Horrific Visions STILL too hard for tanks and healers

Then… if i post on this character and tell you that you are wrong because you dont even have mythic kills on that toon or whatever bs you people come up to hate on threads… does that validate me more or what? I still think this is beyond stupid calling me out on something instead of engaging on my topic. But whatever. Thank you for your input


As a resto druid my biggest problem is interrupts. I am just learning how to catweave so my dps will increase as I get better but I only have one way to interrupt and its on a 30 second timer. Considering my low dps this is not enough. It would be nice if there was an essence or something like that for healers that allowed them to have an interrupt on a ten second cooldown.

well stop hiding behind alts on the forms and stand behind your words instead of hiding on a toon that makes you safe from criticism

Why dont you engage on the discussion instead of actively attacking the poster then? Please do show me how you have an easier time as a solo tank then

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OK, i’m a DH, that’s how. happy now?

Also how was that attacking you? if anything you were trolling

No im not because you are still not engaging on the topic. And your character doesnt have the achievment with masks on

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Are visions easier as dps for dh? yes they are, are visions as impossible as you make it sound while being a tank? no they arent ive done mask runs with it, this is coming from a 5 masks full run dh, you happy now?

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Because I’m not gonna waste my time answering to outlandish claims to someone who very specifically decided to hide behind an alt.

I have no trouble soloing it as tank with one mask on which is what I have right now I don’t foresee it getting much harder either as the clock goes up and my gear goes up.

If you are as skilled as you claim which soloing multiple mask with basically less than two bars I still struggle to believe even on that character.

I could be wrong but let’s make survey shall we?

Ok man… you´re just fishing for a fight here. Maybe youre just a lonely guy, or just like to troll. I dont know. I´ve made my point, you can debate it and argue all you want. The point was made already. Thanks

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Also your original post mentions doing it on a blood dk, then you say the reason is because DH is OP, then you show up on a monk to post…

do you have class dyslexia? or just trolling?


I have more than 1 account in case you havent figured that out by now

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I’m aware, based on you paying for an account just to post on the forums with xD

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Why is it you DHs that are claiming to “solo tank” visions are all apparently maining Havoc spec?

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Cause ive run solo tank runs with masks, they arent impossible, but i main havoc and with havoc i did full run with 5 masks, is that hard to understand? you can swap spec, shocking i know.

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The entire point of the thread is “visions are harder for tanks and healers than for dps”. If you come in the topic and say “lol just swap to dps” you are not actually giving any valid opinion on the issue… Reading is hard…

Please do show me where in any of my posts i said it was impossible to run visions as a tank. I said it was way harder on that spec. That was it… And none of you trolls showed me wrong so far


Maybe, but seems silly to intentionally handicap yourself. And OPs original point was that it’s harder for tanks…and it is.


OP point is that it is TOO HARD, its not, it is easier for dps, thats all, theres a clear exageration here and thats what people are pointing out, he was proven wrong since people are doing mask runs with tank spec but he will just go on with his thing.

You claim it is not harder for tank specs… but say it is just easier for dps… and this is not exactly the same thing? Seriously you are actually agreeing with me while pretending to disagree. Its hilarious

Just tell me this. Do you actually think it is on the same difficulty level to solo 5 masks as a vengeance dh than it is on a havoc dh? You can´t possibly answer yes to this question with a straight face

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What I’m interested in knowing is if they are easy enough as a healer that I should be soloing them versus risking getting a bad group. (Or just waiting for a tank).

But does this also apply to characters who have selected “Only show achievement points earned by this character” in the player options?

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