Horrific Visions STILL too hard for tanks and healers

I have been running horrific visions on my characters as dps. Usually i end up with 1 or 2 orbs left even when soloing with 2 masks on. I just decided to try on my DK as blood spec and 1 mask up, just to try out the changes. My dk has 470 ilvl fyi. Its just so damn difficult to kill high hp mobs in there. Especially because i have to keep moving all the time to avoid the swirlies and stuns and all the crap falling from the sky. I can´t believe that annyone tested the 25% hp cut in there before putting it in as a hotfix. If you guys removed 50% from the mobs hp it would still be a challenge. Can you please fix the content so tanks and healers can also enjoy it solo? You have to cut a lot more from the mobs health to even be remotely soloable for people not using dps specs.


I’m finding it about the same difficulty between shadow and holy. It is rough sometimes not having an interrupt. I feel much safer pulling bigger with Holy, not because I can heal, but because I have an instant cast AOE ability.

I hope in future content like this they actually make role specific objectives.

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You’re able to full clear with 2 masks and still have 2 orbs left??? :stuck_out_tongue: :heart_eyes: :grinning:



Yes… Demon Hunters are op for this. You can pull an entire zone and aoe it down in one pull

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Do you recommend soloing as holy? I’m at 6 right now. Feels weird going in considering I have like 4 offensive spells and two of them are just filler spam.

I can’t really say I recommend it. Of the two healer specs disc would probably be better. But holy is my main spec. Last week I three chested just fine and could probably have pushed it further.

I just ran through a whole area then LOS the mobs while running around in a circle casting Holy Nova. On single target I have mauts trinket and essence of the flame and they go down surprisingly quick.

I haven’t tried Orgrimmar yet.

Well thats the thing you are talking about three chesting a vision with no masks on. Im talking about clearing the whole thing tbh. Of course i can clear a couple of areas as a tank. Thats not the issue here. My issue is that it its tremendously easier for dps as it is for tanks and healers. The mobs hp just has to go way down for it to be even. Also, i tried it with the half sanity mask on as blood dk. I could clear all 4 areas with a windwalker monk with the same setup and i still had orbs left. Its just not even remotely close in difficulty… something has to change for tanks to be able to solo, otherwise all theyll do is clear it with no masks or maybe 1 or 2 at most, while dps can breeze trough the content solo with ease.

I was aggroing the last boss of the zone with close to full sanity bar (575) and by the end of the fight i was almost dead already nearing empty, meanwhile on my monk i was back at full sanity after killing them. This is the difference im talking about


For me Shadow and Holy are the same. That’s all I was saying.

I think their intent was to make it easier for healers and tanks to be able to upgrade their cloak not be on par with dps.

That would be really difficult because the content is clearly designed for DPS. It assumes you have an interrupt for instance.

I managed to do a full solo clear yesterday as a MW, no masks though. I can’t say it was easy, but it’s not necessarily difficult either in terms of raw mechanical skill required. It’s mostly just a race against the timer, which is easier for dps with higher potential damage output than heal specs. The only damaging essences MW has are crucible and C&S for WotC, and we have very little to offer in our damage traits as well. Glory of the Dawn and Sunrise Technique are our 2 main damage throughput azerite traits, and unfortunately it doesn’t do much to help with our need to do consistent AoE damage throughout the vision (though they do help for ST bursting bosses down when combined with a trinket like the mechagon trink with cyclo blast). There are a plethora of specs that can peak well over 100k damage on AoE even without CD’s, meanwhile we’re stuck spamming Spinning Crane Kick that could “potentially” be buffed with a secret infusion trait into an RSK for increased vers.

Am I happy about the nerf they’ve already done? Absolutely, I think it was well needed. Do I think it’s as easy to do as swapping to WW spec and decimating basically everything? Absolutely not, but the tradeoff is better survivability if things get heated. Life cocoon saved my butt several times. It’s just something we’re gonna have to deal with. I’m already pushing content greater than “expected” by the standards of weekly upgrade quests, so it’s not really something I can complain about.

The only thing I would like to determine is if tanks/healers going into a 2-5 man group will also get reduced health mobs, or if it scales the same as 2-5 dps players grouping up.

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So, are you saying that I can holy nova my way through the two page rank 6? I have terrible traits.

I tried a lost area today on all three of my runs for my cloak upgrade.

I simply cannot kill faster than my sanity drains. I’ve seen full clears. I watched Zmok do it as holy. I just can’t do it.

I dont know if it’s my latency not allowing me to move out of stuff fast enough or what but even if I go into a lost area with 1 orb, I still don’t have enough sanity to full clear it.

I tried the “fill the bar” one up near the tauren area. Can’t remember what the crap that section is called. Valley of wisdom?

Ok shows us this DK Please and upload some videos of multiple masks with two orbs left over because you are prodigy.


Im also wondering why your “alt” only has 150 achievement points

And even more taken aback people are entertaining your thread


all mobs have 25% less hp for tanks in visions fyi

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Reading is hard i see… i said i cant solo on the dk as well as i can on my dps classes

Also, if you think my input is worng, why dont you show me why. Do you know any tanks that can solo visions with masks on and clear the whole thing? Is it just as easy as a dps doing it? I bet you´ve done it yourself with the half sanity mask on and tank spec maybe? Or just trolling? Id bet the latter is correct.

Thanks for the tip.

Sounds like the advice is “Ditch mage, reroll Demonhunter”. Got it.


Copy pasting isn’t hard though.

I have been running horrific visions on my characters as dps. Usually i end up with 1 or 2 orbs left even when soloing with 2 masks on.

I’d love to see this DPS you are doing that with and this alt DK 470 and not your troll post from a lvl 30 new account

ID love to know why you would like to see my character to call me out instead of handling the issue im bringing up here. Do you not relate to it? Do you have an easy time soloing it as a tank with masks on? Please enlighten me

I’d like an easier way to solo it as a tank period.


achievement points are cross account on the forums so 150 reflects all your toons on your account and that doesn’t even make enough points for all the “you dinged x level” acheves
or so that’s what i think they getting at

Because if you are going to start a conversation you should at least have something to back up your argument with.

Your post is all anecdotal from an internet nobody with a new account that claims to do amazing things as his leverage for asking for a change but these characters you talk about do not exist, not are you soloing visions with multiple masks with 2 orbs left

You are just making an inflammatory post because if you do actually have a Max level toon you probably failed miserably and are exaggerating to get a reaction.