Hot take. Let’s make Baine evil

Its part of an anthology series. Ever play Until Dawn? Its by those guys.

I looked and apparently it is on Steam.

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Until Dawn sounds familiar… never played it but it sounds like something that I heard mentioned somewhere. I’m going to take a look on Steam.

I do kinda feel bad for the previous entries in the anthology. Not spoilers but apparently they’re all written by different people. AND OH BOY DOES IT SHOW because House of Ashes so far has been the best one. And even then sometimes the dialogue can be. A choice. lol. But I’m kind of a sucker for cheesy dialogue

Oh for heaven’s sake… yeah! I know this game. My brother played it. He told me how he was very surprised to find out it was set in Alberta lol.

He’s Canadian so it’s a big deal for us when anything in popular culture mentions us… especially so if it’s your home province lmao.


They are already working on this guy anyway. Actually I see the hot headed Greymane and maybe Tyrande following him for a time then having an “oh spit” moment.

Yeah I love that game. House of Ashes is another trip and a half for me because I didn’t know a lot of the voice actors ( The voice actors usually do the mocap, they have face models separately ) were canadian.

Imagine my shock at realizing one character who has a southern american accent was actually some dude up in canada. I say that with praise of course because he fooled me lol.

Oh geesh,we just can’t have nice things for once. :disappointed:

It’s funny you mention that because I happen to really like the southern accents of the US, so I tend to imitate it a lot. Out of love, though… not mockery. Our dad and us loved watching westerns so that might’ve played a part in it.

I appreciate it XD. Although I’ve been told I sound more like a surfer / cowboy mix since I’m in arizona. If I’m groggy I sound a little more like boomhauer from King of the Hill

If I ever get on HRT I’m sure I’d sound even more like him lol


I mean it could work. Baine is one of those characters that people forget exists until he needs rescuing so he could take over Azeroth before anyone realized he was actually not a tree stump.

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It’d be sad tho because what if its all just a response to the trauma he’s been thru of losing his parents, all the wars and The Maw?

If I had to choose between the trauma queen Sylavanas or goes evil because he’s tired of being considered a shrub Baine to rule the world I’m going with Baine. He deserves some main character time.

Personally I’d focus on other characters for a bit. Baines been a big dude the last 2 expansions. ( And he woulda been in Legion more but that got cut )


I believe he’s a plant from jailor or a dreadlord .I would be very watchful.

Let him loose Mayla, fall under Magatha Grimtotem’s charm, let the Chao begin!

And heck, now that the Horde had formed a Council to lead us around instead of a Warchief he can easily be replaced by NPC Tauren Who Are You Again? at the Council.

But the Alliance is good to Baine.

We have tried to kill him less times than his own faction.

Nah Kill off Baine. Let him have some of the little dignity he has left. Place Magatha in control, and have her send Turalyon a fully charged Doomstone mid-count-down.

Everyone will have a blast. Guaranteed.

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I vote we do this anyway.

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He just needs more gumption and nerve. They’ve made him too much of a follower and not a leader. Let him be resolute, stern and stubborn about things. There are more emotions out there than just good or evil.

Then made into a juicy steak.