Hot take on cross faction

syncing is best effort, usually 15-25 players per game. we have had a handful of games with a full 40, but that is a handful out of thousands. stop acting like SAS is out here gear inspecting a meta comp to stomp pugs. we play the maps not the pugs.

what makes you think its any harder or easier for a new player to end up in AV as opposed to LFR? btw i can tell who is and is not a genuine new player. so if anything i’ll just tell a new player where to go so they don’t die as much.

and you are also choosing to use the example of a new player to make this seem as mean as possible. we all know the H150 griefing isn’t a new player. so again, why do we have to put up with mistreatment from apathetic players when nobody else in any other game mode has to put up with it?

since we can’t just attitude check people before they queue, the solution was to coalesce the players who want to win and pvp into a single group so they can play together and avoid the apathetic and toxic players. now the toxic players have been left out in the cold and are upset, and have the gall to call the people avoiding them toxic.

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It doesn’t matter if you’re meta inspecting everyone in your group or not, you still at the end of the day can control whoever is in your own premade groups. If you want to have 4 healers, you can have 4 healers. If you want a tank or two, you can choose to have a tank or two. Whether or not you actually do that is besides the point, you can do that because you’re syncing.

Again, doesn’t matter if you’re doing that or not though. A premade vs a pug is just inherently unfair because you have the advantage where they don’t. If you can’t see how a premade group has the advantage over a random pug group, you’re trolling and being purposely dense lol.

I’m only using your own words. You’re saying you joined a community because you wanted to avoid “bad players.”

A bad player in PvP is usually inexperienced and new. Sometimes you get players who just are bad at PvP, but it could be for a variety of different reasons, such as they don’t have the gear, they have a potato PC and lag at every fight, don’t know how to play their class/spec, etc.

Let’s be real, you’re not doing it to avoid “apathetic and toxic players.” You’re doing it to get an easy win against a pug.

And I really want to say that’s not even an issue. People get suspended now a days for being even the slightest bit toxic. You call a player bad and you’re hit with a suspension because of the social contract. People meme it, rightfully so, but holy crap does Blizzard enforce it. Not sure where you’re encountering so many toxic players. I certainly don’t encounter that many.


they have the option to premade as well and choose to not take it. this is an MMO, multiplayer a little.

thats your definition. mine is based on attitude. SAS has members of all skill levels and we help each other out to get better. some members are close enough they have even solved potato PC problems by sending each other new parts.

i reached a point several years ago where i was winning most games and the difference between premade or solo queue wasn’t the outcome of the game, but the enjoyment i had playing it. i don’t need a premade to stomp pugs, but it certainly makes those games more enjoyable. that is what most people don’t get, premading is mostly about avoiding bad attitudes so you can have fun, not winning or losing. winning comes from just playing with the same group of people day after day.

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I agree with Anemia about the folks not in our communities being toxic at times. Just last night I had someone in an AV right out of the gate saying “Oh great another huntard spamming RWs” We ignored it and continued strat calling with most of the pugs listening to the strat. About a minute later they yelled “For the alliance”…We were winning and someone said in disc hey what happened to the monk who was talking crap? They left. They left a winning game because we wouldn’t fight with em. That’s just one for instance. Earlier in the evening I /rw Do not cap docks pls. Several times I said it. Of course, a pug did just that. That’s just one night. We go through this all of the time. I will even whisper ppl and say hey pls bring siege to glaives, not gate, not ever. It truly is like herding cats. And it’s why we want to play with our friends. They know not to bring the siege to the gate. They know towers before gy’s on the recap.

I should also mention we had several say oh wow, I’ve never seen Horde play AV like this, this is awesome! So, not everyone hates us synch q’ers. DJL has been growing.

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If we’re talking about normal premades, yes, I agree with you on this. Synced premades? No, not everyone has the option to do that.

Think for a second, what would happen if everyone, or a majority of players, decided they wanted to start sync premading?

If a majority of PvPers decided, hey, let’s all queue at the same time, and drop a queue whenever it’s not the same one, what would happen? You probably guessed it but in case you didn’t, you’d see more extremely lopsided games because players aren’t accepting their queues. Those still playing normally would suddenly find their games starting the match at 20/40 players and not anyone to backfill because people are too busy trying to sync a queue.

No, this weird backwards solution of yours, “everyone can do it hurr durr!” wouldn’t work.

For you, maybe. Others don’t see it that way, the majority of regular 5 man premades or solo queuers see synced premades as just an easy way to pugstomp players.

You’re circumventing normal queueing means that other players can’t realistically do for reasons I explained above. It doesn’t really matter if your reasoning for premades is, “I only do it because I want to avoid the toxic players teehee!” Your premade, regardless of what reason it was formed, has an advantage over pug groups. Your experience over the years may be, “I’ve won enough games solo and premade to understand it doesn’t really matter much!” doesn’t reflect what you said about premades in 10 man BGs that Holycow quoted.

You have a bias in favor of premades now that you run with a premade.

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yes they do. what you are complaining about is that there is equality of opportunity rather than equality of outcome.

not every community drops their queues. and there are solutions for this. as i said they could wait to start the game until the team fills or just pull the ripcord and allow communities to queue as a raid.

also there already are multiple epic sync communities on both factions.

people hate premades because they feel that if the premade was not there, they would have won the game. its entitlement of the ego pure and simple. if you take a stoic viewpoint and reassess the situation, the ego is upset that it didn’t get the reward for winning, since the ego never wants to admit fault or being wrong blame is assigned externally on the premade. the idea that this win was stolen from the ego is a result of thinking the win was the ego’s all along, which is the entitlement. if you assume that the game was not yours beforehand, then you don’t get upset if you don’t win. this works no matter if you have played 1 game or 10 thousand games, if you assume you were going to win and don’t, that upsets you more than if you just assumed nothing at all.

we are all getting in line at the same time and hoping for a synced pop, don’t act like this is hacking.

ive done AV like 2500 times and WSG like 250, suffice to say im much better at epics than randoms. my reference is about epics.

i have a bias against toxic solo game design brought on by people wanting to turn a social game into a single player anxiety stimulator. i have no problem with solo players and in fact would suggest a queue system that pairs a certain amount of premade with solos. this is why sync works for a nice medium ground atm, its difficult to get a full 40, but easy to get 25, this means you can meet new players and grow your community as well as share and disperse strategy and knowledge with the greater pvp community. we have solo arena now, and while i don’t agree with the 6 round shuffle design, it works if you want to solo queue and get rating. if anything i would want to discuss expanding that to RBGs, but we also can’t ignore that some of the criticism against solo shuffle was correct, the 2s and 3s bracket has been devastated in terms of participation from the playerbase.

Or maybe they were… removed…



If premade raids vs. pugs was 50/50, Blizzard would let you queue up as a raid.

Obviously, it’s not 50/50. Just take a look at your 95% win rate. Blizzard and all PvPers recognize that premade raids roflstomp pugs. It’s not even close to a fair fight.

If your premade raid wasn’t there, players would have had a decent chance at winning the game. With your premade raid there, their odds of victory dropped down to 5%.

In case people have forgotten, there is no premade AV bracket. You have created your own PvE-like game mode where you win 95% of the time. You’ve minimized the amount of competition in your games as much as possible.

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If you want to get technical, everyone can “technically” sync a queue, but what I’m arguing is it’s not practical.

As you might know, I’m okay with this, so long as they separate you into your own queue vs other people queueing in raids. But I know this isn’t what you want, you just want to queue as a raid vs pugs.

People feel that if the premade wasn’t there, they would’ve had a better chance at winning, not they they would have won or should have won, just that they would have better chances.

Which is true, because as I stated before, a synced premade vs a pug is inherently unfair. It doesn’t matter why you formed it, you have the advantage.

I never said you were hacking and I don’t view it as such. I don’t view what you’re doing as exploiting either.

While it may not necessarily be cheating in the strictest sense, it can be seen as an unfair advantage for the players involved.

Queue syncing allows a coordinated group to increase their chances of being matched together in a battleground, essentially creating a premade team within a random matchmaking system.

Battlegrounds are designed to have a mix of premade groups and solo/ungrouped players. By using queue syncing to create larger premade groups, you’re potentially skewing the balance and making the battleground experience less enjoyable for those who are not part of a coordinated group.

Yes, while it may not be explicitly against the rules, its still considered unsportsmanlike conduct and goes against the intended design of the matchmaking system.

I’d say sync communities are toxic to the game more than these individual toxic players you supposedly encounter so often.

Being a part of some sync community promotes exclusionary behavior. It incentivizes players to form exclusive groups and discourage or exclude others who do not conform to their sync queueing practices. You don’t like toxic players? Your group and yourself included are toxic players, sorry.

whats the name of the alliance community that does big epic premades but avoids pvp?

i think its RUIN GAMING right?

i got a funny clip of a HUGE premade team going around the side hill to avoid the mid fight… butr they ran into franq, yuck, myself and some random mage and every single one of them died lol.

i didnt really recognize any names tho but some1 told me it was ruin

We did not report them. We were busy defending and stopping the zerg.

And my premade stuck many flags in Franq’s behind in AV when he merced too :stuck_out_tongue:

There any evidence to that?

I mean they made it a specific report option.

Gameplay Sabotage:
1.) AFK/Non-Participation
2.) Intentionally Dying
3.) Blocking Team Progress

So it would be weird to add a new category to the report system just to never look at it.

In the case of what Inemia was saying, it wouldn’t be a one and done interaction. To quote

So in this hypothetical situation where cross faction queueing is enabled for randoms, they would rather just throw a game to allow the side with more of their friends to win. So if they are queueing premades multiple times a week they will rack up (legitimate) reports.

There’s a lot of things you can report for but they generally don’t do much.

It adds up over time. You might not think it doesn’t do anything but it does. It takes awhile, and the person might even get a warning before action is taken to knock it off or they will suspend/ban.

Never seen anyone post about it from leaving/throwing RSS or BGs

Kinda surprised cross faction bgs isn’t a thing yet, it would cut down que times considerably. They implemented it in classic wow and it was awesome it should be in retail as well.

They did what?!

You might not see many post about it, but leaving a Rated Solo Shuffle has its consequences. For one, you lose a crap ton of rating for it. Throwing the match and not doing anything can also net suspensions or disqualification.

A quote from Kaivax down below.


I want it >:(

Are we classic gamers @holycow?

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