Horrific Visions STILL too hard for tanks and healers

No healer (who is not trolling) will tell you it is easier to solo than grouping with geared dps


If only it were possible for you to go in there as a group

Still not the point of the topic but thanks for your input. I clearly mention solo gameplay in here

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Dps has always had an easier time with solo content and I don’t see this as being somehow unfair to players who go tank and heals particularly when as I pointed out: you can party up for this and pull much bigger groups as a result.

Yes and this is exactly my point here? They advertised this as solo or group content when clearly it is false considering you have such a harder time soloing not in dps spec?

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But the thing is: you can solo it. it’s harder and slower, but you can still get the job done.

The complaint you seem to be raising is that you can’t do it at higher difficulty levels which

Yes my friend
 the complaint is that you can®t reach the same efficiency as a solo tank than as a solo dps and frankly i can®t see how it is SOOOO HARD for you all to grasp it. You may not care for it. Thats fine. Whats hilarious is that people are actually agreeing with me in here while pretending im wrong. Thats the funny bit

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My point is that I don’t see this as an issue.

Idk, my dps have had trouble with stuff my tank can solo easy.

Someone needs to tell me how to full clear a vision as prot because I sure af can’t do it

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Hell, I’m mystified at these folks who are doing full clears period and I’m rolling an arms warrior with a decent weapon, good recovery support and a 450 ilvl and I’m laboring hard to get 2 zones done.

Soloing the standard version (which is pretty easy) is not the issue. The disparity appears more with the masks in play.

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the only hard mask is the first one you unlock, the rest are incredibly easy to play around and its literally just full clearing while paying a bit more attention

It wasnt false advertising, you can solo as tank and healer now, its just harder than as dps, you cant expect perfect balance, there will always be a tier for everything, havoc soloing 5 masks now doesnt mean you wont be able to in the future with a better cloak, player skill aside.

What baffles me is this
 you do agree it is harder to solo as a tank. Then why the hell do you all attack me personally instead of just minding your own business. Im asking for a change that will affect you personally in no way shape of form considering you already solo visions as a dps spec
 Its just mind blowing but ok thank you. Its pretty funny tho how you twist your words to sound like im wrong and yet you agree with it. oh well

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There’s the problem. You have been running on DHs not DPS and thinking tanks should be as easy as DHs.

I am pretty sure you are going to get a great deal of disparity on difficulty between the various dps classes doing that as well.

Except that expecting visions to be easier as tank isnt the way to go, they are fine as it is, i can solo tank 1 up to 2 masks just fine, the issue is havoc being strong af in visions, this is what you fail to see, people atm do 1 or 2 mask just fine, while havoc is way ahead, havoc/rogue is the issue, not tanks.

The entire point of tank/healer-specific tuning is to allow them to not have to swap spec for something that’s core to the patch’s progression.

With that said, I should point out that the (implied) experience of

  • having fully/significantly cleared as DPS,
  • possibly getting cloak levels higher first,
  • In 465/470 ilvl gear (which is basically 4-5mask level)
  • spending mementos in the research archive, and
  • THEN doing a run or two in tank spec

Is a far cry from a tank or healer starting up the chain.

If you aren’t currently able to rock up in the nearly 470 gear, presumably most everything researched, and do 4-Mask as Vengeance right now, the near-ideal tank spec for this, that means tank spec tuning does need adjusting, because that’s probably roughly what you should be able to do. That’s not a comparison of Vengeance vs Havoc - it’s a comparison of tank vs content reward/expectation.

Mind you, that’s just tanks - healers seem to be the ones having a much harder time, especially the ones lacking in regular interrupts.

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Oh, heck, yes. I’m a Tank Grrl and I just can’t get my Vengeance DHs to move/kill fast enough despite this enemy ‘nerf’. The high speed loss of control/target is annoying, plus damn near everything is purple (unless it’s black) and very difficult to see.

By the way, Blizz, flashing red warnings against purple and black means that, by the time I’ve managd to focus on and read what’s the problem, I’m experiencing the problem.

(Sorry, levelling an alt right now, in case you wondered at this post. I’m trying out the different specs

I’m nowhere near as far along as you are, but I already switched to offspec of Ret to do these
 just way, way, way easier. I learned that because I am the world’s worst rogue, but can do visions easier on that toon than my main prot pal.