Hot take on cross faction

Not me. Still don’t like it in rated either.

Lolol what do you have that’s special?

I would like it, have a few good PvPers who are Alliance.

From the desk of Ogpapabear-Stormscale. He would like to inform u that he has just about everything.

Not when it comes to pvp

Unfortunately u are wrong again chump. I have 95% done of pvp stuff. So there’s that.

And by the looks of it I have 8 more percent done than u. So when u are at least equal u can speak on it.

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Oh i wasnt aware that getting 1000 honor in drustvar was an accomplishment. Get some rated achievements before talking down on people.

I have rated achieves. Again u asked what I had and I put u in your place. I have more done in pvp than u. So until u get at least as much as me stay jealous

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You didnt put me anywhere. Im looking at the stuff you have and its unimpressive.

I can say the same for u. U asked what I’ve done and I said just about everything. Now u are backtracking because I provided proof so u have to dig real deep on stuff I haven’t completed yet. But u do u boo. I’m not impressed in slightest on anything on your profile. There’s nothing that stands out. Think I saw a season or 2 u might have legit got glad but kinda looks like it was a carry. Don’t really care either way. When people grasp at straws they always pull the rated bs out when I rarely focus on it besides getting the vicious mounts. If I wanted to buckle down and do it I would.

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I said what have you done thats special. And I still have yet to see it. Since my classes end this week and ill gladly finish these easy pvp achievements you have in no time. Since you think percentage matters for some reason I think ill take that from you too.

Good luck. Come back in a week and let’s see if u reached my level of accomplishments. Until then remember jealousy is a sickness.

Bet. Dont forget this.

I won’t, even if u catch me on those achieves I still have tons more stuff than u on game so keep at it little guy.

I couldn’t care less about your pet battle and other things. You can flex that in their forum.

U did care though because u asked what I have that’s special. U got put in your place and then scrambled for anything. U even failed at coming at me with pvp stuff. Now u have to play catch up to me. I’ll be waiting for u to catch me. Should I take some time off so u can? Lol

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You still havent showed me anything special.

U can look it up. I have so much that I don’t think your smooth brain could handle it tbh. But u better get to playing instead of typing on here or u won’t do it. Heck u don’t even have a 70 lol. Go do some tw and lvl son.

And im already ahead in that category. But I just want completely shut it down.

U seem flustered u can’t even type now lol