Horrific Visions STILL too hard for tanks and healers

Have you tried it as a disc priest?

Why solo as a tank/healer at all? I understand some tanks are basically DPS with double the HP so those donā€™t count here.

But tank and healer are group roles more than anything. Why not group up with some DPS?

I guess since there is no queue system for it, this can be difficult without friends or a guild.

I would like to see a video of a tank dealing with 2 mask Rexxar

and ideally Daredevil + long night mask so the boars do 140 sanity if they get a cast off nd you only have 500 Sanity bar.

I just dont see how tanks would kill it fast enough unless they tried the pull with trash to try and get the 20 seconds of Sanity immunity buff.

I think Soulbrezzy has videos where he does full clears as a prot pally.

Just cane back to the game. Is it more doable now that gear has caught folks up? Was thinking of getting a MW gesred and trying

Yup the gear helps. 2 months ago I couldnā€™t do 2 mask solo. Now I can do 4.

I still canā€™t do 5 solo though. My kill speed isnā€™t fast enough. But I did a 5 last week with the help of a higher dps pally.

how much dps you do for 4 mask, havent tried yet and im doing like 50k, one masked everythiong in one run yesterday but dont feel confortable yet to put 2 or 3

Visions is basically a timer mechanic hidden behind a bar. This is not an endurance contest where a tank or heal would thrive. It is obviously gonna be harder for tanks/heals where more damage = less time spent.

Reducing mob hp would indeed help

Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™ve heard of tanks finishing with five masks, and many actually recommend tanking when solo. Are you ranking up your cape and doing the archive research?

I think it is much easier as tank but it may be because I am a prot warrior, prot dps is pretty decent.

Hard for tank? oh please I can get past most thing with 3 mask so far I trying 4-5 mask and Yeah I having fun with it so far it just find people to go with me or save enough for more run that issue but that life

But heyā€¦ That life?

Lol, tanks are literally the easiest spec to 5 mask on. Can pull half, or more, of each respective area and AoE it down perfectly fine. Helps with efficiency.

Yeah, tanks do much better damage in large groups, otherwise itā€™s agonizing. Leaves much more sanity for bosses.

I mean, the only time I switch out of tank spec is for Thrall/Alleria. It is much easier to kill Alleria with 120k ST DPS than 40k ST DPS as tank.

I just got back a week ago , I have cleared three areas and realized I didnā€™t need to clear the lost sector for the cloak upgrade :rofl: