Hot take on cross faction

Kicking randoms by mass reporting them as AFK just for not listening to certain calls to the T, or just straight up kicking people that they don’t like. Other communities do this, so it’s not only them, but still should be brought up.

Also, toxicity aside, I think premade sync communities in general are just bad for the game. We have people like Inemia here claiming “we aren’t the problem, we’re the solution” but I genuinely can’t see how sync communities could ever be a good thing for the game. I get the dynamic of being part of a community and playing with friends - that I understand, but not at the detriment of others. You could never convince me that a premade group vs a pug group is fair and healthy for PvP.

If someone caps docks or aid station after being asked not to ten times, yeah that’s gameplay sabotage. If someone sits and complain the whole game yelling for the alliance, we might put up with it if they’re contributing…but you bet that they will go on Have We Met as poor and a troll. People get reported for a reason. We don’t kick ppl we don’t like. We just say snarky stuff in disc if anything.


Got to also be understanding though that there are some players who don’t know why doing certain things are bad to do. I’ve seen new players, or atleast players new to PvP with low honor level and fresh gear, not know exactly what to do so they go out and do something and get kicked for it, instead of being explained or told why what they did was bad. They’re just flamed, called bad, and kicked.

I get it if someone is intentionally sabotaging the game, that’s a legitimate reason to kick someone sure, but there’s a difference between kicking someone doing it once because they’re inexperienced and kicking someone doing it multiple times in multiple games because they want to troll.

Or get reported just because you don’t like them. Oh but you guys wouldnt do that! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


We haven’t been. We’ve been a lot nicer to our “teammates” lately. I try to be nice. We do explain to folks. I try to whisper them too if I have time about why to or not to do something, because yes, sometimes ppl don’t know.

You’re talking about your guild, yes?

That’s great, glad you do that, others don’t. All it takes is one person, or in this case, one community, to mess it up for everyone.

Regardless, premade vs pug = unfair at all levels. :dracthyr_shrug:

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Well for me personally I have only ever tried to have someone booted from a bg that is vocal about doing opposite to winning the match. I am part of sas and many other communities. Crazy thing is I queue solo more than with the communities usually. But I like the option to queue with people. I rather we fight other communities than pugs tbh. As much as I’m pro premade I think people misconstrue my personal feelings on it. Just because I do the sync queues doesn’t mean I feel like beating up pugs non stop. But it’s reality that it will happen. I actually never even knew about this community stuff until bfa when ruin was doing their naz shard anchoring for multiple raids to lag the zone down. So I looked into it. And I started joining some communities here and there.

I have mainly solo pvped since day one vanilla except for my real life friends that played back then. Those were the glory days of pvp for me. I like wpvp the most. Bgs are ok. I never dug arena or rbgs as much because I don’t get along with most people. And that’s why I came to the forums and in game to make it a known enemy or friend in the pvp scene.

So there is different levels of toxicity imo. To me trash talk for the fun of the game isn’t toxicity. That part is just others being weak. Now to intentionally disrupt play by cheating is different. I don’t think sync queuing is cheating. I don’t like queue dropping and rarely will do that. Probably why I don’t sync queue as much as others in communities. I will do it if we have others log on and we need to make more teams and we haven’t been in queue long. But I don’t think dropping queue to dodge something is cool. But that’s me. I also don’t afk unless I get afked by someone. Or if I have to take off for irl. Heck ask a lot peeps I will try to get into a bg that is losing to a premade to try and fight them even if it’s a lost cause most likely. I’m a different breed than most on this game and it irritates a lot people. No one can really shut me down on most things. I love pvp win or lose. I have run with many of u of u know it or not. I just don’t always let it be known past my main.

Deserter needs to be account wide. And it needs to stack and reset every Tuesday. First offense is 15. Then 30. Uncapped. Next Tuesday you start at 15 again.


If you take a deserter, then you get a debuff until you complete your next BG. You will have 15% less HP and damage in PvP and world PvP.

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sounds like a great idea.

i can just imagine all those people sitting in the graveyard afk instead of leaving.


That’s actually not a bad idea

Those are bg objectives.

If someone wants to capture Docks, they’re allowed to.

It’s not gameplay sabotage because they didn’t listen to you.

Why is teammates in quotes?

Do you not actually consider pugs your teammates?


I think they should prioritize frequent deserters when filling empty spots in in-progress bgs. Let them experience the results of desertions.

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I would say that depends if the person even has chat on (There’s an option to disable chat) or is even reading it… Or the fact that if you listen to ‘raid leads’ in random BGs it often leads to a loss anyways, you have no clue the reasoning and if it’ll lead to wins as a pug. Yelling ‘for the alliance’ and just afking, go for it. If they’re AFK or non-contributing, report for AFK.

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That’s the only thing I report for these days.

Actually a good idea tbh

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They’re all good.


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Idk kicking bob when he doesn’t listen to me sounds like a good thing to do


The thing with factions is they are hard to balance. I remember many times in the previous expansions where I had to struggle 4v1 (if it was over 4 It was usually auto lose) to not die and lose my buffs or to help somebody else

Like I said we’ve been trying to be nicer. Normally, we’d call em pugs, yeah.

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The thing is is I don’t care if I die on this game. I would say this since the first time I posted here. If I could take a few with me after they dropped a raid on my head because it was me that was a win in my book. The fact that a lot would flood into areas if they knew I was there was a win. And it was a win in general if it was someone I knew as well because then it was personal. Kos like I said. Infamy goes to many not just me. U don’t think when I seen u in bgs I didn’t try to get u? Same with others. That’s the fun part of it for me.

I don’t really care either but I also don’t actively go out of my way to find myself in a bad situation unless I have to that is

Hit and miss for me. Like if I’m bored and I hear a rival is in a certain area or a bg I might go over and mess around with them. But it’s not like I’m sitting there waiting for them to clock into game and be somewhere. Ruin was just too predictable to get into bgs they were in. Super hilarious listening to arch’s tone change when he was told or saw I was around.