroopers mobilize”. I’m just not the type to rush into a scenario with bad odds unless something calls for it. I remember my first semester in college I got my stuff ROCKED cause these 4 guys were picking on a chubby girl called jasmine but they got suspended and I recovered. So I try to help people who need it including people getting ganked in a video game. Ps I could actually imagine archaos in a palpatine robe

I genuinely believe that if Epic Premaders only faced other Epic Premaders every time they would not enjoy it. Your (come at me worldpvp/snowcrest/internet tough guy etc) example is probably the first loss in a long line of wins against pugs so of course something to spice it up would be enjoyable

Surprising as it might be I stand up for the small guy also. I’ve always been the bully to the bullies. I’m not a small dude but even when I was I was a scrapper. And I could hold my own against most. That’s not to say I haven’t taken beatings in my life. Life humbles everyone eventually. My persona on this game is a mixture of old ego from fighting on streets and also enjoying an rp aspect of pvp with a hint of nostalgia of my youth irl.

I do this well because most that get to know me know it’s an act with a hint of reality. I’m old now and I can still handle my own but I rather live safe and play video games. But I bring a lot of my street mentality to the things that happen within game. People will laugh at that but we all do it. I just happen to be one that has lived a wild
Life more than most that come at me on here. But I’ve met some cool peeps and some real a holes that I know only speak out in personal stuff because of the keyboard warrior mentality. I love it tbh. It makes me remember I still got it when I can hold my own even on a video game to where enemies come at me yet I’m still here.

Living that hood life vicariously through wow now lmao.

They do this in swtor and it cut down the long q times in half . It might be weird at first but it’ll grow on everyone. It’s prob for the best and like you said in rated we already do this so we might as well.

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Let people queue up with a full raid for epic battlegrounds, but they will only face similar sized groups. Make it cross faction too, so that faction population imbalance isn’t an issue.

You want to get 39 friends together and go do epics? Fine, but you’ll be facing an enemy team who has done the same.
If there are as many epic premades as people want us to believe, then this means queue times will still be fairly short for the premades and you’ll find plenty of competitive matches.
However if the premade queue times skyrocket, that means that most people who queue for epic battlegrounds are actually not in a premade group, meaning that premade epics are not that popular.


Premade raid vs. premade raid would be (and is) great…but not defined by full size.

What I’d like to see is a “raid” defined as twenty people minimum. Maybe even fifteen. The rest are filled with pugs.

Why the pugs? Because that’s how you build the community. Players see what is possible when you actually work together as opposed to the chat being full of Negative Nancy’s.

Then they think, “Wow, I’d like to be a part of that”!

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Raids should just be defined as what they are now: 6 people or more.

Anyone queueing in a raid size of any capacity should automatically be placed in a separate premade vs. premade queue away from normal pug queues.

The rest being filled with pugs are fine so long as it’s optional for pug players in the form of a checkbox before queueing. Solo/parties would have the option to serve as backfill for remaining slots in premade vs. premade queues (and also being cross faction.)


Instead of syncing 6 parties, premade communities will start syncing 2 raids to get an advantage over the other team.

Depending on implementation, they might send in one player from each raid to see if they’re on the same team. Or they might look at the counters showing how many people in each role have accepted the queue pop like for LFRs. Or they’ll find another method.

It wasn’t really “hood life” it was just a Chad and Brad and friends didnt like Henry calling them out and boy did I pay the price for that but when they came back they left jasmine alone so I would say it was a success. Cause I was chilling with them before they started doing questionable stuff like that

Well everyone takes a whooping in life at some point. We don’t win them all. Life humbled everyone. It’s undefeated. But standing up for someone knowing you will probably lose yourself is something a lot won’t do. I commend you for that. Like I said I was a bully to the bullies. The hood life comment was just a personal thing of the life I was around and I made a joke that I live it now in a video game where chances of me being offed or incarcerated are zero except my toon lol.

You’re gonna wanna get in here holycow

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Ok fam. This is what we’ve been training for — taking down premade raids in General Discussion!



Merc mode transforms you into a race of the opposite faction, so I would argue it’s fundamentally different from cross faction when looking at it from a pov that desires immersive faction conflict fantasy.

Give um heck Holycow.



:eagle: :eagle: :us:


Wotlk bgs are forced cross faction. Fills instantly just you might be fighting horde. Kind of like swtor where it becomes a “Republic training skirmish” or something.

@Bri classic pvp bad? Which classic, or just blanket statement& why

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Wotlk has horde vs horde and alliance vs alliance. It does not mix alliance with horde on the same team (this is what retail ppl want for unrated bgs).

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when you thought it was a headpat but it’s actually a salute


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Totally true and not fake or made up.


Thank u at least u know it’s true.

and anyone that cant see my accomplishments is choosing willful ignorance to this. if you havent done as much as me in this game u really dont have an opinion.