Horrific Visions should award more than 2 pages for a full clear

It’s like 15-20 minutes max, if thats time consuming… Hello Kitty Island is for you

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That math only works if you are running extras. You got capped so easily when you only need 1 run and you get 4.5.

That’s the point. People are complaining that we aren’t getting enough, yet we’ve gotten well over the actual required amount necessary to upgrade the cloak thus far if you’ve done each run to par.

There are no bad classes/specs, just bad players.
As for OP, this is meant to last you 8 months, what’s the rush?

Leveling the cloak wasn’t initially gated on the PTR and the players cried how if they missed a few days they would be permanently behind and how unfair it was so Blizz put a cap so players can catch up.

I understand the playerbase isn’t a hivemind, but there are definitely different topics where some players WANT the caps and some yell out at the gating.

I wish it offered more as well per run. Having to use 4 vessels this week reduces the amount I want to risk pushing with masks on. This has been a big issue for me as a frost mage I would like to spend some time in there experimenting with better ways to do the run so I can manage it better but I simply do not have the vessels available to mess around.

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It is like any topic people always want different things.

Even though horrific visions are dumb and boring, I think it’s good that blizz limited rewards. Because it means all the people who can’t help doing humble brags are left with just that to do.

Are they going to increase the weekly quest for pages each week? like now its 8pages next week it’s going to be 10 pages?

Please tell me no.

As of next week, the remaining quests require 1, 6, 12, and 18 pages.

Everything they put in the game is to draw out play time. It wouldn’t surprise me if they hotfixed in a nerf in the next couple of months to increase this pace. Everyone loves to say that BFA isn’t alt friendly, but they have a good record of easing the burden of their systems after enough time has gone by.

Wait wat? 18 pages?? plz tell me this is a joke. how is that even possible to level up 1 level per week lol

If we say people can now get 6 vessels a week, up from 5. You’ll have 5 at the end of next week, 8 the week after, 8 the week after that, and the week you need 9 you’ll have the ability to gain 14.

You’ll definitely have enough left to do the last week’s runs. And 5 spares for harder pushes.

Looks like Blizzard agreed with me a few days after, guess you don’t know much about the company you shill.

It’s the mundane and brainless collection piece that’s the worse. It’s like having to eat your peas to get dessert

Agreed with you? Lol they added it as a catch up mechanic and it’s completely useless for everyone who is caught up. If you want to celebrate the best content they’ve released in a while getting butchered so that it requires no thought and caters to low tier players then I feel sorry for you.

They just reduced the number of pages required for the hard zone quests by 1, 3, and 5 respectively. Functionally that is almost exactly the same as allowing 4 hard mode pages to drop in hard zones.

The reason they did not do that though, is that they are hard area pages, that drop from hard areas, because they are part of a book which also drops in a hard area. They do not drop from medium areas, because, while there is some logic to medium items dropping from the next step up, there is no logic to hard objective quest items dropping from the next step down.

You are deeeeeeeep in Blizzards rabbit hole lol. You LOVE those chores. Easy to tell you don’t have a competitive bone in your body if that’s what skill is for you lmfao

You’re the only dude pissed they reduced this grind LOL

we call them “retail players”

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