Hot take. Let’s make Baine evil

No, Baine “Can’t we negotiate?” Bloodhoof’s weakness is entirely more profound and unseemly.

I feel like evil Baine would just spam our mailboxes with sternly worded letters of general disapproval.


“Evil Baine” sound like a “Death Jar Jar Binks”

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We don’t need any more Horde leader casualties; we lost enough let Alliance have a villain that gets written out for once. (Arthas doesn’t count he wasn’t technically a leader.)

Mekkatorque should be the next villain he stole the crown from Prince Erazmin.


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What about our people?

we’re smol on the spotlight.

Both metaphorically and literally.

Not a hot take. More common sense.

Let’s finally acknowledge Chromie is pure evil.

You should write for Blizzard, it would be an improvement.

Lacking his own, he has a thing for feet. I KNEW IT!

We’ve done the “Evil Horde Leader” thing to death.

Let’s not.

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This is always a good attitude to have. Just to be safe.

/moo :cow:

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No brings out axe

Please, it’s all they know. Might as well slay a useless stick in the mud.
wiggles toes

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It makes perfect sense to be reasonably cautious around anyone or anything bigger than you are.


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Baine tapping into dark shamanism might be cool.

You can’t make Baine evil. You can’t even make Baine stand up.

I’d rather see him spiritually unite with his ancestors, especially Caine, and restore strength and pride for his people. And then challenge the council for leadership to unite the horde by reminding them of their ancestor’s sacrifices and courage.

Yes you are, and apparently hungry, as I saw a big Tauren’s butt swallow an entire slime cat the other day in Oribos… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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We don’t like to talk about the jock strap incident.
wiggles toes

My only problem with this, is it would make another horde leader a raid boss. If it doesn’t lead to that the story would be interesting.

If it leads to another horde leader being a raid boss that is played out.