Horrific Visions should award more than 2 pages for a full clear

I believe it is too time consuming and harsh for time spent to have to do assaults and complete these in time fully ( which feels like a chore ) and only be given 2 pages.

1 per zone completed would be fine ( at the end of the day, the “competitive” aspect of this will be completing it with masks anyway which is already boiled down to class). On 1 character alone on limited time, this feels draining and many people I know have left the game because it feels “like a job” to catch up.

I LOVE playing my different alts and have always played wow that way but this is impossible and insane to do on multiple characters. This change would at least alleviate the amount of assaults / visions done per character.

Thanks, hope this feedback is received as others such as the reputation reduced to Revered from Exalted for Uldum / Rajani.


That was your first mistake this xpac.


I hear ya, but honestly the Nazjatar didnt feel that bad for alts. Do a +10 per toon and pvp which is what I like. It wasnt NECESSARY for me to push pearl for a socketed benthic piece with the right effect on every toon unless I was a mythic raider.

I also didnt NEED to do the essence grind for Memory of Lucid or Ever changing on every toon. I could get by with stock ones like crucible / life binder / iris / conflict and be ok.

Thanks for the input.

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How else could they make it HORRIFIC???


If I’m not mistaken the current state is an improvement. At some point (PTR maybe?) you would only be able to get the quest item from corrupted zones and not from lost zones. This way you can get it from either, but still only 2 as was the original intent.


The current quest is to clear tier 2 areas for the pages. If all you want is the cloak upgrade clear the necessary zones and leave. Blizzard did players a favor and let the tier 2 pages from from tier3 zones so we had more options to earn our upgrades. You do not need more than 2 pages per run.


I guess you really enjoy visions because this is just way too time consuming. Do you think visions require skill to do? Do you enjoy having to do 4 visions to upgrade from 10-11 this week?

“Earn your upgrades” Please. Thats what pushing raiding / mythic +/ PvP is for.

Then again, you seem like the type of person who will be happy with anything Blizzard pushes out.

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you should be rewarded more pages for doing mask/full clears.

Current design awards laziness and punishes people who want to push visions further with more masks. This week for example - gotta be sure to save my 4 vessels so that I can get that upgrade on Tuesday by running in and doing one hard zone then leaving. Repeat.


Why does everyone complain about their dps class/spec with visions? You can find a video of any class doing full clears or mask clears. No class is unable to do this. It depends on tech tree and gear — both of which are entirely player controlled variables.

The game isn’t out to get you if you can’t clear the vision; just get better gear, get more tech tree upgrades. Yes both of those things take time, but so does everything else in this game.


The “Time Played” metric loves that you can only get 2 torn pages max per Horrific Vision runs.

It’s not about what is fun, it’s about extending your subscription for as long as possible. To avoid the devastating subscription losses of past content droughts, Blizzard responded with time gated, long and drawn-out grinds.


Every time I go in, the bosses all have a new page. I’m starting to suspect they all have more than one. Let me loot the whole book! I know they’ve got it! :stuck_out_tongue:


This particular gating is done to allow most players to be able to keep on the same schedule as more advanced players.

You can also find videos of Mythic Ny’alotha kills, so what. Having a video doesn’t mean everyone can do this. Not all classes and specs have the same level of difficulty in Horrific Visions


Not all players have Mythic gear equipped as well.

You are correct.

For a full clear, probably not but I would agree that if you are running “masks” they should drop more.

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Some of the videos I saw were people wearing Mythic raid gear…

Also, my raid character can clear it simply “no effort” compared to my non-raid character.

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And you seem like the type of person who will be angry regardless of what content Blizzard puts out.

See how easily you can label a person without much of a frame of reference?

There are different skill levels required for different areas of each vision, especially when you start putting masks on. If it takes no skill, why do I not see achievements for masked areas from you? They’re beyond my skill level as a MW monk because of my tiny DPS, but for a 460 SPriest you should definitely have masked runs. Especially if you’re running grouped.

The visions are fine. You don’t have to run them back to back. You take it easy and just do 2 areas, or you could do a maskless full run, or you could do masked runs. What you do is up to you.

This is completely false. Corrupted mementos are the premium currency from horrific visions. You are rewarded for clearing as much as possible with as many masks as possible.


I actually like doing multiple visions. But the thought of always having to grind out more vessels to DO the visions is taxing my enthusiasm to 3rd world state.

Agree that if we have to do so much grind and effort just for access to the vision we should get more quest rewards per vision; 4 vessels minimum to keep up with cloak weeklies is a bit much (does it go further?). If they took out the vessel requirement I’d be happy to do it 8 times but randomly chasing after rare mobs and goliaths in Uldum and vale on a daily basis is just stupid.

On a sidenote, I was disappointed by how the gearing works. It should start at 430 for killing Thrall/Alleria, 445 for 2 zone, 460 for all 5, and work up to 475 for masks, matching the gear from Raiding and Mythic+. As it is now by the time you can get 470 gear (the highest possible), you’re probably at or well beyond that anyway.

I hope Torgast is actually a method of character progression, not a stupid red herring.