Horrific Visions should award more than 2 pages for a full clear

This was some napkin math I did on another thread. Next week we’ll have had access to 29 vessels, but only will have needed to run 17 for the cloak upgrades (and for 13-15 it’s require another 18). So in 5 weeks you’ve had access to almost double the vessels required to upgrade it all the way to rank 12. The grind really hasn’t been that bad. It’ll be a little worse for 14/15, but not awful like a lot of people think. If you’re not doing cutting edge content, you don’t really have to worry about it all that much.

As far as the gear, I’m not sure where I stand. I think the current drop levels are fine, and they should be gauranteed corruption pieces.

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Except then the next week when your short on visions because you decided to push and you need to run the the place 4+ times in a week to get that cloak upgrade you suddenly find yourself behind others.

See math above.

Still follows if you pushed for mementos early then you got screwed. Plus I’m assuming your math means you logged in every day to do the dailies.

I can see them allowing more than 2 pages per run later on as a catch up mechanic. Right now, though, I just don’t see them changing their mind.

How so? If i used all 4 of my vessels week 2 to get rank 7 and grab mementos after the first 2 runs, that means later on I’ll still have had enough runs each week to continue ranking up. Would it be at the start of the week? Maybe not, because I had none banked. But overall, I’d still have the same rank as everyone else by the end of the week.

Also that’s actually accounting for a day of missed dailies per week. 1 vessel for greater assault, 11k coalescing from minors, 10500 coalescing from 6 lesser lesser visions, and 10500 from 6 days of dailies.

Behind others in what though? Upgrading the cloak is only important for HVs. Nowhere else does the cloak matter, other than having it equipped during N’Zoth encounters. The cloak doesn’t need to be a certain rank it just needs to be equipped.

So falling behind others is all in your head, unless there’s a secret cabal of HV runners holding some quasi MK tournament on the dark webz :smile:

That’s not true at all, upgrading the cloak allows more corrupted gear to be used, which in general is a big boost to character performance?

Assuming of course you get the rng legendar…I mean corrupted Affix that you need :stuck_out_tongue:

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You don’t need to access if you can’t earn a cloak upgrade. You should be pushing as hard as you can on each run that earns your cloak upgrade or prevents currency cap. The post I responded too said the system rewards laziness and it doesn’t.

Assuming you have the items. Having or not having the big corruptions is what separates players now, not whether you’re able to get your single rank up for the week.

Comeon, that’s just sophistry, even doing a little content ensures you’ll have some corrupted items. The overall assertion you made that your cloak is only upgraded for HVs is obviously false.

Also, even if you only have “bad” corruptions, they’re still a boost to dps/hps/etc even if it’s not your optimal ones. Being able to slowly equip more of them will still be an upgrade even if you have to watch other people get their optimal while you get versatility procs or whatnot.

Because you’re taking my original comment out of its context. I asked why not upgrading the cloak makes someone feel like they’re falling behind others.

In a perfect world where everyone has equal corruptions then yes obviously being able to equip more of them would be beneficial.

But in the real wow world, the likelihood that your corruptions separates you from others is far greater than not having ranks 11/12/13 the respective weeks everyone else does.

The cap of two is keep people from finishing cloak to fast

How ever i think there should be much lower number of pages needed per cloak level

Once some time has passed!

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It’s not necessary for you to hardcap your cloak unless you’re a mythic world first raider, either. It’s OK to progress at your own pace – for your main, let alone your alts.

This gating (like all of their gating) is used to draw out play time.

First mistake is thinking a developer knows how to access the forums to read and interact with their customers.

Second mistake is hoping a developer cares about your enjoyment more than how much you play the game.

Third mistake is playing alts.

Fourth mistake…ah I forgot what the OP said again.

i like the new visions content but i dont like having limited runs of it, hopefully the next xpac tower system dosnt have the same thing which it most likely will coz blizz care more about getting people on every day rather then having fun.

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I agree but it is both in this situation.

This is largely irrelevant since we are all obeying the same hard cap on cloak rank. It only impacts ranks 8 through 11 and becomes a non-factor for 13 through 15 (since they require Lost areas only). All this is really doing is hurting the catch-up for players who start late, and only in this cloak rank range.

If we could get 4 or 5 pages per run (1 for each area), we’d be able to skip most of the dailies/assaults. Though I understand that they’re already pretty boring (well for me anyway), this is exactly what Blizzard doesn’t want. They’re trying to keep us occupied and did not add anything to take the place of these.

Just my speculation, not support for Blizzard’s choices