Hot take. Let’s make Baine evil

After seeing dirge of war and his overall indecisive decisions. He is led down a path of torment that wrecks his emotional and spiritual state. Not knowing how to cope, he rallies his anger and swings at all his allies and enemies alike. He renames thunder bluff into the Bluff of Blood.

He fortifies the Bluff with towers, traps and training for his troops to be merciless in battle.

He makes a pact with a demon named Xanesh that enhances his strength and mental acuity at the cost of random spikes of insanity.

Fear the Tauren. The warriors who found their spines again. His campaign would start at Stonetalon Mountains by depriving orcs of their mines and timber. Then he would move north and kill both the remaining night elves and orcs and burn Ashenvale to the ground. To deny the orcs even more resources.

It ultimately comes down a grand conclusion after the battle in the barrens. If the Taurens win, in Orgrimmar. If the orcs win, the Bluff of Blood.

wiggles toes

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We were so focused on Jaina that we didn’t realize Baine was the dreadlord all along.


I like it

My folk deserve some time in the spotlight

And it makes sense

Look at us, we YUGE, we could crush anyone in physical combat if we so chose to do so


Your folk deserves some time in the sunlight. Eating fresh grass and sleeping


Don’t you dare threaten me with a good time


Fine with me.

He’s so ineffectual though, he wouldn’t qualify as anything more than the 1st boss in a 5-man dungeon.


Are we talking Baine or Biden?

The Great Bull K’Horn approves.
Milk for the Milk God. Hooves for the Hoof Throne!


Baine will have a secret plot next time he meets Anduin to assassinate him by pretending to give him a hug but crush him to death instead. He will mess up as usual and as he goes for the hug crush, he trips over his own feet and knocks himself out.

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He already is evil. Sold out his own people to the Alliance. Provided aid and comfort to the enemy. Undermined Horde relations.


Let’s stop with these wars within the Alliance and Horde. It is not only stale but it serves nothing but frustration and player loss again.


He falls out of bed and in a freakish twist of fate breaks his neck. Tauren mourns for a whole 5 mins and then goes to find themselves a real leader.


Excuse you :cow:

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To be fair, I also deserve time in the sunlight. Lounging in the mana pools with ample food and wine.

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Meh, the “oh look this allied NPC is now an EVIL VILLAIN!..Go kill them…” is so overdone in wow, so no. No I don’t want this.


He is useless anyway. Might as well make something work with it.

wiggles toes

I want Azshara to come back, lure us all into something new, some neutral world where we trust her

I think the creepy Goldshire kids need to grow up and spread death and destruction.


Omg. This needs to be a dungeon boss

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I was thinking one where they take over Stormwind and each kid is holding a different part of town.

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